Chapter 213: 【Sword of Rivendell】

The remaining skeleton soldiers roared towards Rowe.

Rowe opened the shield of holy light, and the Hammer of Blessing shot out, killing these skeleton soldiers.

"Boom!" Lord Rivendell's long sword slashed on the shield of holy light, taking advantage of the rushing momentum of the death horse, it was another heavy blow.

Although the Holy Light has a restraining effect on evil forces, in the face of the huge disparity in strength, this restraint cannot change anything.

The evil aura that pervaded Lord Rivendell kept Rowe in a state similar to poisoning, dizzy and erratic.

After dozens of rounds in this way, he was already covered in blood and exhausted, and the results of his dozens of rounds were just a few additions to Lord Rivendell and the dead horses under his crotch. Not serious injury.


Lord Rivendell swung his sword, the ground cracked, and another group of skeleton soldiers climbed up from the ground and merged into him and the horse.

With the integration of the skeleton soldiers, the wounds of him and the dead warhorse healed quickly, and after a while, they were as good as before, and even the clothes were restored, and I don't know what the operation was.

Luo Wei had already given up the plan of confrontation, holding the shield of holy light with both hands, defending with all his strength, waiting for Zhou Zhuo's reinforcements.

This kind of boss with just the right amount of strength is not easy to meet. He has only encountered a few times over the years, but in the end, it was a lack of strong reinforcements and the challenge failed.

I hope the reinforcements will be stronger this time...

"Boom!" Another shadow arrow shot from Lord Rivendell's long sword, knocking Rowe away from a distance.

"Cough cough..." Rowe got up from the ground, coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, clenched the Holy Light shield in his hand, and muttered in his heart.

Damn, why didn't Zhou Zhuo's reinforcements come here!

I can't stand it anymore!

The death steed charged again, the corrosive power of the evil halo lashed like a gust of wind, and Lord Rivendare's longsword pierced.

Luo Wei was stabbed in the chest by the long sword, screamed, and quickly backed away, only to stumble and fall to the ground within a few steps.

Lord Rivendell's corrosive power seeped in from the wound on his chest, rendering him almost incapacitated, so he could only heal himself in situ.

"Become a member of the Scourge." Lord Rivendell said coldly, and the death warhorse scraped sparks on the ground, preparing to launch a fatal blow to Rowe.


At this moment, the ground suddenly burst open, and several thick plant roots emerged from it, quickly entangling the dead warhorse and trapping it in place.

"This is--"

Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo's voice came from behind: "Warrior, reinforcements are here!"

Luo Wei turned his head to look, but saw a night elf man following Zhou Zhuo. This night elf had two horns and long blue-green hair draped over his shoulders.

Malfurion Stormrage!

Finally, there was a strong reinforcement, and Rowe was pleasantly surprised.

"I am the guardian of nature!" Malfurion said, raising his staff aloft.


A dazzling moonlight fell from the sky and slammed on Lord Rivendell.

Lord Rivendell screamed, and fell to the ground with his horse and man. His whole body showed signs of charred blackness and smoke, and the death warhorse was almost falling apart.

Rowe also recovered a bit of strength at this time, just stepped forward to make up the knife, and a hammer of justice struck Lord Rivendell on the forehead.


Lord Rivendell was instantly blown up.

But the strange thing is that no item list fell, which made Rowe stunned for a while.

What's up, why isn't there a drop list?

At this time, Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo walked up to him and said, "Warrior, you really didn't disappoint me."

Rowe: "..."

Looking at Zhou Zhuo's seemingly honest and honest face, he couldn't help but sank in his heart, thinking that he shouldn't have blackened everything.

"Crackling." But soon, a door was pushed.

Rowe looked, but a man who looked like an officer of Stormwind City came from the place where Lord Rivendell appeared, and he smiled: "I am the quartermaster, you defeated Lord Rivendell, come here to collect the reward. "

There was actually a quartermaster, Luo Wei was very surprised, walked over and asked, "What reward?"

The quartermaster unhurriedly took out two lists: "You have two choices, learn a spell, or get some munitions."

"What spells can I learn?"

"Beacon of Holy Light, or Aura of Charity." The quartermaster spread out a list.

Two healing spells, the kind that are only suitable for team fighting, are useless when fighting alone. Luo Wei, who positioned himself as a disciplined knight, could not help frowning slightly and asked, "What are the military supplies?"

The quartermaster spread out another list: "These few."

Luo Wei looked closely, and there were four things in total.

[Standard space grid x100]

【Holy Shield (Shard)】

[Forging Blueprint: Purified Sword of Rivendell]

[Enchantment: Revenge Feedback]

The space grid and Divine Shield fragments must be bigger These two things can never be too much.

Luo Wei looked at the introduction of revenge feedback again, and felt that the effect was good. After a weapon has revenge feedback, each time revenge can feed back some energy to the holder to restore injury and mana.

It is this purified sword of Rivendell...

He hesitated.

The Sword of Rivendell is also the weapon of Lord Rivendell. A purification is added to the front, which is probably more in line with the style of the Paladin. After all, Lord Rivendell himself is a natural disaster formation.

The Hand of Antusur is a one-handed hammer, and Rowe's shield is broken, so he must make a new shield, or simply change to a two-handed weapon.

Should I change the weapon to the Sword of Rivendell?

He thought for a while, then asked, "Does it mean that if I choose spells, I can only learn one of the two spells, and if I choose munitions, I will get all four munitions?"

"Yes." The quartermaster nodded.

Hearing this, Luo Wei quickly made a decision: "I choose military supplies."

"Are you sure, munitions?" the quartermaster asked.


The quartermaster immediately handed the list of munitions to Luo Wei, and he returned the same way with the list of spells and disappeared.

Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo and Malfurion also disappeared at this time, and only Luo Wei was left in the experience space.

Luo Wei wanted to talk about life with Zhou Zhuo, and asked Malfurion to help Illidan's sister-in-law say hello.

He calmed down and looked at the details of the Sword of Rivendell.

[Forging Blueprint: Purified Sword of Rivendell]

[Standard Item Level: Level 6]

[Main Materials: Black Iron, Purified Demon Blood, Mountain Blood]
