Chapter 209: 【Heaven Hammer Qi Meteor】

"His Royal Highness!" Several Venerable Heavenly Hammers were shocked.

Uller stared at them immediately, gritted his teeth, and his eyes glowed like flames.


Angler's pupils shrank, and he was immediately pressed into the wall by Uller's majestic palm, and his chest was directly collapsed.

The other Heavenly Hammer Venerables were also doomed, Uller didn't take much effort to kill them, and almost one punch and one kick, the Heavenly Hammer fell to the ground.

Gus didn't dare to entangle with Luo Wei again, and turned his head to run for his life.

How could Luo Wei let him go, the warhammer slammed into the ground, the sword of justice stabbed out of the ground, and the soles of Gus's feet were stabbed, and he fell to the ground with a groan.

"Boom!" Uller flew over and kicked Gusi's back.

"Ah—" Gus spurted blood from his mouth, unable to move.

The heavy armor on his body was bent and deformed by Uller's kick, which caused his body to show a broken shape of bending backwards, obviously the spine was broken.

Soon, the rest of the Heavenly Hammer Venerables died in the hands of Uller. Counting Nuer who died in the hands of Rowe before, the eight Heavenly Hammer Venerables all perished.

When the man in black fought against Vidal, he was cut by a wooden sword, and while hurriedly retreating, he couldn't help showing a bit of horror.

He looked at Urer, who was killing him, and quickly put his hands together, a thick beam of light shot out from his palm, blasting a large hole at the top of the dungeon, and jumped to fly away from it.

However, as soon as he flew halfway, Uller jumped to catch up, reaching out and grabbing the ankle of the man in black.

The man in black screamed and was pulled down by Uller, and threw it to the ground, leaving a human-shaped dent on the ground.


"Boom boom boom!"

Uller threw the man in black repeatedly to the ground again and again, and the scene was exactly the same as the Hulk threw Loki.

The man in black was thrown and covered in blood after a while.

On the other side, Luo Wei took a few breaths, then turned and ran to Hela's side.

"Your Highness!" He separated Jord and Hela.

A hole was pierced through Jord's chest, and he was undoubtedly dead. Hela was unconscious, but did not appear to be mortally wounded.

Luo Wei poured holy light into Hela's body, and then the holy light flashed between his fingers.

Holy light flashes!

The dazzling holy light flashed from Hela's body, which made her trauma heal quickly and recovered as before, and the complexion on her face improved significantly.

However, Hela did not wake up because of this, her eyes were still closed, and she was unconscious.

"Your Highness, Your Highness." Rowe shouted a few more times, but Hela still didn't respond.


At this time, Uller's trembling voice came.

Rowe looked to the side, Uller was staggering to the body of Jorde, he knelt on the ground and hugged Jorde, his eyes were red and his lips were trembling.

The atmosphere in the dungeon was quiet for a while, and everyone silently looked at Urer, who was kneeling on the ground.


After the master fell, the seven-handled Heavenly Hammer suddenly roared and trembled, exactly like the scene of the Boundary-breaking Hammer.

Immediately, the seven heavenly hammers flew out in unison, passed through the hole above the dungeon, at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared in the sky of Asgard in a blink of an eye, and I don't know where they went...


somewhere in deep space.

A large number of debris floats in space, some of them are ice, some are rocks, some are magma... In fact, it is not difficult to see that they once belonged to the same planet that just existed.

And the planet had apparently been torn to shreds by some terrifying force, and the fiery core was exposed, as if the surface of the lake glowed like fire, brighter than the distant stars.

Between the shards, several huge humanoids like mountains lay out, motionless, some lost their heads, some were covered in bruises, and they were obviously corpses—the corpses of gods.

Odin rode the eight-legged celestial horse Sleipnes, galloping in the void, the spear of eternity in his hand shone brightly, like a dazzling shooting star.


A **** was pierced by the spear of eternity, his chest spurted magma-like blood, his huge body slammed into the debris of the planet, and the rocks pierced through the air.

"You may be the last **** in the universe." The infinite glove on Odin's right hand flickered.

"No—" The goddess only had time to say this word, and was hit by the purple beam of light inspired by the infinite gloves, and half of his body and the planet fragments below him were destroyed.

Odin showed a smile. Although the Destroyer armor on his body was quite broken and Pegasus was covered in blood, there was no doubt that he was the final winner of this battle.

He flicked the reins with his left hand, and Pegasus eight-legged appeared in another place with him, and the figures of Kronos and Kur appeared in front of him.

Kronos and Kuer were covered in bruises and aura, and they were being bound by a yellow and green light at this time, with their eyes closed and motionless, as if they were frozen in the void.

When Odin moved his right hand, the Mind Gem and Time Gem on the Infinity Gloves lit up at the same time, and Kronos immediately regained his freedom staggered in the void, and quickly froze.

"Odin..." Kronos gasped, clutching a wound on his chest.

Odin waved the spear of eternity, pointed at the corpses of the gods around him, and said: "It's over, Kronos. I said, I am the destiny, you know nothing about my power... Even if you find nine Even the help of the gods can't change this fact!"

Kronos was silent for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "I surrender."

"Surrender?" Odin sneered, grabbing Kronos by the neck.

Kronos was a little frightened and said quickly, "We can negotiate terms."

"I don't think this issue needs to be discussed." Odin said, "Although the universe is big, one Protoss is enough, the Eternal Protoss is just..."

At this moment, Uller's voice entered his ears: "Odin, Jorde is gone..."

Odin's expression changed greatly, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Where's Hela?"

"She's in a coma." In addition to being sad, Uller was also very complicated, and he didn't tell Odindo.

Odin's face was cloudy for a while, and Kronos took the opportunity to get rid of it and retreated sharply.

Odin snorted coldly, and the infinite gloves released purple light, and a purple beam of light shot out from the power gem and went straight to Kronos.

Kronos turned his hands, and a blue light shield condensed instantly, blocking the beam of light for a moment, and at the same time hurriedly said: "I surrender, I can promise anything you want!"

"Anything can be promised?" Odin seemed to have changed his mind.


Odin stopped attacking: "Okay, since that's the case, you swear by your divine power that the entire Eternal Protoss will no longer expand, and give up all territories and resources other than Titan... You can only survive on Titan forever, and you must not go to the Titans. Take a step outside!"
