Chapter 205: 【Asgard Dungeon】

Odin and others are fighting with gods somewhere in the deep space of the universe. The Asgard battlefield is entirely a battle of second-order magicians and below, and only Uller, a third-order magician, is locked in the dungeon.

Once Uller makes a move, the entire Asgard battlefield will be seriously affected. Of course, the enemy wants to enter the dungeon to release Uller.

Apart from the Rainbow Bridge and the Treasure House, this is probably the place where the battle is the most intense.

The Eternal Protoss warrior with a battle axe jumped over, and the huge battle axe went straight to Luo Wei's door, as if to split him in half.

The magic floating cloak stirred, and Luo Wei floated up, dodging the blow, and at the same time took out an arrow and bent the bow.

The power of holy light and ice penetrated into the arrow at the same time, and a holy light and ice arrow quickly formed, the bowstring was loosened, and it shot out.

The broad axe is shaped like a shield, blocking this Frostbolt of Light.

Holy Shock!

But then, Luo Wei stretched his finger a little, and the arrow exploded instantly, and the holy light and the power of ice formed a golden-blue aperture, which suddenly burst open.


Several enemies were unable to escape, and were affected by the halo. When they screamed, they were killed or injured.

The Luowei people were in the air, and then several Holy Light Frost Arrows shot out one after another, causing chaos in the enemy camp.


A piece of feathers shot up, and Luo Wei accidentally injured his arm when he hurriedly blocked.

He turned his head to look, but it was an Eternal Protoss birdman with two wings on its back attacking from the side, and the feathers were shot from its wings.

Birdman held a halberd, his wings fluttered, and he stabbed at Luo Wei.


Rowe's shield parried, and at the same time raised his hand and released a blinding light.

Birdman was startled, his body swayed, and he flapped his wings and flew backwards, while blinking hard.

Hammer of Judgment!

Rowe smashed him with a hammer of judgment, and the flames spewed from his feet, chasing after him.


The birdman's wings spun sharply, and a large piece of feathers shot out. Rowe opened the shield of holy light and blocked these feathers, which were much more ferocious than bullets.

The frequent collision of a large number of feathers made his body sway for a while, and he was forced back a bit.

Birdman's vision recovered a little, and taking this opportunity, he clenched his halberd with both hands and slashed at the shield of holy light.


The Holy Light shield collapsed, Rowe turned his left hand, used the shield body to hold the halberd, and then Antusul's hand aimed at the halberd and slammed it.

Hammer of Justice!

The halberd was directly smashed into a curved arc, and at the same time, the shock force of the Hammer of Justice was passed, and the bird man flicked his fingers, and the halberd came out of his hand.

The birdman was startled and angry, and hurriedly flew towards the halberd.

Luo Wei took a step forward, put his right hand on the halberd, and released the holy light between his five fingers, quickly pouring some holy light into it.

Birdman's expression changed when he held the halberd, but it was too late.

Holy Shock!


The halberd was made of good material, and the holy light poured into it at this time, of course, couldn't destroy it, but the explosion generated was enough to blow the birdman's arm.

The birdman screamed and fell from the air, and finally flapped his wings when he was about to land, so as not to fall to his death on the spot.

He was panting and hovering at a low altitude, glanced at his **** hands, and then at Luo Wei who was not far away. In addition to anger, there was more fear in his eyes.


At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly sounded, and before the birdman could react, he was bitten on the neck by a black wolf about the same size as a human.


At first glance, the black wolf looks ordinary, but there is a strange light on its teeth, which seems to give it an extraordinary sharpness.

So just like biting a cookie, the black wolf easily bit off the birdman's neck, and the birdman only had time to show a terrified expression, and the corpse fell into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"Ow—" The black wolf looked up at Rowe, showing an expression that seemed like I had seen you before.

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that Hela was walking from not far away, and there was a middle-aged lady by her side, but it was her mother, Jiao De.

Luo Wei suddenly realized that this black wolf was Fenris he gave to Hela.

"Fenris." Hela shouted, and Fenris ran over with grinning and tongue-tied, wagging his tail, and he looked a bit like a husky.

Rowe landed: "His Royal Highness."

Hela nodded, then looked at her mother Jorde: "Mother, you go, I'll stay here with the soldiers."

"Be careful, my daughter," admonished Jorde, then turned and entered the dungeon.

Luo Wei blinked: "The queen is..."

Hela said: "My mother wants to persuade Urel."

Hearing this, Luo Wei couldn't help but ignite the fire of gossip in his heart. Odin's wife Jorde is Uller's old lover. It seems that the two are still somewhat connected to each other. I don't know if Odin's head is green or not...


Hela raised her hand at this time, and the Meow Meow Hammer roared and lashed out. When the electric light jumped, a string of enemies were knocked to the ground, either dead or injured.

The disadvantage of the Eternal Protoss further increased, and was almost pressed and beaten by Asgard.

Seeing that the battle situation was safe, Luo Wei healed himself. The series of battles just now left him with a lot of injuries and little mana left.

After healing the injury, he took out the sleeping potion given by his cousin El and took it with his head up.

The potion entered his stomach, and Luo Wei fell asleep instantly, and woke up a few seconds later, his mana had recovered by most, and he was full of energy!

The effect of this flashing potion is really against the sky, but unfortunately it can't be used often, otherwise it will cause dependence, and don't want to get a good night's sleep in this life.

After being in good shape, Rowe continued to fight.


Asgard Dungeon.

Odin's wife, Joder, now Queen of Asgard, walked down the tunnel into the dungeon.

On both sides of the dungeon are compartments one after another, in which prisoners of various colors are held, and they are all dangerous people from all corners of the universe.

Each compartment was shrouded in golden energy nets that looked thin and almost transparent, but no criminals dared to approach.

"Look who's here, isn't this Lord Jorde?"

"Oh, she's queen now."

"Hahaha, Jorde, are you visiting your old lover?"

Some arrogant criminals shouted and indulged in their words, and a considerable number of them were death row prisoners, so naturally they had no scruples.

Jorde turned a blind eye to them and went all the way to the end of the dungeon.

At the end of the dungeon is a separate room. The energy net of this room is not golden, but blue. The arcs on it are beating, and the clouds are flowing. At first glance, it is very different from the energy net that imprisons ordinary prisoners.

In the room, a sturdy middle-aged man with a beard sat with his back to the energy net, his head bowed and his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

"Uller." Jord stopped in front of the energy net and shouted.

Uller's body trembled when he heard the sound, and he turned around quickly, looking complicated but very surprised and said: "Jord, why are you here?"
