Chapter 211: Inspection

Chapter 211: Inspection

Chapter 211 Inspection


Viola stared blankly ahead.

An unexpected demand accompanied by a single invitation.

It wasn’t even handed to her; Flan was offering the invitation to Viola through telekinesis.

‘What is this?’

If it were a direct confrontation, it would be easier to understand. This was the heart of the Magic Department, and it was natural for knights and wizards to regard each other with disdain.

But Flan’s gaze towards her was different.

His face showed no mixed feelings of hostility. Rather, Flan was making demands to Viola in a way that was casual and confident, as if assigning a task to a subordinate.

The absurdity of the situation overtook anger.

Did he not know who she was?

While she pondered how to respond, Flan’s voice was heard once more.

“It seems like a vote of approval or disapproval, correct?”


“Change all votes to approval. This is not a proposal for me.”

Viola tilted her head.

“If it’s not a proposal for you... does that mean it’s something to save our face?”

“Exactly. Who do you think will win?”

A question was met with another question. This manner of speaking was used by superiors when addressing subordinates, causing Viola’s brow to furrow naturally.

“It doesn’t sound like you’re asking out of curiosity. It’s as if you already know who will win.”

“Of course.”


“Isn’t he standing right in front of you?”

Viola silently looked at the man in front of her.

So, this man was saying that he would rise to the hero’s position, surpassing all other competitors.

Viola turned to look at Conette. However, she only watched Flan without intervening. Hierarchy, etiquette, common sense... nothing proceeded as expected.

As if all the rules were set around this man.


Viola quietly murmured his name.

Among the knights of the capital, there were quite a few who were ignorant of worldly matters. It was due to their lack of time for sword training.

But Viola liked to keep her ears open to worldly news, and she had heard a bit about Flan. That’s why she circled his name.


The Flan she saw in person was slightly different from what she had expected.

He seemed more like a person standing at the pinnacle of success rather than someone just beginning his path to success. As night naturally follows day, his demeanor seemed very accustomed to this kind of behavior.Yôur favorite stories at

‘It’s not possible to immediately verify the basis for his attitude.’

Before becoming a capital knight, how many had Viola seen who had been crushed by arrogance and complacency? Flan could be one of those people, or he could indeed have the strength to back up his claims.

...But everything would be revealed on the day of the match.

Continuing this battle of nerves without knowing more would only be tiresome. Having judged this astutely, she grabbed the floating invitation and said,

“I can’t arbitrarily change someone else’s vote. Also, it’s odd to ask to overturn a decision that has already been made. Can I just consider this a refusal?”

“Nothing but useless worries.”

“Useless worries....”

Becky let out a deep sigh.

“It’s a serious concern for me. I don’t know exactly where our skills stand. Is it really possible to face the capital knights?”

Becky was the one asking, but the others’ expressions were also serious. Everyone seemed curious about this, waiting for someone to ask.

“I’m a bit concerned too.”

Trixie nodded.

“To be honest, you’re amazing, not our representatives. It’s natural to worry. Ideally, we’d like to stand shoulder to shoulder with you, but....”

She trailed off, which was rare for her.

Flan scanned the faces of the representatives once more. Most of them clearly showed signs of nervousness.

Finally, Louis spoke up.

“Flan, I hope you understand this isn’t because we don’t trust you. It’s because we lived every day in defeat until you appeared.” He continued calmly.

“Of course, we won at the Martial Emperor Tournament, but that was all thanks to you. We were supporting actors, not the main ones.”

Becky nodded vigorously beside him.

“Right. Before, it didn’t matter if we lost because it was just our loss. But now, thinking about walking with you, I’m really concerned. I never want to be a burden!”

Their words weren’t hard to understand.

When Flan didn’t respond immediately, the atmosphere grew even colder. Maiev finally broke the silence.

“Doesn’t Flan have a plan for all this? I think whatever it is, it’ll work out....”

“You probably don’t know because you’re a transfer student, but capital knights are at the brink of sword mastery. Do you get what that means?”

“Ah, well....”

At Becky’s words, Maiev fell silent again.

She had tried to offer the usual human encouragement, but given the situation, it wasn’t easy.

Flan spoke up then.

“The conclusion is simple.”

All their wandering gazes focused on the one man. As usual, he spoke with composure.

“You all have the skills of capital knights or better.”

Everyone’s eyes widened in unison.



After that, a barrage of questions poured onto Flan. Whether he said something good or bad, the noise was equally irritating.


He dismissed it briefly.

“Let’s start the final inspection.”




At the end of a hellish inspection.

When they came to their senses, it was the day of the meeting.