Chapter 203: The Coward's Restless Heart

Chapter 203: The Coward's Restless Heart

Chapter 203 The Coward’s Restless Heart

“What kind of cooperation are you talking about? Just tell me. Hmm?”

The Secretary’s attitude was quite urgent.

As she moved around busily, a tattoo on her collarbone became visible. It wasn’t a picture or a pattern, just the number 187.

I had a vague idea of what it meant.

“It seems even the position of Secretary isn’t exempt from replacement. The 187th Secretary, that’s your identity.”


She nodded slightly, and I continued speaking towards her.

“Secretary, you’re a coward.”

“Coward? Me?”

“At first, you simply didn’t want to be replaced.”

I spoke calmly.

“But gradually, you began to hope that something of yours would remain even after you were replaced. Isn’t this space the result of that?”


“Shutting yourself in a space, hoping someone will carry on your will. Only a coward could plan such a thing.”

After hearing this, the Secretary touched her face with her hand. Various complex emotions visibly crossed her face.

It seemed that perhaps, she was only just now understanding herself, someone she hadn’t been able to properly define before.

“Coward... Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

After a long pause, she finally spoke.

“So, Flan, what do I need to cooperate with? That’s what’s most important to me right now.”

I got to the point.

“Show me the four Ancient Runes.”

“All four of them? Without missing a single one?”

The Secretary asked in astonishment.


“Giving all of them is a bit... There are many spells that haven’t been distributed across the continent yet. Flan, don’t you need those?”

“They’re already in my mind. When the time comes, I’ll teach them as I see fit.”

The Secretary hesitated for a moment.

Many thoughts passed over her expression.

Whether to embrace all of this and see it through to the end, to fight, to accept the demands, or to find another way... It was clear what she was contemplating without hiding it.

Eventually, I spoke again.

“Hey, Secretary.”


Lost in thought, she turned her head towards me.

“My only concern is the advancement of magic.”

“Why is that?”

“Being remembered by others isn’t just about brainwashing and domination. If you cooperate, there will surely be benefits fitting for you.”

“Fitting benefits?”

“Yes. I promise. There will be people who follow your new will, and there will also be those who remember you.”

Suddenly, our eyes met in the air. She echoed two words in a low tone.


“Will you sink while embracing foolishness, or will you leap into a new world? The choice is yours.”


The Secretary pondered for a long time before saying just one thing.

“Flan, this time, could you give me ten minutes?”

We stood on a high place, looking down below.

“So do I.”

The Secretary continued speaking.

“It seems there was a regime change within the royal family. They want to show the heroes’ loyalty to the royal family and solidify their position by demonstrating their cooperation with them.”

“That’s too obvious. The important thing is....”

“Yes, this part right here.”

There was a particularly notable detail.

[The winner will be designated a hero. A knight will receive the title of Sword Saint, and a magician will be allowed to create and officially recognize a title of their choice.]

“Flan, it seems magicians are allowed to participate as well. The new regime recognizes the significance of magic quite a bit.”

“In that case....”

There was no reason not to participate. After all, it was an opportunity to be officially acknowledged as the best ‘human’ on the continent.

“This is perfect timing.”

It was a suitable occasion to test the newly acquired Ancient Rune ‘Unfinished 1’ and it aligned well with the current period.



“I need to return immediately. I can’t visit the Void personally every time, so come to me at one-week intervals.”

The Secretary looked like she had a lot to say, but upon meeting my gaze, she let out a deep sigh and nodded.

“Understood. I’ll check the progress of the rune research each time.”

After Flan left, the Secretary visited the Princess again. As the 187th Secretary stood by without moving, the Princess, who had awakened at some point, spoke.

“What do you think after meeting him in person?”

“He’s always an unexpected man.”



The Secretary swallowed dryly and continued.

“Just when I start to adapt to one unexpected aspect, another one appears. So, he’s always an unexpected existence.”

“Is that so?”

The Princess straightened her posture and gazed at the Secretary.


“Yes, Princess. I’m listening.”

“Have you developed some interest in Flan?”

It took the Secretary a moment to understand what the Princess meant. After a pause, she tilted her head and cautiously asked.

“What do you mean by interest...?”

“It’s good to distinguish clearly whether the growing interest in your heart is curiosity or affection. If you can’t, you’ll end up like Maiev.”

“I will never become like Maiev.”

The Secretary responded firmly. The Princess’s gaze, watching her, seemed somehow pleased.


“Yes, Princess.”

“You still have your uses. That’s why I’m keeping an eye on you, but you should know that Flan’s existence can be poison to you.”

“Yes. I’ll be careful.”

The short audience ended like that.

How much does the Princess actually know?

It’s impossible to tell. She always speaks ambiguously. The Secretary returned to her space with a restless heart.


The space was still pure white.

She had always lived according to her plans.

For the first time, she couldn’t predict what lay ahead for her.