Chapter 212: [Zhou Zhuo again]

"Is that a problem with the soul?" Odin asked again.

"It should be, but it's hard to say. At least Hela's current situation, I have never seen it before." Scala said.

Odin frowned, silent for a while.

After a while, he suddenly said, "Scala, you said... Could this be the prophecy?"

Scala was startled: "Which prophecy?"

Odin sighed: "During the last hunting festival, didn't I get three prophecies from the spirit of the norn, I remember I told you. One of the prophecies was "The possession of the gem, your children will be caused by it." die". "

Scala said nothing.

Odin said to himself: "Think about it too, how can the infinite gems have such a powerful power, how can there be no cost, maybe Jorde's death is also because of this... I think I have to give up the gems, otherwise Hela will also leave. I'm going."

"I think you're right, Odin," said Scala.

"The power of Asgard can be more powerful in your hands, and the power of Asgard is further strengthened by the corpses of the nine gods. Now you, even without the Infinity Stones, are still the most powerful in the universe. Existence. Giving up the gem will have no effect on you."

Odin nodded: "Yes, continuing to possess gems is pointless greed. Scala, how do you think I should arrange these three gems?"

"Disperse them and store them all over the universe to avoid being collected by others," Scala said. "After all, if someone gets three or more Infinity Stones at the same time, it will still cause some trouble."

"I'm afraid this situation is very difficult to happen." Odin shook his head.

"Not everyone can hold the Infinity Stone, especially the Power Stone, which is very damaging to the body, and few people in the universe can use it. If you want to use the power of multiple stones at the same time, you need Infinity Gloves. ."

Saying that, Odin raised his right hand wearing the Infinity Glove and clasped it with five fingers.

The power gem immediately released purple light, and the surging power was released from it, wrapped around the glove like a chain, and kept flickering and beating.

Under the repeated erosion of the purple light, the infinite gloves soon cracked all over, the glyphs were blurred, and they became a lump of scrap metal.

Odin then buckled the three gems and handed them to Scala together with the gloves: "The storage of the three gems will be arranged by you... In addition, although the gloves are useless, decorate the surface and put them as souvenirs. It should be good in the treasure house."

"Okay." Scala nodded.

"One more thing, after a period of time, you will take someone to send Kuer to the atrium and seal him there forever." Odin said again.


early morning.

Luo Wei woke up from his sleep. After washing up, he opened the holy deed and found a book of experience.

[Book of Experience: Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo]

In view of the special mechanism of this book of experience, he would occasionally go in for a challenge, not only seeing the famous bosses, but also waiting for a suitable battle scene.

Too powerful bosses, such as Ragnaros, will be killed in seconds when they enter. They are weaker than his bosses, and they are not worth wasting this special book of experience.

The ideal situation is undoubtedly to encounter a boss who is stronger than him, so that he can hold out until the reinforcements arrive, and the reinforcements happen to be stronger and can help him solve the battle.

Entering the familiar experience space, Zhou Zhuo's chubby figure appeared in front of Luo Wei.

In the dark and cold space, the monster hunter Zhou Zhuo squatted in a corner and muttered to himself, "Hey, what is this button for, let me try..."


A door slowly opened from the darkness.

Zhou Zhuo glanced at the crack of the door, and then ran away decisively. His fat body disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he only left a sentence: "Hold on, warrior! I'll go to the rescue!"

Luo Wei was not surprised, holding Antusur's hand in his hand, watching vigilantly at the door slowly opened in the dark.

Who will it be this time

The scene behind the gate was still quite dim, so Luo Wei didn't see the boss inside until the gate was more than half open.

A masked knight riding a skeleton warhorse and holding a long sword exudes an evil aura. Seeing Rowe, he said coldly: "The Scourge will devour you!"

Lord Rivendell!

Rowe recognized at a glance that this death knight was Lord Rivendell of Stratholme, and the death horse under his crotch was one of the most prestigious mounts in the World of Warcraft.

He opened a shield of light.


Almost at the same time, the death warhorse neighed, the horse's body was raised, Lord Rivendell waved the long sword in his hand, and a faint light full of corrosive aura lased out.


The shield of light immediately cracked.

Luo Wei was slightly shocked, and at the same time judged that Lord Rivendell's strength was stronger than himself, but not to the extent of crushing.

The strength of the boss is just right. If the reinforcements for a while can be stronger, this book of experience can be over After one blow, the death horse is rushing, and Lord Rivendell quickly approached Rowe.

Lord Rivendell was filled with some kind of corrosive power. As the distance between the two sides shortened, Rowe only felt dizzy, and he stumbled directly when he was caught off guard.


The ground cracked, and several skeleton soldiers climbed out of it and killed Rowe.

Blessed Hammer!

Rowe's war hammer was swung, and when the holy light flashed, the hammer of blessing shot out, hitting several skeleton soldiers along the spiral.

For things like demons and skeletons, the power of the Holy Light naturally increased greatly, and several skeleton soldiers were immediately blown up.

Immediately afterwards, Lord Rivendell rode the death horse to kill, and the long sword held high flashed a faint light, and suddenly slashed.


The light shield, which was already cracked all over, collapsed immediately, and Rowe was also knocked out.

Not only that, but the corrosive power of this sword hit him, causing him to suddenly suffer from severe pain. He couldn't help screaming and almost fainted.

He got up quickly, the holy light lit up on his body, and the corrosive power finally dissipated with another burst of pain.

Rowe clenched the warhammer in his hand and looked at Lord Rivendell while panting, looking nervous.

This is definitely a level 6 boss, I don't know if I can support Zhou Zhuo's reinforcements.

Lord Rivendell waved his long sword, the death horse roared, and Rowe once again opened the shield of light.


The shield of light collapsed again, but Rowe was able to hit a hammer this time, and the hammer of justice slammed into the side of the death warhorse.

The holy light was released, and the death warhorse immediately flew its bones and was crippled on the spot.

However, Lord Rivendell did not panic at all. With a wave of his long sword, several skeleton soldiers climbed out of the ground. Two of them directly stepped forward and merged into the body of the dead warhorse, repairing the warhorse's injuries.