Chapter 197:

Chapter 197 It’s beneath your dignity.


In front of the throne, all the officers knelt down.

Amid the heavy silence, shadows gathered above the throne and formed the figure of a princess.


She was the current master of Void.

The princess looked at the Four Heavenly Kings with a sleepless face.

“Why do you think I have officers in Void? It’s not for playing house. It’s for executing my orders efficiently and conveying my will effectively.”

The eight officers answered loudly.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You lost at the Reheln Hill, you let the traitor escape as if to show off... You even created this situation.”

The girl Vampire Lillie and the masked Vampire Dust pressed their foreheads to the ground at the same time.

“We have no excuses. Please punish us.”

The princess opened her mouth as she rested her hand on the armrest.


“Yes. Your Highness, I’m listening.”

The secretary knelt on one knee and bowed respectfully.

“As a secretary, you must have something to say to the officers. Go ahead.”

The secretary easily understood the princess’s intention.

This way, the princess could observe how the secretary scolded the officers. In other words, she could test the secretary’s qualifications while punishing the officers.

The secretary’s eyes turned to the officers.

“Listen up.”


Her story continued in a stern tone.

“You underestimated your opponent too much and overestimated your own abilities. Is there any officer who can object?”

“We have no objections.”

“You should have prioritized completing the mission even if you had to swallow your pride, instead of wasting time making excuses.”

The girl vampire Lillie licked her lips.

“Wouldn’t Void’s authority look low if we acted humbly and cowardly after dropping our pride? So...”

“The princess already told you not to be obsessed with appearances. You lost. Didn’t you realize that you brought shame upon yourself because of your arrogance and vanity?”

Lillie lowered her head.

“If you want to maintain your haughty attitude, then keep improving your skills. You’re weak to begin with. It’s a miracle that you haven’t been disposed of. Remember that.”

“We apologize.”

“Would you have lost even if you had done your best?”

Then, the masked vampire Dust, who had been silent, spoke.

“I have something to say about that. Perhaps, even if we had given our all, we would have still lost in the end.”


“We admit that we were arrogant and careless, but from the start, Flan was too outstanding.”

The secretary closed her mouth for a moment.

She expected him to beg for mercy or ask for another chance to take revenge. But she didn’t expect such a calm confession.

Then the princess cracked a smile as she clenched her jaw.


But no one could laugh with her.

“Regardless of success or failure.”

The princess stopped laughing and continued.

“Among all the officers I’ve ever created, you’re the most pathetic. Pathetic, pathetic, and pathetic...”

They all pressed their foreheads to the floor without a word.

“All of you, stay out of my sight for a month. I won’t limit your means or methods, so train as you please.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“The key is not to be seen by me. I’ll forget about you, the inferior failures, for a while, and you’d better be useful when I summon you back in a month.”

The princess’s eyes flashed every time she blinked.

“If you’re still pathetic when we meet again, I’ll execute you on the spot. If you understand, disappear from my sight right now.”

Maiev climbed onto the podium with a stiff body.

She had never felt nervous when she disguised herself or wore a mask, but communicating with others in hwe true form was a difficult thing.

A situation where everyone was looking at him only.

‘I’m going crazy...’

It was the most awkward moment of her life.

She was confident in intimidating someone, but belonging somewhere and cooperating.

She had never imagined such a thing.

Yushia and Becky were chatting, but Trixie elbowed Becky’s side.

“She’s starting the presentation. Come on.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”

Maiev swallowed his saliva.


What should she say?

What was she? She didn’t even know himself.

“I’m Maiev...”

Maiev spoke with a trembling voice.

“I have a younger sister as my family. I didn’t receive basic education, but I’m very interested in magic.”

She thought she was saying something stupid.

The words that were not organized properly were listed in a rambling way, and she looked pathetic as she stuttered.


“It’s awkward to live with someone. But I’ll try hard. I’ll do my best to become a magician who is not ashamed.”

Maiev couldn’t stop talking.

What was this relief?

She spat out to others, but it also reached her own ears.

In other words, this was a confession to herself.

It was an honest conversation with herself.

“I’ll learn well from Flan. I’ll use what I learned for good things, not bad things. I’ll try to fit in with the group. Thank you.”

When she finished his speech, the surroundings were very quiet.

I felt relieved, but then a wave of embarrassment hit me.

At that moment, the dean of the magic department, Conette, nodded her head with a smile.

“Indeed, you are a fine person to join us. I understand.”


She was not the only one.

The professors and other representatives also welcomed Maiev.


Maiev left the classroom with a mixture of joy and nervousness. And at some point, as she passed by a deserted street.

She heard a voice.

“You look quite good pretending to be human.”

A voice that he shouldn’t have heard. But at the same time, a voice that she couldn’t mistake for anyone else.

Maiev turned his head awkwardly.

“How is it, Maiev? Did you find paradise in the place you ran away to? You even look like you have a human child now.”

The secretary who always stayed by the princess’s side in the void was staring at him.


Before she could even react, the secretary’s hand reached for Maiev’s shoulder.


Suddenly, a burst of power knocked her hand away.

“Get your hand off.”

It was the same familiar voice.

The two vampires turned their heads at the same time.

“It’s beneath your dignity.”

And there he was, Flan.

It was the moment when a three-way confrontation occurred.