Chapter 206: 【8 warhammers】

Jord hesitated for a while, then said softly, "Uller...Asgard needs you."

Uller's eyes were a little lost, and he said: "But Odin doesn't need me, of course, I don't need Odin either, he is a shameful usurper."

Jorde continued: "Kur united the Celestials and the Eternals to attack Asgard. Just outside the dungeon, hundreds of people are fighting."

"Uller, you can disobey Odin, but you are the gatekeeper of Asgard. Are you willing to sit back and watch outsiders wreak havoc on the land of Asgard?"

"I'm not a gatekeeper anymore, I'm a prisoner now," Uller said.

Then his emotions got a little excited, and he said in a series of words: "By the way, didn't Odin say that he is destiny, destiny will win, he can solve everything by himself... Look at how complacent he looks when he holds the infinite gloves, As if he has ruled the whole universe, huh! He should kill us lowly rebels, his own brother, his king!"

Jord was silent for a while, and then said: "No, Odin will not kill Kul. The prophecy of the Norn Spirit tells him that he cannot kill Kul. Of course, he does not want to hurt you."

"Jord, are you here just to tell me this?" said Uller.

Jiao De took a few steps closer: "Otherwise, what else can we say. We are all parents and have families of our own."

This sentence obviously touched Uller, he clenched his fist, and his face couldn't help showing some memories, with a complicated look, and finally said: "When we were young, we all made some wrong choices."

"Yeah." Jiao De also lowered his head and responded with a very emotional tone.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

In fact, it was not quiet. From the beginning to the end, the other prisoners were noisy, like a group of flies preparing to lay eggs.

However, the strange thing is that this continuous high-intensity noise converges into a unique background sound, like the sound of rain outside the window at night, the louder the quieter.

Both Uller and Jorde were deeply immersed in this delicate atmosphere.

"Jord, do you remember what happened in Alfheim a thousand years ago? In that cave." Uller suddenly raised his head and said.

"You mean..." Jord's face suddenly turned red.


Outside the dungeon.

Rowe pulled the bowstring of the ice-shaper's longbow in his hand, and the cold force condensed, and the ice arrow took shape-he didn't have many arrows, and it was exhausted after a fight, so he could only use the ice arrow.

However, as the Holy Light Frost Arrow, whether it is a metal arrow or not, the power difference is not big.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ice arrow shot out, the power of holy light and ice burst out, and the golden-blue aperture opened in the enemy army, accompanied by a few screams.

Rowe continued to shoot arrows.

He has fallen in love with this attack method now, it consumes less power, is powerful and unexpected.

This time, he did not infuse holy light, and shot out an ordinary ice arrow, but due to the memory of the previous few times, the enemies dodged and the formation was in chaos.

"Luo Wei, you still have many tricks." Ander couldn't help but say something, sighing, "I have never seen anyone who can surpass you in this regard over the years."

Hela's Maulnir flew like a meteor and took the lives of several enemies. The team of the Eternal Protoss has already shown a tendency to collapse.

But at this moment, eight figures came from a distance. They were not the Eternal God Race, but the Asgardians, but they were a small part of the people who followed Kur.

These eight people Rowe are very familiar with, it is Kuer's Heavenly Hammer Venerable, headed by his daughter Skadi, who is holding a warhammer.

Luo Wei even had the opportunity to become one of them at the beginning, but now the two sides are enemies.

Venerable Sky Hammer were all elites. Eight people were killed with eight hammers. The originally one-sided situation changed immediately, and it became a stalemate again.

"Hela." Skadi held her warhammer "Original Sin" and looked at Miaolnir in Hela's hand with hatred.

"I will kill you, just as my father will kill Odin!"

"Then you're probably going to be disappointed." Hela said coldly, the arc of the warhammer in her hand flowing.

"Boom!" The warhammers of both sides bombarded together immediately, inspiring a violent shock wave, and the electric light swept across.

Both of them are not divine powers, but they are blessed with divine power from Odin and Kool, and their weapons are all first-level divine weapons, so the scene of the fight is very amazing, and a large area is cleared directly.

Skadi and Hela were fighting here, and the other seven Heavenly Hammer Venerables also had opponents.

"Rowe!" Gus roared, and killed Rowe with a giant hammer in his hand.

During the hunting festival, he and Luo Wei had a deep grudge, so when they met at this time, they were naturally jealous.

However, he was not the only one who had hatred against Luo Wei. Nuer took a quicker step and stood in front of Gu Si, saying, "Luo Wei's life is mine!"

Gu Si was a little angry, and was about to speak, when Nur said: "First come, then come."

"It's better not to let me save you Gu Si snorted and had to turn away and kill others.

Nur roared angrily and jumped up with a giant hammer. He showed amazing bouncing power, jumping dozens of meters, and then fell from the sky, and the war hammer struck like a meteorite.


Although Rowe dodged, the power of the hammer was still beyond his imagination. A large pit was punched in the ground, and the cracks spread, making him almost sink in.

Nur then turned his hand, turned the hammer to the sharp side, and hit Rowe with another hammer.


Rowe's shield blocked, and then he watched his blood-colored commander's shield was pierced by the hammer, and the tip of the hammer was exposed from his face.

At the same time, the huge impact made him stagger for a while, and he took a few steps back before he stopped.

Nur sneered and shook the warhammer: "Do you think my hammer is still the same as before, this "Breaking World" was built for me by the master. "

Rowe's face was gloomy, he looked at the pierced Scarlet Commander's Shield, and took a deep breath.

He immediately put it into the Sanctuary space, and then took out a golden glove and put it on his left hand, which was the one he snatched from the gray-haired youth before.

As soon as Rovello groped, the flame of divine power poured into the glove, and quickly turned into a dazzling white color, exuding astonishing heat.


A fiery pillar of fire shot out from his left hand and bombarded Nur.

Nur screamed, and was immediately blasted away, knocking down a stone wall, and the surrounding smoke and dust were everywhere.

Rowe was startled, not by the power, but by the consumption of this blow. Maybe because of the first use, this blow consumes a lot of energy, and the remaining flame power in his body is gone.

Nur got up from the ruins, and the armor on his body was blasted open, revealing some scorched skin, and a dim light attached to the skin.
