Chapter 201: Trust

Chapter 201 Trust

The secretary slightly furrowed his brows.

“Get down on my knees and beg? Me?”

I nodded calmly.Yôur favorite stories at

Of course, it didn’t seem like the secretary was lying to me. The Vampires possessed tremendous power and seemed to have been secretly manipulating this continent.

But just because the opponent was strong, it didn’t mean I could afford to get involved.

A crisis could become a formidable force if redirected. So, I decided to play a psychological game with the secretary first. I aimed to extract the desired information and simultaneously gain an ally.

“Is it a difficult request?”

“Flan, regardless of the difficulty, it’s impossible from the start. I only bow my head in front of the princess. And one more thing.”

The secretary continued speaking calmly.

His asymmetrically cut short navy blue hair revealed one eye that glowed red.

“There are only four ancient runes we haven’t deciphered. Don’t underestimate us.”

To have completed the research on all but four was indeed an impressive feat. However, I couldn’t help but scoff.

In the end, he had admitted that ‘there exist ancient runes they haven’t deciphered.’

Even if there was just one ancient rune left unresearched, I had enough qualifications to take the lead.

“My assessment is always accurate. Moreover, what do you plan to do about the four ancient runes you haven’t researched yet?”

“Flan, that’s why I’m asking you. I don’t want to cover up my means anymore....”

I finally made a decision.

To mix one lie among ninety-nine truths.

“You will have to cover it. Since I definitely know those four, you have no choice but to comply with my demands.”

In truth, I didn’t know what those four ancient runes were.


If I started researching them in earnest, I was confident I would understand them. So to begin that ‘research,’ observation was necessary first, and I cleverly mixed in a lie.

Could there be any greater power than information and knowledge?

There were no combat spells exchanged between the secretary and me, but it was more intense than such a situation.

Attitude, judgment, provided information.... These trifles would determine superiority after a meticulous contest. I repeatedly agonized to extract the information I wanted.

The opponents were the ones manipulating the continent. The fate of the entire continent could change depending on this conversation.

I finally opened my mouth.

“This conversation is going in circles. Let’s talk again shortly.”

“When do you mean by that? Flan, once you step foot here, you can’t leave until this is settled.”

“Ten minutes will be enough.”

“Ten minutes...?”

The secretary tilted his head.

“What can change in just ten minutes?”

“A lot can change.”

I summoned all my mana with all my strength. Since my goal wasn’t combat, the secretary watched for the moment.

First manifestation: rearranging the bookshelves. Second manifestation: gathering all the books and spreading them in a fan shape. Third manifestation: overlaying my corneas with mana to aid understanding.

With just three manifestations, I was ready.

With eyes aided by magic, I quickly scanned the contents. Since my goal was observation, not learning, it was swift.

“Flan, that’s exactly it.”

The lieutenant unfolded a map in midair as she continued.

“Flan, focusing research on humans caused problems. If all species lived together, humans couldn’t survive properly.”

“So you divided the continent?”

“Yes, we planted trees in the Great Forest and scattered demonic energy in Verkel, which the demonic beasts love. Everything is within our grasp.”

Given these points, it was an astonishing achievement.

Of course, there were those who attempted such things in the previous world, but since the power dynamics among species were similar, it never leaned to one side.

There had never been a species that tried to dominate others on such a meticulous and grand scale. Nor had there been one that succeeded so thoroughly in monopolizing the benefits.

The reason these creatures were trying to negotiate with me was clear....

“I think I understand why you’re looking for the ruler of the void.”


“Elves, beastmen, demonic beasts. Their heads have all grown too big. It must be getting difficult to manipulate the power dynamics as you wish.”

The point was simple.

“You want to keep the power of the blood fiends as hidden as possible, but you’re running out of strength. To solve all these problems, you need the four ancient runes.”

The lieutenant seemed slightly uncomfortable with my remark.

“Running out of strength? Be careful with such statements.”

The lieutenant stared quietly at the map.


She slapped the map loudly with her palm. As a result, an island pressed under her hand slowly disappeared.

She looked at me and said.

“Flan, I just erased an entire island right in front of you. Fortunately, it was uninhabited, but if it were a strategic point, it wouldn’t be surprising if a war broke out.”

A crimson black thorn rose from the ground. The lieutenant grabbed it as if it were a staff.

“That’s the end of my story. Flan, I’ve told you a lot and I haven’t lied.”

She pointed the tip of the thorn at me.

“Now it’s your turn. Give me your trust.”

“Trust, huh.”

“If you’ve really researched the remaining four ancient runes, show me a bit of the results.”

“And after showing you?”

“I won’t get down on my knees and beg. But, Flan, if you earn my trust, I will support you without question.”

Support from the blood fiends would mean a lot. It meant the very beings who had structured this world would cooperate with me.

So, what exactly would I show?


It was already decided.

There was something I had been attempting, and now I felt I could succeed.

“Flan, what will you do?”

Instead of answering, I closed my eyes and focused my mind.

The door I had vaguely seen while researching the ancient runes. The one and only passage connecting the previous world and the present world.

...Now, I intended to open it.