Chapter 210: 【I will turn into a big snake】

Cronos hesitated.

This condition is very harsh, probably only better than the direct extermination of the clan, but obviously, he has no room for bargaining.

"Promise, or perish." Odin shook his right hand, and the brilliance of the Infinity Stone and Eternal Spear continued to flow.

At this time, Odin has absolute strength, and the corpses of the nine gods are in front of him, and Kronos can only agree.

"I promise..." he sighed.

After he finished his oath, Odin took Kronos and Cul, who was still bound by the power of the gem, motionless, and rode the eight-legged horse Sleipnes, and rushed towards Asgard.

Not long after, he came to the sky over Asgard, carrying Kronos, and his voice spread throughout the entire Asgard like thunder: "Eternal Protoss, Kronos has surrendered to me, the war is over, you lose !"

"Cronos swears by his divine power that the Eternal Protoss will give up all territories and resources other than Titan, and you will stay on Titan honestly in the future."

The people who were fighting below all looked up and looked at Kronos who was captured by Odin.

"How can this be!"

"We have nine gods, aren't they all Odin's opponents?"

"We actually lost, and we can't leave Titan in the future, this..." Many Eternal Protoss felt unacceptable.

Odin raised his hand and released Kronos: "Okay, let your people go back to Titan, and stay there forever."

Odin left immediately, and Kronos froze in embarrassment, then recalled the warriors of the Eternal Protoss and returned to the spaceship.

As soon as Kronos returned to the spaceship, a purple-skinned Eternal Protoss rushed over and said, "Grandfather, we lost?"

"Yes, Thanos, we lost." Cronos said in a low voice.

Thanos felt unacceptable: "Can you, Kur and the nine gods, eleven people, be unable to defeat Odin?"

"Of course we can beat Odin, but we can't beat his Infinity Gauntlet," Kronos said.

"Infinity Gloves?" Thanos couldn't help asking.

"The artifact created by the dwarf King Nidavi for Odin to inlay six Infinity Stones," Kronos said slowly.

After a pause, he continued to say with some emotion: "This power is beyond imagination, as if there is no end to it. There are only three Infinity Gems inlaid on Odin's gloves, but in front of him, we have almost no power to fight back. If someone could collect all six gems, it would probably take a snap of their fingers to destroy the entire universe."

"Just a snap of fingers..." Thanos heard these words, his eyes flashed slightly, and he muttered a few words to himself, as if he was caught in some kind of thinking.


Odin rode on his eight-legged horse and quickly rushed to the dungeon, where he saw Jorde's body and Hela.

"Your Majesty." Rowe and others saluted Odin.

Odin didn't seem to hear it, walked to Hela, and quickly shouted, "Daughter?"

Hela did not respond, still in a coma, her brows furrowed and motionless.

"Rovi, isn't your Holy Light magic good at healing?" Odin said.

Luo Wei shook his head: "I tried it. His Highness Hela's injuries have already healed, but he has not woken up."

Odin was stunned for a while, then looked at Urer, who was lying in his arms.

His expression became very complicated, with sadness, anger, loss, and guilt...

Due to various reasons, the relationship between Odin and his wife is not good, almost a superficial husband and wife, but after all, they have known each other for so many years, so naturally they will be sad, and they will feel a green anger at Urer's actions.

Odin snorted coldly, stepped forward and grabbed Urer's neck.

Not to be outdone, Uller scolded: "Odin, you coward, you start a civil war, but you can't even protect your own wife! Marrying you is the biggest mistake of Jord's life!"

"I should have killed you." Odin was shaking with anger.

"Yes, you should have killed me!" said Uller. "Do it, you vile coward!"

Thunder beats on Odin's body, and the terrifying oppression hits like the wind, and everyone's discoloration changes.

"Odin, calm down!"

At this moment, a voice came, and he called Odin's name directly. Odin was not annoyed, but calmed down a little.

Rowe looked and found a gentle-looking middle-aged man coming from outside. This man seemed to be much older than Odin, and he was vaguely old-fashioned.

The more Luo Wei looked, the more familiar his face became. After thinking about it carefully, he finally remembered that this person was not the medical officer Scala he knew back then in Warnerheim.

It seems that this Scala once saved Odin's life and has a close personal relationship with Odin.

Scala came over: "Your Majesty, Uller is the gatekeeper of Asgard after all."

Uller was about to say something Scala then added: "It's still a father."

Uller was stagnant, and then gradually calmed down.

Scala said slowly: "We have all lost a lot, and we can no longer indulge our grief and anger, otherwise we will lose more."

After a while, Odin let go of Uller.

The civil war in Asgard is finally over.

Odin triumphed in the end, officially becoming Asgard's new god-king, and probably the most powerful god-king of all time, as evidenced by the blood of the nine gods.

A few months later, Asgard Dungeon.

The Asgard dungeon has been renovated, and the special cell where Urer was originally held is still there, but the prisoner has changed from Urer to Kur.

Odin's figure appeared in the dungeon and walked slowly.

If Kuer felt something, he turned around: "Long time no see, my brother, how does it feel to be the king of gods?"

"Not bad. What surprised me is that the complete power of Asgard is so powerful, it is completely different from when it is on you." Odin said.

Ku'er's expression sank slightly, then he regained his composure, and the conversation changed: "Are you here to kill me?"

"Of course not," said Odin. "I said I wouldn't kill you."

"Is it because of the prophecy?" Kurt said unsurprisingly.

Odin: "You may think so."

Kool then ticked the corner of his mouth: "Odin, in fact, I also know some prophecies related to this, do you want to hear it?"

"What prophecy?"

Kuer suddenly laughed, his voice gloomy: "I will turn into a serpent that devours the world!"

Odin frowned and said, "You don't have the chance to devour the world. Although I won't kill you, I will banish and seal you... You will die in the seal and then be forgotten by history."
