Chapter 203: 【Youth Thanos】

There will always be imbalances in the local battlefield. Luo Wei has an overwhelming advantage over the Eternal Protoss, but there are also places where the Eternal Protoss has the upper hand.

An Eternal Protoss with an aquiline nose gallops across the battlefield, empty-handed, but with one palm and one punch, it can often take the life of an Asgardian soldier.

"Boom!" Another Asgardian soldier was killed by the hook nose sweet potato.

His fists are surprisingly sharp, punching the enemy with one punch, often piercing even armor.

However, if you look carefully, you can find that this armor is not penetrated by a huge force, but more like it has been corroded by some kind of force.

An Asgardian recruit next to him was so frightened that he did not dare to fight with him, and staggered back.

Hook-nosed sneered and chased after him, grabbed the recruit's arm and let out a dim light between his fingers.

"Ah—" The recruit let out a shrill scream, the skin on his body was corroded and peeled off layer by layer, and in a blink of an eye, the blood was blurred, and there was no human appearance.

Hook Nose seemed to torture him on purpose, and the whole process lasted for half a minute without ending, and the recruits screamed in agony.

At this moment, the light of the sword flashed, and a large sword shaped like a fan suddenly came, cutting off the recruit's head and ending his pain.

Hook-nosed frowned, turned his head to look, and saw a tall clansman next to him flicking the blood on the knife with an indifferent expression.

Although this person is unusually burly, far exceeding ordinary people, his facial features are still a little immature, and he seems to be underage. In addition, unlike the red skin of other Eternal Protoss, his skin has a purple color, like a purple potato.

"Thanos, you interrupted my fun." Hook-nosed said dissatisfiedly.

Thanos looked calm, and said lightly: "As compensation, I decided to teach you a summary word."

"What word?"

"Low taste." Thanos turned around and left.

Hook-nosed thoughtful: "Low taste, low taste..."

Immediately he reacted suddenly, stretched out his hand, and scolded: "Thanos, after returning to Titan, I will definitely show you a good look!"


Rowe waved Antu Sur's hand, sparks and lightning all the way, and rushed through the enemy, his eyes full of the color of sweet potatoes.

However, as he was hitting, a purple flash suddenly flashed in the corner of his eye.

He didn't take it seriously at first, but then he was shocked.

Purple Eternal Protoss?

As far as he knows, in the entire Marvel world, it seems that there is only one person who meets this standard - Thanos!

Luo Wei turned to look, and as expected, he saw an unusually tall and mighty purple-skinned Eternal Protoss. He was wearing heavy armor and was slashing with a large fan knife in his hand.

This purple potato-like man, who is not Thanos!

There are still more than 2,300 years before the birth of the Fulian. At this time, Thanos is still very young, maybe even just a teenager.

However, the young Thanos still showed good strength... Although I don't know if he is a mutated Eternal Protoss, it is still appropriate to use the divine power system to evaluate him, but his strength is definitely at the level of a first-order divine power. Ordinary soldiers are not opponents at all.

Rowe flew straight away immediately, and when he raised his hand, a hammer of judgment hit the back of Thanos.

Thanos was kicked out, but soon got up again, but the helmet fell off, revealing a neat bald head without a single hair.

He clenched the double-edged sword in his hand and looked at Rowe vigilantly.

Luo Wei had a feeling of looking at rare animals, looking up and down at Thanos, the future Thanos.

Thanos seemed to be very disgusted with this kind of gaze, his expression suddenly became a little angry, and he charged with a knife.

"Qiang!" Rowe blocked the big sword with his shield, and hit the warhammer with the other.

The Thanos fan blade was flexible and didn't see much movement, and the other end came out horizontally, blocking Antusur's hand.


The thunder and fire on Antu'sul's hand beat and hit Thanos' arm, causing him to take a step back with a groan.

Rowe's right hand released the holy light, and the blind light suddenly bloomed.

Thanos was hit by the blinding light, but what he did not expect was that the blinding light had little effect on him. He blinked a few times and then returned to normal.

Hammer of Justice!

"Qiang!" Rowe struck a hammer of punishment, Antusur's hand collided with the broadsword, and thunder and fire sputtered.

The stun effect of the Hammer of Justice made Thanos unstable for a while, and Rowe was followed by a mad dance of the warhammer, a series of onslaughts.

"Clang clang clang!"

Thanos retreated sharply, all the way to the vicinity of a huge stone wall, with his back against the stone wall, to parry Rowe's attack with all his strength.


After dozens of back and forth between the two sides, Rowe's hammer of justice suddenly hit Thanos in the chest.

Thanos was knocked into the air at the time, like an unloaded cannonball, smashed through the stone wall and fell to the ground.

He struggled desperately a few times and got up from the ground. Although his body was swaying and the corners of his mouth were bloody, he did not back down and looked at Luo Wei firmly.

Luo Wei was a little surprised when he saw this, thinking that the physique of Thanos was really fierce. At such a young age, he had a hammer of sanctions on his chest and he was still able to stand up.

Let's kill him as soon as possible.

Although Luo Wei didn't want the historical process to change beyond recognition, after thinking about it, he still felt that Thanos was too dangerous and should be removed.

Holding the hammer and shield tightly, he slayed Thanos.

Hammer of Judgment, Sword of Justice!

The Hammer of Judgment shot out, and at the same time, the hand of Antu'sul hit the ground.

Thanos was knocked to the ground by the Hammer of Judgment, and then stabbed in the thigh by the Sword of Justice, screaming.

Rowe was already close at this time, holding Antusur's hand high, and the holy light was released, pointing directly at Thanos' bare brain door.

Hammer of Justice!

Die to death, Thanos!

At this moment, a stream of light suddenly flashed in the sky, and there was a loud whistling sound, as if something fell from the sky.

Thanos rolled on the ground with all his might, and Luo Wei felt a warning sign, hesitated for a moment like lightning, and finally retreated in a hurry.


A giant sword fell from the sky and was inserted between Rowe and Thanos. The gleaming sword body reflected the figures of the two of them, and the mountain shook for a while.

God's Great Sword!

Luo Wei was drenched in cold sweat. If he hadn't returned just now, he might have perished with Thanos.

The place where the gods and Odin fought was already far away from Asgard, the sword could still fall here, and it happened to fall just when he was about to kill Thanos, just interrupting him .

Could it be that this is fate?

Rowe hurriedly bypassed the giant sword and saw Thanos running into the distance, staggering.

He was about to catch up, when a raging flame suddenly flew from the sky not far away, and the flames on his feet were surging, and it was actually killed by a flame supernatural power of the eternal gods.

This man had short gray hair and looked like a young man. Looking at Rowe, he said coldly, "Asgardian, your opponent is me now."