Chapter 204: 【Holy Light Frostbolt】

The gray-haired youth was flaming with flames and flew smoothly. It seemed that he was better at using divine power than Luo Wei.

However, with the blessing of the magic floating cloak, Luo Wei was even better when he flew, and now he hovered steadily and confronted the gray-haired youth.

The gray-haired youth wore a pair of golden gloves, also made of metal, which made it look somewhat similar to the Infinity Gloves.

He held both hands, and the flames lit up from between his fingers. The beating flames showed a dazzling white color, and the temperature was obviously amazing.

Blind light!

At this time, Luo Wei raised his hand with a blind light, and then the flames erupted on his body, and the speed suddenly accelerated.

Hit by the blinding light, the gray-haired young man panicked and flew backwards, blinking his eyes vigorously, trying to restore his vision as soon as possible.

Rowe was even faster, holding Antusur's hand high, and he was about to be hit with a hammer.

The gray-haired youth had no choice but to combine his hands, the golden gloves glowed brightly, and a thick, dazzling white column of fire shot out, sweeping across the large space in front of him from left to right.


Luo Wei's body was swept away by the pillar of fire and blew out.

The power of the flame emitted by this glove is amazing. Fortunately, he is also a flame **** and has strong immunity to flames, otherwise he will be burned to death.

Even if he was not burned to death by virtue of his immunity to flames, the parts that were swept still felt hot, and the exposed skin had a trace of scorch marks.

This golden glove is so terrifying!

After Luo Wei stabilized his body, his eyes lit up, and he was determined to grab it.

It is suitable for flame power, and the golden appearance is also very suitable for Paladins, this must be adjusted!

The powerful power of the pillar of fire not only blew Rowe away, but also caused the gray-haired young man to quickly retreat a large distance. He rubbed his eyes again, his eyesight seemed to have recovered a little, and he stared at Rowe.

King Blessing!

Rowe's body flashed with brilliance, and the holy light armor blessed by the king covered his whole body, turning into a paladin, looking very majestic.


The flames blazed under his feet, and when the speed soared, he held the warhammer and went straight to the gray-haired youth, and at the same time struck a hammer of judgment.

The dazzling white flames burned in the hands of the gray-haired young man, and his hands were interlaced, shaped like a flame shield, blocking the hammer of judgment.

At the same time, Luo Wei struck with a hammer.

The gray-haired youth's gloves are really good things. Not only can they gather the power of flames, but they are also extremely strong. He wore these gloves and fought back and forth with Rowe dozens of times.

Rowe waved Antusur's hand, and the holy light was released.

Hammer of Justice!


The gray-haired youth still used his gloved hands to pick it up. Although he blocked the warhammer, he was caught off guard by the stun power above.

He suddenly swayed and fell down.

Rowe used another hammer of punishment, hitting the gray-haired youth directly in the chest.

The gray-haired youth was still dizzy, he hurriedly blocked with his hand, screamed directly, vomited blood, and hit the ground like a shooting star.


There was a hole in the ground.

Luo Wei chased after him, holding the hand of Antu Sur, and went straight to the face of the gray-haired youth.

The gray-haired youth kept pouring blood from his mouth, as if he was seriously injured. Seeing that Luo Wei's fatal blow was about to come, he struggled to let out the flames in his hands.

He used the dazzling white flames released from his hands to propel his flight, and finally flew to the side at a critical moment, evading Luo Wei's attack.

Luo Wei looked up and saw that the gray-haired youth had fled in a panic in the distance.


Behind Luo Wei, the magic floating cloak agitated violently, and the flames under his feet raged, drawing a fiery trajectory in the air, chasing after the gray-haired youth.

With the power of the golden gloves, the gray-haired youth's flight speed was greatly increased. Even if Luo Wei had the help of the magic floating cloak, he could not catch up, and the distance gradually increased.

Seeing that the effect of the King's Blessing was about to end, Luo Wei immediately took out an ice blue longbow and three arrows from the Sanctuary space. It was the Ice Shaper Longbow.

He first held three arrows, and his hands shone brightly.

Holy Light Infusion!

Quickly pouring in some holy light, Rowe then bent his bow and arrow, placed three arrows on the ice-shaper's longbow, and pulled the bowstring.

When the bow was full, the power of ice cold penetrated into the arrows, the three arrows became like gold and ice, and the holy light flickered.

"call out!"

Three Holy Light Frost Arrows shot out, heading straight for the gray-haired youth.

The gray-haired youth quickly adjusted his direction and avoided the three Frostbolts of the Holy Light.

But at this moment, Luo Wei pointed a little.

Holy Shock!

"Boom boom boom!"

The three arrows exploded one after another, bursting out three golden-blue halos, drowning the gray-haired youth.


The gray-haired youth screamed and fell from the air, his body covered with ice slag.

Rowe chased after him, Antusur's hand slammed down, and the holy light hit the gray-haired young man's skull.


A bone shattered.

Luo Wei dragged the gray-haired youth's body to the ground. The first thing he did was to take off his golden gloves and put them in the Sanctuary space, and then find a space wrist.

Of course, the space wrist cannot be put into the Sanctuary space, so he had to wear it on his hand.


A familiar roar came from not far away Rowe saw that it was an old friend, Ander, whom he had not seen for many years. At this moment, Ander was holding a long sword and guarding near a certain entrance with seventy or eighty soldiers.

At the same time, a considerable number of Eternal Protoss warriors attacked them, and the battle was fierce.

Ander slashed the enemy to death with a sword, then was stabbed by a spear, screaming back.

Seeing this, Luo Wei immediately pointed a little.

Hands of Reckoning!

The Eternal Protoss warrior who was about to stab Ander to death suddenly froze. If he felt a sense of turning around, Ander seized the opportunity, held the spear, took the sword straight to his throat, and killed the enemy with one strike.

"Rowe?" He then glanced at Rowe in surprise.

Rowe got up and flew over, killed an enemy and said, "Long time no see, Ander."

"You've changed so much." Ander looked him up and down for a while, and couldn't help but say, "If it wasn't for the hand of reckoning, I'm afraid I wouldn't even recognize you."

The last time the two met was in Jotunheim. At that time, Luo Wei was not yet an adult, and they had separated for more than 30 years. Even if there was no effect of the talent mixture, it was not so easy to identify.

An Eternal Protoss warrior, holding the same sword as Thanos, slashed at Rowe.


Luo Wei raised his shield to block, and asked while shooting, "What's going on here, why is the fight so fierce?"

Ander pointed to the entrance behind him: "This is the entrance to the dungeon."


Rowe quickly reacted: "They want to free the prisoners of Asgard."

"That's right." Ander nodded. "And now, the prisoners in the dungeon also include Asgard's former gatekeeper, Uller... If the enemy releases him, it will be a big trouble."


Venerable Skyhammer rescues Urar

Wanting to kill Hela, but killing Jorde, Uller was furious and killed Venerable Sky Hamme