Chapter 156:

Chapter 156 I can’t understand this.

The next day.

Fritz’s domain was busy preparing for the construction of the tower.

Since there was no one left to oppose it, the work was progressing swiftly.

“How is it?”

Trixie asked as she walked around with her servant. She was still unfamiliar with it, but now she had to play the role of a lord.

“Yes, miss. We have confirmed that there is no problem with the site. Thanks to Mr. Flan’s meticulous inspection, we should be able to start building soon.”

“I see.”

Trixie nodded and looked around the area.

Fritz’s domain was elegant and fertile.

In this place where the blue flame was born, there was no spot that Flan’s eyes had not touched.

“Of course there should be no problem. What kind of land is this?”

“Exactly. Mr. Flan seems to be more careful because of that. He wants to avoid damaging the domain as much as possible.”

Surprisingly, Flan was very considerate of Fritz.

He used Fritz’s garden for sightseeing, or put his mansion inside the tower....

He did not sweep away the existing elements for the sake of the tower, but coexisted with them.

He must have hidden his care in making the work more complicated.

“What is he thinking...”

Trixie muttered as she fiddled with the papers in her hand. She also touched the trivia by accident.

It was not hers, but Flan’s.


Trixie recalled her first meeting with Flan.

No, actually she did not remember the first meeting very well. So she had no choice but to recall the time when she first became aware of him.

The golem control he showed in the duel with Aria, that was when it started.

Since then, Flan had brought amazing results to Trixie’s eyes every time.

And now, this moment.

Trixie was much more conscious of Flan than before.

She had no choice.

He was her first kiss partner, whether she liked it or not. And he even saw Trixie’s tears.


The girl rubbed her lips with the tip of her index finger.

She was so surprised that she did not remember it clearly, but it was very rough and intense.

And it seemed to have the same scent as the teacher.

When Trixie put her hand on Flan’s trivia, that was when.


Trixie stopped her action at Becky’s voice. She swallowed her dry saliva and glanced at Becky.


“We should go back to the academy soon. Everyone else is ready.”

“Lords are always busy. And I was about to go.”

Trixie answered calmly and walked past Becky. Becky shrugged her shoulders and followed Trixie.

At the entrance of the domain, everyone was gathered as Becky said. Flan led the group and they started walking.

The entrance of Fritz’s domain was designed like a huge corridor. There was a large road in the center and high walls on both sides.

This place would be the entrance of the tower now.

“Lord! Please be careful!”

“Don’t worry about us!”

The maids shouted loudly to see them off.

The reaction was especially enthusiastic.

Trixie had passed the test and became a lord, and the construction of the tower was also done in a coexisting way.


Flan narrowed his eyes as if these things were just noise.

And at some point, he stopped and put his hand on the wall at the entrance of the domain.



“Come to think of it, there is one more thing to do.”

Everyone tilted their heads at his sudden stop and gaze at the wall. Becky tapped the wall with a thud and asked.

“Flan. What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

But Flan did not answer. Instead, he called the name of the girl next to Becky.



Becky and Louis followed Flan with a very happy expression.

Trixie whispered quietly as if to make him listen.

“It’s the first time.”

“What is.”

“The maids cheering for someone other than me like that, I’ve never seen it in my life.”

“Is that so.”

Trixie shrugged at his dry response. But her face was faintly smiling.


Trixie handed Flan a trivia.

“Take this.”

“Did you check the contents?”

“No. Not at all.”

She hadn’t checked it yet, but after seeing the jasmine field engraved on the wall, she lost the urge to check it.

“But it’s okay.”

Trixie smiled faintly.

“I want to think about it a little more by myself.”

I finally returned to the academy dormitory.

After taking a bath, I sat on a chair and received a report.

It was from Maiev, who was still working hard.

[ Leheln Hill ]

[ As the dawn butterfly appears, I, Aurora... ]

There were only two days left until the competition hosted by the second princess, Aurora.


Maiev broke the silence.

She was sipping on a cup of water with beast blood in it, pretending to be sophisticated.

“Are you not nervous this time either?”

“Of course not.”

“That’s amazing. If you don’t win, you’ll have to stay in the palace. It’s practically being dragged there.”

“I only think of the benefits I’ll get if I win.”

If I win the competition, the second princess Aurora will visit my tower personally and learn magic from me.

The secondary benefits I’ll get from that are enormous.

I’ll strengthen my tower’s position and end the complaints and conflicts of various magic factions.

I’m determined to win the competition.

“...Well, that’s the kind of person you are, Master.”

Maiev nodded and gulped down the blood. Then she put down the cup and handed me several papers.

I had a good idea of what they were.

“Is this the list of applicants?”

I asked Maiev.

There were only two days left until the dawn butterfly collection. I still hadn’t chosen my teammates.

“How annoying. I have to take at least two people with me.”

“You should decide soon. That’s the rule.”

As Maiev said, Aurora had requested that at least three people participate as a team.

In other words, I had to select two people now.

“Fine. Let me see the list first.”

“Yes. Please do.”

I turned my head and looked at Maiev. She straightened her posture immediately.

“...You know that’s how I talk. I’ll be careful.”

I scanned the list from top to bottom. Then I slowly furrowed my brows.

“A knight?”

There was someone who applied willingly even though they were not a mage, but a knight.

It was Yvonne Rose, a first-year student from the knight department.

But that was not what bothered me the most.

“I can’t understand this.”

I muttered with pure curiosity.

[ Scarlet Udit ]

The list clearly contained that name.