Chapter 210: Change Everything

Chapter 210: Change Everything

Chapter 210: Change Everything

“Wait, just wait.”

Aurora quickly blocked Flan’s path. Flan’s eyes conveyed his desire for her to step aside.

“Please move.”

“Of course, I will. But listen to me first.”

Flan seemed uninterested in hearing her out. His attempt to walk past Aurora was proof of that, but the second princess swiftly moved to block his path once more.

“It won’t take long. Flan, listen.”

Flan finally stopped. Aurora, breathing a sigh of relief, continued speaking.

“I just delivered the news too quickly. There’s still quite some time left until the meeting, so let’s wait for now.”

“How much time exactly?”

“We have four days. They’ve sent out invitations. If you move now, it would seem strange.”

Aurora continued, trying to persuade Flan.

“Considering your recent actions... ignoring it outright is not an option. Besides, the capital’s knights are aware of chivalry. They must have sent an invitation.”

“Are you sure of that?”


Aurora pondered seriously for a moment at Flan’s question.

However, her conclusion was a slight tilt of the head.

“Come to think of it, there might be some knights too focused on their training to be aware of the world’s affairs. And while their pursuit of chivalry is the same, their unique approach differs...”

“So the conclusion is?”

“I can’t guarantee that the invitation won’t come, but I can’t guarantee it will either. It’s ambiguous.”

As Aurora’s deliberation grew longer, the surrounding atmosphere grew colder. Before long, Flan nodded, seemingly unfazed.

He appeared to have made a firm decision.

His low voice resonated deeply.

“The fact that the invitation isn’t guaranteed is already a serious issue. Do you understand?”

“I understand, but Flan.”

Once again, she blocked his path.

“You always have your own plans, but could you share them with me just this once?”

“I’m not one to be persuaded by words.”

“I’m not asking you to be persuaded. I just want to hear it. It’ll put my mind at ease. My vision of your future is unclear...”

Flan spoke as if it were no great task.

“I will step forward. Invited or not, I belong there.”


In the end, all Aurora knew was that Flan would appear there. Her doubts only grew.

After a moment of silence, Aurora asked.

“And after that?”

“As always, things will go as I intend.”

“As you intend...”

Aurora was once again reminded that Flan was far from ordinary, possessing goals on a different level from others.

Her own words suddenly resurfaced in her mind.

─Heroes are far from ordinary in every way.

By her own logic, Flan was close to being a hero. The fact that he was determined to carry out his plan made Aurora anxious but also reassured her, leaving her with mixed feelings.Yôur favorite stories at

Flan murmured quietly.

“Come to think of it, I should ask Scarlet.”

“The Knight of the Flickering Flame, Scarlet? Let’s try to find the best method first. Acting rashly won’t help...”

“I simply make decisions quickly.”

Flan abruptly cut off Aurora’s words. As always, his gaze showed no hesitation or doubt.

He quietly added a remark.




After scanning the invitation, Conette murmured, “The names of the knights of the capital are listed.”

“As you can see, my name is also included,” Viola responded.

“And the symbols next to them....”

“Indicate approval and disapproval.”

Viola continued speaking calmly. Her voice, though merely speaking, felt like she was singing.

“When sending an invitation to a first-time participant, there is an exception where the other members vote for approval or disapproval.”

“What changes based on the voting results?”

“Many things change. Time, place, background.... Naturally, the side with the majority approval gets to make these choices.”


Conette rubbed her chin with a complex expression. Upon closer inspection of the invitation, she noticed that aside from Scarlett and Viola, no other knights had received an approval mark.

“It seems Flan received approval from two people. What does that indicate?”

“It means he has received the minimum amount of approval. Most meetings are attended by unanimous consent.”

“Did you say the minimum amount?”

“Yes. Just having any approval is remarkable, given that it’s unusual for a mage to participate at all.”

Conette let out a small groan.

It was true that having a mage participate was unusual. However, given Flan’s personality, she couldn’t help but worry about how he would perceive these conditions and how the Magic Department should respond.

In the end, the Dean asked, “It seems like an interesting meeting. However, doesn’t having many disapprovals mean Flan is underestimated?”

“Indeed. It’s not just about looking down on mages. The knights of the capital are always busy with their training and won’t trust anyone unless they clash swords directly.”

“I understand that. But if Flan is underestimated, shouldn’t he be given a more favorable situation? To choose the background, time, and place?”


Viola shook her head firmly.

“To be accepted by everyone, he must win even under unfavorable conditions. We’ve always adhered to these rules. Always.”

In short, it meant that only by defeating the strongest from a disadvantaged position could one be recognized as a new strong player. Just as Conette pressed her temple with her finger.

Knock, knock─

Someone knocked on the Dean’s office door.

After sensing who was outside, Conette immediately opened the door with telekinesis. It seemed like the person involved needed to make the judgment in such a special situation.


Viola half-turned to see who had visited the Dean’s office. Her pupils soon gleamed with interest.

‘He’s very large.’

That was Viola’s impression.

Both ‘tall’ and ‘large’ were accurate descriptions. He was a man who fit all those descriptions perfectly and possessed impeccable proportions.

I could immediately recognize who he was.

“You are....”

“Here to hand over the invitation?”

But the man didn’t respond to Viola’s words. He just cut her off and approached Conette.

“So, this is it.”

Flan briefly examined it and then gradually furrowed his brow. He handed the invitation back to Viola with one hand.

When Viola took it back, Flan said a single phrase.

“Do it again.”

After a brief silence, Viola tilted her head.


Flan repeated his words once more.

“I said, come back with all the circles changed to approvals.”