Chapter 207: 【Boundary Breaker】

This dim light seems to be a tattoo, printed on Nuer's skin, faintly exuding a strange energy fluctuation.

"You have divine power, but I have the blessing of the master. This is the power of the Almighty Father!" After Nur said, he flew out with a stride, and the huge kicking force shattered the ground behind him.

Luo Wei had just experienced the power of the Boundary Breaker, and he hurriedly dodged. At the same time, he raised his left hand, and the light of blindness bloomed.

However, I did not expect that although the golden gloves can strengthen the power of flames, they are very unfriendly to the Holy Light. The blind light is released through the gloves, and the effect is greatly reduced. Nur squinted his eyes and returned to normal.

Luo Wei couldn't help but murmured for a while, thinking that it was really inappropriate to change a new weapon before the battle, and quickly put the gloves back, and then applied a king's blessing to himself, and opened the shield of holy light with his left hand.


With a heavy blow from the Boundary Breaker, the Holy Light shield collapsed immediately, and Rowe was so shocked that he stepped back a few steps.

"Suffer to death!" Nuer roared and chased after him, and the huge world-breaking hammer rolled up in the air with a whistling sound.


Rowe tightened his hand, the enchanting effect of Antusur's hand was activated, and three mirror images flickered, and they were distributed around Nur symmetrically with the main body.

Nur missed the shot and looked at the four Rowes who looked like a hair, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Rowe recalled the battle strategy of Blackrock Juggernaut, and walked around Nur with the three clones, with the same rhythm and movements.

Nur's eyes widened, and he kept turning his head, trying to distinguish which one was the real body.

The four Rowes ran faster and faster, surrounding him, alternating positions, dazzling.

"Ah!!" Nuer couldn't tell which was the real body and which was the mirror image, and immediately roared, waving the hammer to run towards one of them.

The four Rowe also responded, the formation suddenly shrank, and the four Antusur's hands hit Nur in unison.


Nur blasted a mirror image clone, but he was hit in the back by Luo Wei's real body.

The Holy Light of the Hammer of Justice was released, and Nuer Deng flew out.

After a blow, the three Rowes quickly exchanged positions, and when Nur staggered up from the ground, he couldn't tell which was which.

He gritted his teeth and shook his head vigorously, panting.

The same scene was staged again, and the three Luowei circled Nuer and went faster and faster.

This time, Nuer no longer took the initiative to take action, and no longer tried to distinguish with his eyes, but stood in place, holding the warhammer and waiting quietly.

When Rowe saw this, the warhammer suddenly hit the ground.

The sword of justice stabbed out, and Nuer was caught off guard, and was stabbed in the leg immediately. Fortunately, he was tall and moved a bit in the process, otherwise he would have to be hit in the crotch.

"Ahhhh!" Nur was anxious and angry, so he had to take the initiative to attack again, waving a huge hammer to kill one of the three Luo Wei.

This time he just chose Rowe's real body, Luo Wei was shocked and hurriedly dodged.

"Boom!" The Boundary Breaker swept across a statue, and the somewhat dilapidated statue was immediately smashed into pieces by the warhammer, and the gravel was blasted.

"Haha, I found you!" Nuer laughed, chasing after Luo Wei's real body.

Rowe raised his hand immediately, and the light of blindness lit up. This time, without the barrier of the gloves, Nutton lost his sight and swung the hammer in a panic.

Taking this opportunity, Rowe and the two clones switched positions and continued to surround Nuer.

Nur's vision recovered a little, panting violently, his expression very gloomy.

The sword of justice!

The sword of justice stabbed out, and his other leg was also stabbed, and his steps were even more staggered.

Nur rushed to a clone of Rowe, and Rowe's real body was about to strike a hammer of justice.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Nur's movements took a turn, and the Boundary Breaker turned around and swept behind him.

Luo Wei was startled, and quickly opened the shield of light.


The world-breaking hammer sank vigorously, like a meteorite, a clone was blown up, and the Holy Light shield collapsed. Luo Wei stepped back and Nur chased after him.

"You're dead this time!" Nuer's eyes widened, chasing after him, each step cracking the ground under his feet, and he was about to get close.

Luo Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he used the mirror image again, and surrounded Nur again with the three mirror image clones.

This time, Nuer's expression suddenly became a little frightened, and the hand holding the hammer of breaking the world trembled slightly.

Luo Wei and his clone quickly changed positions around Nur, during which a sword of justice pierced his right leg and calf, making him kneel on the ground.

Hammer of Justice!

Immediately after, a hammer of justice hit, knocking Nur out.

Nur collapsed a building and fell into the rubble. Before he could get up, Luo Wei bent his bow and took an arrow, and a Frost Arrow of Holy Light blasted out.


The ice arrow hit Nuer in the chest, Nuer screamed, got up weakly, and panted weakly in the ruins.

Rowe walked over and looked at him.

The ice shaper's ice arrow was inserted into Nuer's chest, dyeing a large area of ​​skin nearby into ice blue. Nuer couldn't help shaking, but said, "You can't kill me"

"Do you mean you will be resurrected?" Luo Wei said lightly If so, then I will kill you again. "

After that, he pointed out a little.

Holy Shock!

"Boom!" The ice arrow inserted in Nuer's chest immediately exploded, ending his life.

Rowe looked at the Boundary Breaking Hammer beside him. Although this warhammer was a bit rough in shape, its power was amazing, which made him very moved.

He reached for the handle of the hammer, but he couldn't hold it.

Luo Wei increased his strength, and even his face turned red, but he still couldn't move the Boundary Breaker Hammer, and his face sank at the moment.

It seems that this Boundary Breaker also has a magical spell similar to the Meow Meow Hammer, and not everyone can lift it.

"Om" At this moment, the Boundary Breaking Hammer suddenly trembled, and then it made a roaring sound and shot towards the sky.

Rowe looked up again, and the Boundary Breaker had disappeared without a trace, disappearing into the sky of Asgard.

Of the eight Heavenly Hammer Venerables, Nur became the first to be killed. However, the other seven, but no one has shown a failure, entangled with their respective opponents.

Skadi and Hela fought indistinguishably, and when the two warhammers staggered, thunder and light shone in all directions, causing bursts of roars.

At this moment, a black-clothed Eternal Protoss floated up, like a falling feather, appeared near Hela, with open hands.


A beam of light shot out. Although Hela was prepared, she was blasted out and directly hit the stone wall next to the entrance of the dungeon.

"Your Highness!" Luo Wei hurried over to help Hela up.

Hela was obviously badly injured by this blow, bleeding from the corners of her mouth and panting.

A nearby group of Asgardian soldiers rushed towards the man in black, but the man in black was calm, pushing his hands left and right, the aperture swayed, and a large number of Asgardian soldiers were shot flying, causing casualties.

"Uller is in here?" The man in black looked at Skadi.

"That's right."

"In that case, let's go in."