Chapter 198:

Chapter 198 Wha-t, is, thi-s...?

I emerged from the air and met the gaze of the Vampire.

“Maiev, return to the dormitory.”

I sent Maiev back first.

She looked anxious as she left, glancing back several times.

Then I eyed the Vampire in front of me.

Asymmetric blue bangs covering one eye, short hair. She was still a mystery to me. She broke the silence first.

“Flan, this is perfect. I was looking for you anyway.”


I shot a magic bullet at her at the same time. It was aimed at her lips, but she blocked it with one hand.

“Don’t say my name so casually. This was a warning, but the next one won’t be.”

I spoke coldly.

“Who are you in the first place?”

“I have no name. I don’t need a name for this kind of life. But I have a position. The secretary of the void, the princess’s secretary.... Something like that.”

The secretary whispered.

“Flan, there’s no need to be so wary. I just want to check a few simple things and then return to the void cleanly.”


“Yeah. Oh, of course.”

The secretary let out a faint laugh.

“You don’t seem to be wary at all. You’re the first human like that. A rare breed.”

She turned her head halfway and looked behind her. She gestured lightly and muttered.

“We’ll have a little chat. You guys wait while suppressing your aura and vitality.”

Then eight red eyes appeared in the air.

They blinked as if they understood the secretary’s order.

I looked at the secretary again.

She was definitely the highest level of Vampire I had ever met.

I said quietly.

“You can suppress your aura and vitality.”


The secretary nodded lightly at my words, then asked a beat later.

“...Come to think of it, what kind of reaction is that? No human has ever pointed that out before.”

“I just felt that it was impressive.”

“In what way?”

“All living beings evolve in favorable directions.”

I spoke calmly.

“Vampires are no exception. They evolved to eliminate unnecessary fights by avoiding cannibalism.”

“That’s right.”

“Therefore, you are inevitably beings that show off your aura and vitality. Isn’t that right?”

The secretary was focused on my story by now.

“Flan, you’re right. Since they can gauge each other’s strength by their aura, Vampires don’t need to fight each other.”

“Being able to suppress the display instinct engraved in the genes means that you have reached a high level. That’s what I meant by impressive.”


She narrowed her eyes and looked at me for a while. Then she rubbed her chin seriously.

“I thought you were just spouting nonsense.... But it was actually a remark that came from a high level of understanding. Flan, who taught you about Vampires?”

“I always learn from myself.”

The secretary let out a faint laugh.

“You always make absurd answers, but I like it. Thanks to our conversation, my mind has completely changed.”

She turned her head halfway again.

She nodded slightly and eight red eyes appeared in the black space.

Ignoring them, the secretary’s gaze turned back to me.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

“Plan, there’s no point in wasting time with trivial questions or stalling with you. Do you know anything about black magic?”

It was not a pure question.

There were many meanings implied in it, and I was not the one to miss them.

I answered right away.

“If you’re ready to take responsibility, I’ll gladly test it.”

The secretary nodded her head strangely, as if she couldn’t overcome her sleepiness.

At the same time, the world around me began to change.

The rooftop of a nearby academy building.


The secretary rubbed her chin and waited for the red eyes to return.

The existence was called the secretary’s performance and was called a limb, and it performed the mission like a hand and a foot.

Flan always brought unexpected results, so even the secretary was curious about the outcome of the evaluation.

She divided the evaluation into three.

If you fall for the unique barrier, it’s level 1, if you resist the unique barrier, it’s level 2, if you understand the unique barrier, it’s level 3.

‘Level 2 is good enough, but...’

To reveal the princess of the void, you need to be level 3.

Just then, the red eyes returned in front of the secretary. Without any report, they were talking to each other.

“He’s definitely a freak. How does he understand the structure of black magic? A human.”

“It was only a moment, too. It wouldn’t be easy for even the same Vampires to grasp the magic circle in an instant.”

The secretary smiled at the reaction of the limbs.

It was a sight he had never seen before.

“Report first.”

“Oh, secretary. I’m sorry.”

From what happened inside the barrier to the three parts of the magic circle that were pointed out.

The red eyes reported the situation without missing anything.


And after receiving the whole report, the secretary smiled again.

“He only pointed out three parts. Level 2.”

That was the secretary’s verdict of Flan.

The red eyes blinked.

“...Level 2?”

“Yeah. I don’t have to take him to the princess.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I planted four flaws in my own barrier.”

The secretary began to manifest his own barrier.

It was a maggot that could create endless red thorns without limit, called the Infinite Hell.

“You pointed out three of them brilliantly, but the last one was the most important. It’s related to the ancient runes.”

As the power of the ancient runes was infused, the black thorns began to turn red.

“The ancient runes are like this─”

She was about to continue her speech when it happened.


The thorns started to move like intricate gears.

They brushed against each other like animal fur and began to form a shape that was not the secretary’s will.

“Wha-t, is, thi-s...?”

The secretary’s speech became more and more spaced out until she finally stopped.

The attendants next to her also watched the situation with blinking eyes.

As if making a path, the thorns rose up on both sides at regular intervals.

In the middle of them, a man was walking.


They all stared blankly at the scene.

“However, I never ordered the secretary to return.”

As if the intrusion of his barrier was not confusing enough, Flan’s words continued.

“I also have a lot of interest in the ancient runes. Therefore, if you tell me everything you know, I will allow you to return.”

He was not ignorant of the existence of the ancient runes.

He was not just superficially aware of them either.

He had even ‘used’ them to interfere with the Void.

He had his own research on the ancient runes.

From that point of view, he had already.

Flan had more than met the secretary’s conditions.

“Stage 3. No, stage 4...?”

The secretary muttered without realizing it.

It was the first time she felt such confusion.