Chapter 120:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 120 Somethings not going well. Scarlet.

Cloud Family.

The endless vast territory.

The overflowing power of capital.

The power that has a foothold in the royal palace.


The head of the Cloud family, Conrad.

He had a scar in the shape of a cross under his eyes, and his white hair was neatly combed back.

He was buried in a lot of information these days.


It was the same now.

He spat out the bitter smoke of the cigar endlessly, and his eyes were fixed on the letters written on the data.

Usually, he would have spent his time checking the business performance of the family or swinging his sword without error, but now his only interest was information.

It was information related to his sons death.


Conrad had to find out the cause of death of his son, who had grown up as a promising candidate for the family, as a father.

We have successfully transported it safely over a week.

And finally, the basement of the family.

The intermediaries succeeded in getting Kians corpse.

It took a week, but it was a great achievement considering that they quietly took out the corpse without being noticed by anyone.

You did well.

Conrad nodded.

He had planned to avoid even the eyes of the royal family, and he would not have done such a dangerous thing if it were normal. But his sons death was too special.

He felt a new emotion when he grabbed the doorknob of the basement.

The act of checking his sons corpse was strange.

He calmed his mind by sucking the cigar once, and Conrad opened the door of the basement.


The scenery he faced when he finally opened the door and entered was somewhat different from his expectation.

What Conrad had asked for was four corpses of the Azure students. But there were five iron plates.

Conrad began to peel off the white cloth that covered the iron plates one by one. It was first to find his son.

So one. Two. Three.

When he finally couldnt stand it and peeled off all the rags of the remaining iron plates.


An indescribable emotion rose from his heart, and his calmness was broken for the first time in a long time.

Two iron plates contained Kians corpse. To be exact, his sons corpse was split in half.

Conrad finally realized why there was one more iron plate.

He chewed the cigar.

He spat it out on the floor, and he looked at his son with his eyes as if they were about to burst.

What the hell happened inside the danger zone? He was curious about the reason why his son had to face such a fate.


But Conrad soon felt something strange.

He felt a strange sense of incongruity as he faced his sons corpse.


Its not a simple sense of incongruity.

His intuition told him.

His sons body was not the same as usual. It was too unfamiliar and different from him

Conrad searched every part of the corpse to find the cause.

He soon realized the identity of the sense of incongruity.


He soon realized the identity of the sense of incongruity.

There was no energy that had to be in his sons body, who followed the knights path.

The energy of the knight who uses his unique ability is nowhere to be found. Only the sinister magic is full.

How pathetic.

Conrad muttered with a distorted expression.

He despised him even if he was his son.

He felt it was very pathetic that he put aside the family and the knights path, and made a contract with the Witch for his own benefit.

A weak guy.

And yet, so many people had gathered here.

That meant that those who had bothered to come here had judged that the match between Scarlet and Flan was not so obvious.

Ive neglected you for too long.

She had heard that Flan had gained some fame lately, but she never thought that he had moved the hearts of the high-ranking officials to this extent.

Every single one of them who had gathered here, their whispered conversations, their faces filled with anticipation, all of those things made her realize how much Flans momentum had risen recently.

Honey, Ill stay away from you, okay? I dont like the heat, you know. Oh, right.

Selphen narrowed her eyes slightly.

Im interested in your sister these days, you know. If I like what I see after the duel can I try to seduce her?

Your interest will disappear after the duel.

That was when it happened.

The people who had been watching Scarlet from afar started to buzz.

The Knight of the Flickering Flame narrowed her eyes and looked for the source of the noise.

She saw Flan walking towards her from a distance.

But what truly surprised Scarlet was not Flans appearance, but the peoples reaction.

The way they looked at Flan with their eyes sparkling.

The things that Flan had accomplished were things that Scarlet could have done as well. Then why, why did the people only rave about Flan?

To the traitor of the family.

And even more so, when the opponent was the Knight of the Flickering Flame.

Flan walked steadily until he reached Scarlets vicinity. But he didnt bother to greet her first.

Scarlet quietly looked into Flans eyes.

His unique ability circuit was burned white, and what was flickering in his pupils was not fire.

But even so.


Scarlet had not forgotten the flame she had seen in Verkel that day.

No, she couldnt forget it.

How did Flan manage to create such a flame?

That question was the fate and the task that Scarlet had imposed on herself at this place today.

In the end, it was Scarlet who broke the silence first.

Hey, theres no need to waste time.

Im always ready.

Flans short answer.

With that, they turned their backs on each other.

There was no more conversation to be had, so they distanced themselves and took their positions.

Your arrogance ends here today.

Muttering softly, Scarlet raised her sword.

A sharpness that was unmatched surrounded her as she drew her sword.

The spectators had to swallow their admiration at her momentum.

The duel had begun.

From now on, she had to trust only herself.

And her sword.

And her flame.

She was surely the true Judith.

She had been so far, and she would continue to be.

Scarlets energy pressed down heavily.

It was a serious energy that she could only have if she was confident in her belief without a doubt.

That smooth and vigorous energy, it devoured the surrounding currents and gradually increased its momentum.

She would surely win.

The moment she decided that, Scarlet raised her flame.

The flame that never went out covered her sword.


No, that didnt happen.

The black blade that Scarlet held was still just a sword.

There was no flame on it.

She raised her flame again.

Once, twice, three times.

No matter how many times she repeated it, the result was the same. Her flame did not show itself.

When Scarlet unknowingly furrowed her brow.

Whats wrong? Scarlet.

Flans cold voice hit her ears.