Chapter 202: Speak First. Okay?

Chapter 202: Speak First. Okay?

Chapter 202: Speak First. Okay?

I focused my mind to the maximum.

First, I shared my thoughts with the Secretary. At this moment, we gained the same vision.

What unfolded was a vast sky.

Gray stone materials floated on a blue canvas without a single cloud. They aligned piece by piece, creating a single passageway.

I guessed this was a passage connecting the current world and the previous world. If the door were to open, it would be possible to connect the two worlds.


However, the door remained unopened and firm. The scenery we could observe together ended here.

I quietly opened my eyelids.

‘Not yet.’

It was only natural that we couldn’t open the door yet, as I hadn’t completed the study of the four Ancient Runes. Nevertheless, this alone was evidence that my research was progressing, so it was fine.

As expected, a complicated expression passed over the Secretary’s face as she gazed at the same scenery.

She quietly muttered.

“That just now....”

Her eyes, craving an answer, turned towards me, but I didn’t bother to respond. She already knew the answer herself.

“Amazing, truly amazing....”

She kept murmuring the same words.

“What was that passage just now? In any case, I admit it. I had my doubts, but you really were studying Ancient Runes. Amazing, truly amazing!”

It was right then.

Drip─ drip─

Black liquid started to fall to the floor. In fact, it was ambiguous to even call it a liquid. It was something between solid and liquid, extremely slippery and highly viscous.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

They began to form various shapes as they clung together. Some were beasts, some were people, and some were indescribably bizarre.

The commonality was that they were slowly surrounding me. I quietly asked the Secretary.

“What are you doing?”

“...Flan, forgive me.”

The Secretary slowly stepped back.

“My desire is unrestrained. This urge to take you completely on the spot is simply uncontrollable.”

I looked at the gelatinous beings that were called ‘Guardians of the Void’. Judging by the situation, it didn’t seem like they intended to take me in a gentle manner.

“I see.”

I blinked and thought. I pondered the outcome of this battle.... No matter how I thought about it, I didn’t seem likely to lose.

When the Guardians rushed towards me,

I distorted a part of the space. Telekinesis, space, manipulation. It was an art that handled all three simultaneously.


A part of the study folded like a curtain and crumpled. The Guardians of the Void, trapped there, couldn’t resist at all and were slowly crushed.

But at that moment,

A part of the space began to tear. I furrowed my brow. This was not intentional.

A crack appeared like a piece of broken glass. It was a pure white crack, the opposite of the current dark space.

Was there another space? In life, there are moments when you feel an inexplicable intuition, and it led me into the crack.

The moment I stepped into the pure white space,


For the first time, the Secretary lost her composure. That constantly spurred my intuition.

When I entered the space, it was pure white.

The study was still endlessly arranged, but the background being white made it seem like a reversed version of the black space.

“Flan, wait a moment!”

The Secretary suddenly blocked my path.

I slightly pulled her chair closer to me.

I looked down at her coldly.

“It was all your doing.”

I used telekinesis to bring the book I had thrown on the floor back to me. I opened it and pointed out key passages one by one so she could see clearly.

[The reason the Summoning School has not developed is largely due to the Manipulation School. Those who deal with visible things do not feel the need for summoning....]

[The reason Verkel’s demonic beasts are becoming more ferocious seems to be due to the beastmen. Their magic leaves a residue in the mana, which consequently makes it murky....]

“It’s not an autobiography, yet you cleverly mixed these details into the thesis.”


“You constantly fomented conflict so that no one could focus solely on progress. Your arrogance knows no bounds.”

“Stop, stop it. There’s no need to say more.”

The Secretary spoke first in a pleading voice. She continued as if to argue her case.

“It was necessary to maintain the balance of power on the continent. I’ve already explained this, haven’t I?”

“You hid the fact that you used such methods.”

“Flan, just don’t worry about it.”

“Really? Do you think the Princess won’t care either?”


The Secretary’s face turned pale. It wasn’t an exaggeration; her complexion had indeed lightened.

“Secretary, did you think I wouldn’t notice? You planned to make the continent loyal to you instead of the Princess.”

In short, it was simple.

[To aid understanding, consider the following example.]

There were various techniques below, but she had cleverly included brainwashing black magic techniques to manipulate the reader.

First, foment conflict.

Second, make those involved in the conflict seek out magical books to oppose each other.

Third, use the subtly hidden brainwashing techniques to make them loyal to oneself. It was a meticulous method aimed at a very long-term goal.

All of this was the Secretary’s wrongdoing behind the Princess’s back.


“Thinking of subtly brainwashing the entire continent to have them under your control. While shouting loyalty with your mouth, you secretly wanted to become the Ruler of the Void more than anyone else.”

The Secretary couldn’t say anything. I quietly nodded.

“If you won’t answer, then I have no choice. I will go to the Princess.”

“That’s not allowed!”

The Secretary jumped up from her seat. Seeing her panting, it was clear she was extremely desperate.

Well, it was natural. If the second-in-command, who was supposed to be the most loyal, was plotting rebellion, the entire Void would undoubtedly be thrown into chaos.

I muttered to myself.

“I wonder what to do.”

As I paused, the Secretary’s face showed a mixture of emotions.


With just slight changes in my expression, the Secretary’s breathing became labored as if she were suffocating.


By the time her face had turned completely white, I spoke again.

“You never know. If you cooperate in the study of Ancient Runes, the secret might be kept for the time being....”

“What kind of cooperation?”

The Secretary’s reaction followed like a tail. She seemed like a dog with its tail between its legs.

She asked me again.

“What kind of cooperation are you talking about? Speak first. Okay?”