Chapter 200: 【Asgard Civil War】

A mage followed behind Heimd.

The mage said: "Supreme mage, he claimed to be from Asgard, learned our news from the Macedonian Aegis, and came to Lord Rowe."

Agamotto nodded: "Go back."

The wizard leaves.

Heimd patted Rowe and said, "I didn't expect that, you and a group of Atrium people actually killed Apocalypse."

Luo Wei was stunned for a while, and quickly asked, "What happened in Asgard?"

Heimd did not speak for a moment, and looked at Agamato.

Luo Wei: "He is the supreme mage of the earth, Agamato, my friend. If it is not a very confidential matter, just say it directly."

"No, I'll go there for a walk." However, Agamato was very sensible and left directly.

Heimd said: "The current Asgard god-king is Lord Odin."

Luo Wei said that sure enough, it was a civil war in Asgard, and Odin usurped the throne.

Heimd continued: "The matter has to start with the War at Warnerheim. After that war, Lord Odin and Kool had a disagreement. Lord Odin hoped to destroy the trolls in Nornheim as soon as possible and unify Norn. Heim."

"But Kool doesn't trust the new Norn Duke Karnira, thinking that after the trolls are eliminated, the Norn Duke's strength will be greatly enhanced, thereby alienating the control of Asgard."

Although the territory of the Duke of Norn belongs to Asgard, it enjoys a high degree of autonomy, and it is not very consistent with Asgard emotionally, and has a certain tendency to split.

So Kuhl's consideration is not without reason. The trolls of Nornheim are certainly enemies, but they are also an important factor in containing the Duke of Norn. It is precisely because of the existence of the trolls that the Duke of Norn asks Asgard, even if he is careful, he must restrain himself.

If the trolls are eliminated at once, the Duke of Norn has no external threats and can be self-reliant, which will inevitably alienate Asgard. In particular, the newly appointed Duchess of Norn, Carnilla, is not as gentle and demure as her mother.

"...disagreement eventually turned into a civil war, and Lord Odin won, with partial approval from the Spear of Eternity," said Heimd.

Rowe hesitated and asked, "How did Lord Odin defeat Kul, isn't the King of God blessed by the power of Asgard?"

"Lord Odin has three Infinity Stones - the Power Stone, the Mind Stone, and the Time Stone," said Heimd.

Infinity Gems!

Luo Wei was very surprised, but thinking about it carefully, there are probably not many forces in the entire universe that can defeat the Asgard God King. Odin succeeded in usurping the throne, and the most likely reliance was probably the Infinity Stones.

I just don't know where Odin got these three gems.

"Wait, you said the partial approval of the Spear of Eternity?" Rowe remembered something and asked quickly.

"The civil war is not over," explained Heimd. "Kur, though defeated by Lord Odin, did not die, but led a few to escape Asgard, and is still partially acknowledged by the Eternal Spear, possessing Part of Asgardian power."

"Of course, the final battle is coming soon. It is said that Kool has found a large number of reinforcements and is about to make a comeback."

After a pause, Heimd continued: "Sir Uller is currently being held in custody, and Heimdall is unwilling to take over the position of gatekeeper. Therefore, some scattered warriors have lost contact with Asgard, such as you. So I will I was sent to find you."

Rowe was silent for a while.

"Come on, follow me back to Asgard." Heimd said, looking sideways again, "Hey, your cloak is very pretty."

"I'll go and talk to Agamotto."

Luo Wei walked up to Agamato and said, "Sorry, Agamato, something happened to Asgard, and I can't stay on Earth for the time being."

Agomoto nodded: "Okay."

After Rowe called Diops and Shiroot, Heimd took out a glowing orb, placed it on the ground, and smashed it with one foot.

"Bang!" The orb shattered and burst into bright light, creating a circle of light on the ground, surrounding several people.

They stood in the halo for a moment, and the beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky, shrouding them in a flash...


Deep in the universe, on a barren planet.

The light of this planet is dim, and there is no life on the surface. There are only dense, large and small meteorite impact craters. It is clearly a Jedi where life cannot survive.

However, at this moment, there are eleven people standing here.

Among the eleven people, most of them were magnificent, ranging from a few hundred meters in short to a thousand meters in height, like a mountain.

They are covered in oddly shaped armor, without a trace of skin, or the armor is their skin, which makes them look like giant robots.

It's just that their words and deeds are very flexible, and they are not as slow as robots.

Compared with these giants, two of them are extremely small, only about two meters, similar to humans. One of them was shrouded in fog and couldn't see his face clearly.

The other was wearing a green robe, with a gloomy expression like water. He was actually the God King of Asgard, Kool, to be precise, the previous God King.

"Cronos, and the gods... I'll ask you more about counterattacking Asgard Kool said, clenching his fists involuntarily, "I want Odin to pay the price. "


In a blink of an eye, Rowe, Heimd, Diops, and Shiroot appeared in the teleportation hall of Asgard, and a blond man with a bright temperament like the incarnation of light stood beside them with a sword.

"Lord Balder." Heimd greeted.

This person is Bald, the **** of light in Asgard, and Rowe and Diops also greeted him.

Balder said nothing with a smile, "Welcome back."

Several people left the hall.

However, as soon as they stepped on the Rainbow Bridge, Rowe and Diops changed their faces.

I saw Asgard in the distance, and it was already a serious ruin. The tall palace had long since disappeared, and there were broken walls everywhere.

"This..." Diops couldn't believe it.

Heimd sighed slightly: "The result of the civil war."

"Are many people dead?" Rowe asked.

"A lot." Heimd said and walked first. "I'm going to report to Lord Odin. You can go home first, but you can also go to see Lord Odin, our God King as soon as possible."

"I understand." Rowe nodded.

Heimd's figure flickered and disappeared, leaving only a string of afterimages. Lowe and Diops each left.

Luo Wei did not go back to his home, but went to Peter's Herbal Shop in Lifia Town.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the store, he saw the herbal shop with half of the house collapsed, which made him feel a little cold.

"Crackling." But at this moment, the door was pushed open, and a familiar figure in a long blue dress walked out with his head lowered, and her somewhat haggard expression was vaguely visible.

"Sister." Rowe called out.

El's footsteps trembled, and when he looked up to see him, his eyes instantly turned red.

"Rovey!" She ran over and hugged Rovey.