Chapter 157:

Chapter 157 That’s what I’m trying to do.

I stepped out of the dormitory after finishing my preparations.

`The reason was obvious: I had to select the companions who would join me in collecting the dawn butterflies.

The event that competed for the dawn butterflies finally had a name. ‘Hunting Butterfly Festival’.

It was a simple and faithful name.

“Ah, junior!”

As soon as I stepped out, someone shouted in an excited voice. I turned my gaze to that direction.

A brown bob cut with uneven lengths on both sides.

A badge with ‘President’ written in large letters on her shoulder.

A female student whom I had met somewhere before was staring at me intently.

“This is the second time we meet like this, junior.”

She approached me.

I quietly looked at the name tag on her chest.

I couldn’t remember her name.


That’s right, that was her name.

When the bloodsuckers attacked, I had encountered this girl in the ballroom.

“Junior, you’re also leaving for Leheln Hill, right? The second princess is organizing... what was the name? I wrote it down.”

Emily rummaged through her notebook. She had a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other. She seemed to always be like this.

“Oh, right. Sujeopje!”

Emily smiled brightly after finding the information she had written down.

“It must be quite nerve-wracking, right? There are rumors that it will be a competition between knights and magicians, or that knights and magicians will form teams. There’s a lot of interest in it.”Ne/w novel chapters are published at busy. What do you want?”

“...You’re so grumpy, senior. I know you’re busy. But.”

She tore a page from her notebook and handed it to me.

I quietly accepted it, hoping that the content was worth my time.

The content was as follows:

[To Flan, who has recently caused a stir in the magic world, Merhen Academy is doing its best to allow many magic students to exchange their insights. First of all, there will be no limit to the number of students.... (continued)]

Emily quickly added more words as soon as my eyes reached the bottom line.

“Congratulations. You’re popular. Thanks to you, the academy has removed the limit on the number of students. They want you to try the orientation first and then decide.”

“Orientation, huh.”

“Actually, most of the lectures include orientation, so this is not a surprising thing.”

“So you have another reason for looking for me.”

“Yeah. That’s right. Actually...”

Emily scratched her temple with the tip of her pen.

“This orientation is happening this afternoon. Right before the Sujeopje, how’s your schedule? Can you do it?”

I was silent, and she added a few more words.

“You know, right? Orientation is something you can do lightly. If you do it, you can do it for just a minute. It doesn’t matter. So...”


But I was bothered by something other than my schedule.

“Freshmen. This bothers me.”

“Freshmen? Huh?”

Emily tilted her head.

“They usually notify you of your acceptance early. That way, people who live far away can move and prepare for other things.”

I shook my head.

That was not what I wanted to ask.

“Are you saying that you’re participating in my orientation?”

“That’s right. Your lectures will start in earnest next year, so freshmen are actually the most important. Thanks to that, the schedule was a bit distorted, but...”

Emily shook her pen in front of my eyes.

“Anyway, what are you going to do? I’m not here to force you. Just tell me if you’re going to do the orientation or not.”

I nodded quietly.

It was true that I was busy, but they were freshmen who would attend my lectures next year. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse.

“I’ll do it.”

“Really? Great.”

Emily slanted her small bag and took out some miscellaneous things. Classroom keys, attendance books... things that were needed for the orientation.


“Death, what a weakling. Anyway, what should I do? Tell me your opinion.”

Ban calmly began to answer.

“Please order a thorough investigation. If the documents are forged, they should be punished accordingly...”


Aurora cut off Ban’s words and looked over the data again from beginning to end.


And then, she closed her eyes and concentrated for about three minutes.

And after a while, she opened her eyes as if she had made a decision.

“Just leave it alone. That’s right.”


Ban answered with a bewildered face.

“If the documents are forged, there will surely be trouble. It’s an event that you personally organized, Your Highness...”


But Aurora just called the name of the guard knight.

“Yes. Your Highness.”

“Those who claim to be the first will embrace resentment for their whole lives. This is just the beginning, and if Flan is a guy who would die with just this, it would be better for him to die, wouldn’t it?”


“Isn’t that a hard word?”

Aurora straightened her posture. The second princess finally sat on the throne properly.

“Let me ask you this. If this guy wins and I personally escort him to the tower, and he gets hurt then, how ridiculous would I be?”

She looked at Ban with a terrifying gaze.

“...How much would my authority be trampled on?”

“I understand. Your Highness.”

Ban had no choice but to bow his head.

Aurora snorted. At the same time, her posture, which had been straightened, relaxed again.

“By the way, hasn’t Flan chosen his teammates yet?”

“Yes. I guess he won’t decide until right before the selection ceremony.”

“What, that’s typical of him. That’s just like him.”

Ban handed me a few more sheets of paper.

“Here’s a list of those who claimed to be Flan’s allies. Would you like to take a look at this too?”

“Would you like to. Would you like to... Can’t you summarize it yourself? Huh?”

“...Your Highness, I’m a guard knight.”

Ban answered with a pout, and Aurora burst into a snicker. Teasing her guard knight was still a fun hobby for her.

Aurora’s eyes suddenly stopped at one place. She couldn’t help but stare at the name that caught her attention.

“That’s interesting. He’s on the list.”

Aurora’s eyes sparkled like crescent moons.

“I had an interesting idea.”

Whenever Aurora said she had an interesting idea, Ban felt a chill down his spine. He was afraid to hear what she would say next, so he just looked at her.

“Assign him to be Flan’s ally.”

“Excuse me?”

“That’s an order. Wouldn’t that be more fun?”

“Your Highness, that’s against the rules.”

Ban tried to stop Aurora.

“He’s a renowned knight. The selection ceremony only targets students, it’s clearly stated...”

“Then we have to change the rules altogether.”

Aurora smiled wickedly.

“We’ll extend the recruitment period by three days. We’ll get rid of the criterion that only students can apply. That way, all the problems will be solved at once.”

She had a point.

It would solve both the problem of having a famous knight join Flan’s team and the problem of those with unknown motives trying to sneak in.

But Ban still looked worried.

“But Your Highness, the stakes will be much higher.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do. Don’t you get it? The bigger the stakes, the more fun it is.”

Aurora rubbed Flan’s name with the tip of her index finger, then moved on to another name.

Scarlet Udit.

Flan’s sister.