Chapter 201: 【Tenjin Group】

Er was buried in Rowe's arms and choked: "I have only you as a relative..."

"Me too, my sister," Rowe sighed, stroking her hair lightly in comfort.

Although he didn't have a good relationship with his uncle, he was still a relative after all. After getting along for so long, he couldn't help feeling sad when his uncle and aunt died in the civil war.

"Rowe... don't leave me." El said.

"How could I," Rowe said.

Xiao Shilut, who was on the side, stared at the two of them blankly, and was immediately infected by the sad atmosphere. He hugged Luo Wei's thigh, tearful but still pursed his mouth tightly and did not cry, as if to show his strength.

After a while, El's mood gradually calmed down. He raised his head from Rowe's arms and asked, "Have you been in the atrium all these years?"

Rowe nodded, wiped her tears, and said, "Yes, Heimd told me that Lord Uller was imprisoned, and Heimdall was unwilling to take over as the gatekeeper. My all-seeing orb is not connected. When you get to Asgard, you can only be trapped in the atrium."

El moved his lips and finally said, "You shouldn't have come back at this time, the decisive battle is about to begin."

Luo Wei smiled: "Don't worry, I'll be fine... Do you remember what I told you about cumin?"

"Cumin?" El was taken aback.

"It's the special seasoning of the atrium." Rowe said, "When I was in the atrium, I found it specifically, would you like to try it?"

"Okay." El nodded slightly.

The next day, Rowe went to the palace of Asgard. Of course, after the civil war, the palace of Asgard has been destroyed by most of it, and only a small part of it can accommodate people.

Since there is still a decisive battle to be fought, the reconstruction work has not started, and most of the areas, including the palace, are in ruins or semi-ruin.

After coming to the palace, after the guards informed him, Rowe was led to the hall where Odin was.

Odin's image is different. He was wearing a peculiarly shaped silver armor, with only his face showing from the whole body, which made his body taller.

Seeing Odin's outfit, Rowe was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help guessing that this armor should be the "Destroyer" later...

The Destroyer is also the big guy who finally fought Thor in "Thor 1", but now, it seems to be just the armor on Odin.

"Your Majesty." Luo Wei saluted.

Odin smiled and laughed: "Rovi, although I know you won't let me down. But I still didn't expect that you would actually defeat Apocalypse with a group of Atrium people... I believe that in the next battle, you will behave like better."

After he said that, he got up and patted Rowe on the shoulder.

"Kaka." The heavy and sturdy Destroyer armor made a sound of metal friction.

Then Odin chatted with Rowe for a while and asked some things about the atrium.

"Kree?" Odin frowned.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Rowe nodded, "Those Kree occupied the moon and captured humans on Earth for experiments, creating a large number of flawed Inhumans. They also tried to capture me."

Odin snorted: "The arrogant and ignorant Kree even tried to capture the people of Asgard."

"The country of Kree has been expanding wildly in the universe for nearly a thousand years, but its good luck ends here... After this war, Asgard will let the Kree people understand what the Protoss is."

Leaving the hall, Luo Wei walked among the broken walls of the palace, and a familiar figure with long hair came into view.

"His Royal Highness."

Hela smiled slightly: "You are finally back, Paladin."

Then she pointed at Rowe's magic floating cloak: "When did you have this? It looks good and suits you very well."

Luo Wei: "This is the magic floating cloak, I got it on Earth."

Hela nodded, the two chatted a few more words, and her expression gradually became more serious.

She said: "The next is the decisive battle between my father and Kool. Kool has already found the "Eternal Protoss" to help him, and he must have other helpers. "

"Eternal Protoss?" Rowe was startled.

"Yes, Kuhl didn't know what conditions were promised, in exchange for the help of Kronos." Hela said.

After a pause, she said again: "This may be a fierce battle, you have to be careful."

"His Royal Highness, you too."

Hela smiled and shook the warhammer in her hand: "Miaolnir will protect me."

On the first day Rowe returned to Asgard, he felt a strong atmosphere of war, and the atmosphere was still rising.

People assembled in the rubble, trained, ready for the battle that was about to break out.

Luo Wei is not only a soldier, but also has a fourth-level military rank, and of course he has to participate in it. While leading a team, he also had to take into account the coordination of the three teams, leaving early and returning late every day due to combat readiness.

A few days passed.

That night, Rowe came back from outside, and El opened the door for him You are back, and the meal is ready. "

The siblings were sitting at the table eating, and El suddenly took out two small crystal bottles, which were filled with light blue clear liquid, faintly glowing with fluorescence.

"This is?"

El said: "This is a flashing potion. I finally made it. It can let you sleep in a very short period of time, restore mana and mental state, and it should be able to help you in battle."

"Of course, don't use it at ordinary times. Excessive use of sleeping potion will make you dependent."


Another few days passed.

On this day, Asgard's forces are assembling in several positions for training.

Between the open spaces, more than 30 soldiers from the three teams in charge of Luo Wei practiced in pairs.

"What is that!" At this moment, a downed warrior suddenly looked up to the sky and exclaimed.

At the same time, everyone only felt that the sky suddenly darkened, as if something blocked the brilliance of the sun, they all looked up, and then they were all shocked.


Luo Wei looked at the sky with a moving expression.

I saw at this moment, surrounding Asgard in nine directions, nine giants hundreds of meters high stood impressively. They were wearing heavy armor and had different shapes, standing like mountains.

Before them, Asgard was like a small pond that could be overturned at any moment.

A terrifying sense of oppression spread throughout Asgard.

"The Heavenly God Team!"

The images of the gods were so special that Luo Wei recognized them at a glance.

This is a group of powerful beings called gods. In the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy", Star Lord's father also belongs to this group, although it is rather special.

Luo Wei never expected that Kuer could find nine gods to help out.

Can Odin, with three Infinity Stones, beat Kool's lineup?