Chapter 119:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 119 Scarlet, I have one more thing to ask you.

The deans office of the magic department.

The dean of the magic department, Conette, her secretary, the senior professor, Violet

The deans office was already full of people.

Actually, the dean didnt call me alone.

Becky, Louis, and Trixie also received the same summons, but they couldnt visit the deans office because they had interviews with reporters.

The winds of change were slowly reaching the representatives as well.

She even brought this kind of thing.

After hearing all the explanations from me, the dean of the magic department, Conette, rolled her strange eyes as she looked at the transparent gem.

An ancient rune treasure, a power source.

It was not hard to tell whether it was genuine or not.

The mere gem was creating its own current around it.

And besides, if it was a fake, the Witch wouldnt have treated it so preciously.

Conette looked at me with a new look.

By the way, you also killed a high-level Witch.


I nodded calmly.

If it was the Witch who controlled the shadows, I had surely cut off her breath.

You did well.

Conette smiled with satisfaction.

At that moment.

Dean, this is really amazing.

The secretary next to her pushed up her glasses and opened her mouth.

Compared to the sharp impression when I first met her, her expression was quite bright now.

Its hard to guarantee your life in the danger zone, even for experienced ones. But you killed a high-level Witch and got a trophy, thats more than amazing.

Well Im not just impressed by his strength. I knew that from the beginning. But.

Conette tapped the gem with her fingertips.

I was amazed by Flans plan this time. He knew that there was such a treasure in advance, and he entered the danger zone without hesitation. That plan.

Then Violet quietly raised her hand.

Excuse me, but

Violets eyes were fixed on the gem.

She had always been interested in ancient runes, so I understood her feelings.

She asked me.

This is an ancient rune treasure. That is, a power source that contains the power of runes. Right?


Five cities can be rolled up with that power source?


I scratched my chin and pondered.

It was vague to limit the power it contained.

This power source would show infinite value depending on how it was used.

It seems like more than that.

Then Violets eyes went blank.

How do you do this every time? Whats your identity? Identity?

Come to think of it, Violets face was quite different from when I first met her.

The dark circles that stretched to her chin were now much lighter.

She continued with excitement.

Ill do anything I can to reward you. If I cant, Ill even use my own money, anything, please!

The secretary looked troubled.

Please calm down. Professor Violet.

No. I cant calm down as a mage. A power source that contains the power of ancient runes, even if the research progresses a little bit, it will be amazing. This is not the time. What do you call this power source?

Tap tap tap, Conette tapped the desk with her nails.


The deans office became silent like a dead mouse.

Scarlet clenched her fist.

It had always been like this.

Theodore was always too lenient with Flan.

But that was his leniency.

Scarlets thoughts were very different from his.

I dont think I need any proof that denies my mothers path, that kind of thing, at all.

There was a brief silence.

Finally, Theodore nodded.

He had a hard-to-guess expression on his face.

Then Ill give you this.

Theodore carefully placed something on the table. It was a key, and the handle was decorated with a symbol representing Judith.

Its the key to open Judiths annex.

Annex, you mean?

Scarlet asked with a bit of surprise.

She had many moments when she wanted to visit the annex, but the lord never allowed it.

Yes. I think its time for you to check it out.

The Blazing Knight left a lot of things to her children, besides her unique ability.

One of them was a building, and it was a bigger annex than Judiths mansion.

A building that Libra, the Memory Cutter, was involved in.


Scarlet muttered the name softly.

The Blazing Knight did not live alone, and in her lifetime, there were knights who matched her swordsmanship by her side.

One of them was the Memory Cutter.


Copy, store, delete.

A knight who freely manipulated other peoples memories.

She was a longtime friend of the Blazing Knight, and she helped a lot in building Judiths annex.

I remember.

Scarlet frowned as she recalled the past.

When she was very young, Libra pierced Scarlets heart with a sword for memory storage.

She felt the sensation of that time so vividly that she couldnt forget it.

The pain of her whole body freezing cold.

She didnt even scream, and tears just flowed, but Scarlet endured it silently because she was the daughter of the family.

Theodore continued.

It must be an unforgettable pain. Thanks to that, everything youve done, where you are, and even the past you dont remember, is stored in that annex.


Scarlet was not foolish.

In fact, Judiths annex was a building designed for surveillance and evaluation.

The inherited unique ability was burning.

If the child went astray, it would lead to a great disaster, and the lord would have worried about that.

I cant say that all the memories are there without fail. But there is no lie stored. The only thing in the annex is the truth.

In the air, the master and Scarlets eyes met.

I hope you check it out before the duel.

Scarlet looked at the key in her hand.

The road to Judiths annex, which she always wanted to go but couldnt, was now open.

Thank you.

Scarlet didnt know what the interior of the annex was like, or what memories were hidden there.


She quietly put the key in her pocket.

One, Ill check it out after the duel.

The Knight of the Flickering Flame, Scarlet.

She wanted to see the end of Flan first.

And Theodores expression as he looked at her.

I see.

It was very meaningful.