Chapter 202: 【Odin's Infinite Gloves】

In addition to the nine towering gods, the sky of Asgard has gradually gathered a number of huge warships, which are undoubtedly the army of the Eternal Protoss.

On the largest battleship among them, there were two figures standing, one was Kool, and the other was blurry, as if covered by mist.

This blurred person, Luo Wei, has heard of it, but he is the famous King of the Eternal God Race, Kronos.

Kool clenched his fists and shouted angrily: "Odin, my brother, today will be your time to pay the price! You shameless usurper!"

Holding the spear of eternity, Odin appeared in the sky on the eight-legged pegasus Sleipnis, and looked at Kul fearlessly.

"This is the arrangement of fate, brother." He said slowly, "The spirit of Norn personally told me that I am the real Asgard king!"

As he said that, the spear of eternity lit up with a dazzling golden light, radiant and dazzling, he continued, and his voice was like thunder: "You see, I am more suitable for the power of Asgard than you."

Kool's body trembled: "You are just a thief, forcibly took half of my Asgard power with the power of those three gems."

Odin snorted: "You and I have only half of Asgard's power now. If so, how dare you fight me fairly? I don't need infinite gems, and you won't let Kronos intervene."

Kurt was speechless.

Odin said: "Obviously, you also know that the same half of Asgard's power can exert far more power than yours in my hands - I am the destiny!"

Kronos said at this time: "Odin, I don't want to participate in the struggle of your Asa, but..."

"But" I don't need to say the words that follow, Kronos, you are always so hypocritical. said Odin disdainfully. "I can guess what you will say when you surrender. "

He then looked at the **** group: "Ah, nine gods, how long has it been since such a grand event appeared in the universe? The last time was probably Gnar?"

"Odin, you are not Gnar." A **** said coldly.

"But the ending will be the same." Odin shook his right hand, "The Infinity Gauntlet will tear off your heads, and it is definitely sharper than Gnar's "Black Death Sword"! "

He was wearing a Destroyer armor, but his right hand was not a silver armor, but a glove, a golden glove with six hollow gloves, which was the infinite glove.

This Infinity Glove is much larger than ordinary people's size, but since it is worn on the Destroyer's armor, it is just right.

It is inlaid with three gems, purple, yellow, and green, emitting dazzling light and strong energy fluctuations.

What Odin said seemed to anger a god, and his thunderous voice exploded in the air: "Odin, you will regret it!"

Before he finished speaking, the **** swung a huge sword capable of splitting a mountain and slashed at Odin.

Odin didn't fight back first, and he went into deep space with a kick of his horse, obviously unwilling to fight in a position too close to Asgard.

After all, it is a battle between twelve top powerhouses in the universe. If it cannot be controlled, Asgard will have to be completely rebuilt.

Although Kuhl hated Odin, but after all, it was also for Asgard's throne, and he didn't want to destroy Asgard, so he also chased after him, followed by the other ten.

Twelve top powerhouses went to the deep space of the universe and disappeared from the sight of everyone below.

At the same time, the battleships of the Eternal Protoss opened one after another, and a group of warriors from the Eternal Protoss came to Asgard and launched an attack.

The appearance of the Eternal Protoss is very similar to that of humans, but there are still some minor differences. The skin is reddish, like a sweet potato.

They are also Protoss, and the strength of the Asgardians is comparable. The two sides went to war and were evenly matched.


At the same time as Rowe shouted, the war hammer swung, and the hammer of judgment spurted out, killing an Eternal Protoss soldier on the spot.

When the two teams were about to touch, he raised his hand and it was another blind light.

Many Eternal Protoss soldiers were caught off guard, and their vision suddenly dropped. Rowe's team seized the opportunity to attack and kill several people in a blink of an eye.

Receive the blessing of the Holy Light!

Rowe rushed into the enemy, and the Hammer of Blessing was quickly shot along the spiral, and several enemies were knocked to the ground.

The Hammer of Blessing is not strong enough to kill individuals, but in the battle of life and death, these enemies fell to the ground, and only one managed to get up before being hacked to death by the supplementary knife.

Rowe chased after him, and Antusur's hand hit him.

The enemy swings the sword to block.


The arc blasted from the warhammer, making it go numb with electricity, and Rowe took advantage of this to strike again.

"Ah!" The enemy vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

An Eternal Protoss soldier is brave and extraordinary, holding two large knives, defeating the opponent's Asgardian soldiers.

At the critical moment, Rowe pointed out a clearing hand, and the person froze immediately.

The Asgardian soldiers who were fighting against him seized the opportunity, and UU read stabbed his eyes blind with his sword, and suddenly gained the upper hand.

Luo Wei's current strength is undoubtedly the most top-notch existence among the first-order divine powers. Under his leadership, this area showed a one-sided situation, and the Eternal Protoss was killed and retreated, very embarrassed.

So soon, an Eternal Protoss giant man wearing heavy armor and dancing a giant hammer was attracted.


Two Asgardian soldiers were killed by him with a hammer, their strength was terrifying, and they were obviously second-order divine powers.

"Come and try this!" The giant man roared, and the warhammer in his hand went straight to Rowe.

Luo Wei was fighting with several enemies, and he quickly pulled away to deal with it and opened the shield of holy light.


The giant man hit with a hammer, the shield of light collapsed immediately, and Luo Wei was also knocked out and fell to the ground.

The giant warhammer slammed into the ground, and a huge crack suddenly burst open in the ground.

Luo Wei was about to fall into the crack, but he flew up instantly and came to the giant man.

"Ah, two times," said the giant.

Rowe looked at the enemy in front of him and thought for a moment.

The difference between the first-order divine power is a world of difference. Although he is strong among the first-order divine power, it is almost impossible to defeat the second-order divine power. It is unwise to confront this person head-on.

Thinking of this, he immediately tightened his hands.


The enchanting effect of Antusur's hand was activated, and three mirror image clones appeared instantly, a total of four with Rowe's body, and they looked the same.

"What!" The giant man's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

The corners of the four Rowe's mouths evoked the same arc, then turned their heads in four directions and ran, with the same movements and rhythms.

The giant was stunned for a while, and finally picked one to chase after him.

Luo Wei turned his head to look and saw that he was chasing a clone running away, and immediately stopped, and continued to kill the surrounding enemies.