Chapter 211: 【Deity Corpse】

With the end of the civil war, Asgard is in ruins, and people are busy rebuilding their homes.

Except for the palace.

It is said that Odin was going to design a new palace, so the palace was only cleaned up for the time being, and repaired a little for daily use, and did not rebuild it.

"Luo Wei, my house is also going to be rebuilt. Ask your little Shilut to do me a favor." A neighbor came to the door.

"Buzz!" Before Rowe said anything, Xiao Shilut, who was eating stones, lit up, turned his head to look at him, and looked expectantly.

"The stone is full, add three Cortati rubies a day, and come back in the evening." Rowe said.

Koishi Root's ability plays a powerful role in the reconstruction of the house, and many friends and neighbors come here.

Luo Wei asked the neighbors to take care of Xiaoshi Root's meals, and there were gemstone snacks every day, so after a few times, Xiao Shi Root developed a strong interest in the work of real estate developers.

"No problem," said the neighbor.

"Go." Rowe patted Shilute's little head.

"Buzz!" Little Stone Root walked past.

After a while, while Luo Wei was chatting with El, a heroic warrior suddenly appeared outside.

"Rowe, you can fly in space, right?" the heroic warrior asked.

"That's right."

The heroic warrior nodded: "Your Majesty arranged to collect the scattered corpses of the gods. Since you can fly in space, come with me."

"Collecting the corpses of the gods?" Luo Wei was startled.

"It should be that His Majesty is preparing to fertilize the crystal crown." The heroic warrior said casually, and walked away first.

Rowe was taken aback.

Asgard is a space island with a front and a back. The front is where people live, and the back is an ice crystal wasteland. There is a towering mountain in the middle of the wasteland, called the crystal crown.

The crystal crown is connected to the energy core of Asgard, and the magic of Asgard is supported by the energy core.

Fertilizing the crystal crown naturally refers to injecting the energy contained in the corpse of the gods into it to stabilize and strengthen the entire Asgard.

It is also worth mentioning that after the Civil War, Uller's position became vague.

Although he no longer confronted Odin head-on, he had no intention of supporting him at all. In addition, due to Jorde, his relationship with Odin was very awkward, and he was finally sent to the Crystal Crown in a semi-exile nature to guard Asgar. Virtue's energy core.

For this arrangement, Uller accepted it with peace of mind, and probably also liked the tranquility of the crystal crown. After all, there was not even a rabbit there except for the garrison.

As for the position of Asgard gatekeeper in charge of the Rainbow Bridge, his son Heimdall took over.


Under the leadership of the heroic warriors, the two of them came to the Sea of ​​Marmora soon after, a boat that ran for thunder was suspended on the shore, and many people were already standing on the boat.

Although the Thunder Boat has the ability to navigate in space, its shape looks quite simple. An ordinary wooden boat, thrown to the present earth, will not be very incompatible with the style of painting.

Shortly after Rowe got on the ship, the hull trembled slightly, slowly floated up, and then adjusted its direction, lasing towards the deep space above Asgard.

After a period of time, large and small planet fragments appeared in front of everyone, which was obviously the planet that was destroyed in the battle between Odin and Kuer and others.

This fragmented planet, the exposed core is still hot. It is unknown whether life ever existed on the planet.

"We're here." The person in charge of the ship, Scala, said, "There are some corpses of gods scattered around here, and we'll collect them."

"Yes." Everyone on the boat responded.

Immediately, including Luo Wei, everyone flew out of the Thunder Boat and headed to the cosmic space where the fragments of the stars and the corpses of the gods were intertwined.

Behind Luo Wei, the magic floating cloak stirred, and the flames raged under his feet, searching around, and soon flew to the vicinity of a god's arm.

This arm alone is hundreds of meters long. Looking at the arm of the **** floating in front of him, Luo Wei secretly exclaimed in his heart.

I don't know what the gods eat to grow up, and they can develop such a body shape.

He came to the broken arm of the gods, and some blood droplets of the gods were still floating nearby, exuding a luster like magma, still hot, and looked a bit similar to the core of the broken planet.

As a pharmacist, seeing the blood of the gods, Luo Wei couldn't help feeling very moved, and immediately decided to take the opportunity to collect some for later use.

He collected several droplets of celestial blood floating in the air. For humans, the blood droplets of the gods are more appropriately called blood cells, so although it was only a few blood droplets, Rowe still used up all the crystal bottles in order to collect them.

After collecting a few blood droplets from the gods, Luo Wei pushed the gods' arms towards the Thunder Boat.

A celestial arm is hundreds of meters long and as heavy as a mountain. Fortunately, this is space, and there is no gravity or air resistance. Luo Wei pushed it for a while, and then successfully pushed it to the vicinity of the Thunder Boat The others did the same, pushing the broken corpses floating around the gods to the vicinity of the Thunder Boat, then locked them with chains, and dragged them back to the back of Asgard, where the Crystal Crown was.

Just like its name, the Crystal Crown is like a crown made of crystal. It stands in the ice crystal wasteland on the back of Asgard. It is crystal clear and dreamlike, and it faintly emits strange energy fluctuations.

At this moment, several broken or relatively complete corpses of the gods were dragged by several thunder boats and suspended above the crystal crown.

Odin rode the eight-legged celestial horse Sleipnis, standing on the top of the crystal crown. With a finger of the spear of eternity in his hand, golden streamers shot out, intertwined with the corpse of a **** who rushed upwards, like openings. the big net.

The corpse of the **** was entangled in the golden streamer, and then the whole body emitted a fiery light, melting into a colorful light.

Then these rays of light formed by the corpse of the gods all merged into the crystal clear crystal crown, like a long whale absorbing water, and the crystal crown was also reflected in a burst of colors, which looked like the color of the Rainbow Bridge.

Seeing this scene, Luo Wei couldn't help thinking, no wonder the Rainbow Bridge is so powerful that it can even destroy a planet. The energy of these few corpses of gods is no small matter...

At night, somewhere in the palace of Asgard.

The palace has not been rebuilt, but it is very clean and beautiful. There is a bed in the room, and Hela is lying on it quietly, with her eyes closed and motionless.

Odin and Scala sat on the edge of the bed, the latter put his hand on Hela's forehead, and a gentle glow emanated from his fingers, as if to perform treatment.

After a while, the light in Scala's hand dissipated.

"How is it, Scala?" Odin asked quickly.

Scala shook his head and sighed slightly: "It's still not good, Hela is unconscious now, obviously it's not a physical problem."
