Chapter 215: 【Exile Kool】

However, it is a pity that although the degree of completion has reached beyond, the item level has not reached a level, it is still level six.

See if you can cross this hurdle after the enchantment.

Rowe turned to the page of revenge feedback, put the sword of Rivendell on it, summoned the holy deed, and applied the enchantment.

Several golden-red rays of light shot out from the holy deed, like a net, entwining the sword of Rivendell, and the radiance brightened.

The enchanting process this time was obviously a lot longer than before. It used to be almost instantaneous, but this time it took several seconds for the golden-red energy from the holy deed to fully penetrate into the sword.

After the enchanted sword of Rivendell, the blood-colored inscription on it is brighter, as if it is flowing blood.

Luo Wei once again put the sword on the drawing for identification.

[Completion: Beyond]

[Item Level: Level 7]

Level 7 items!

This level is equivalent to the talent mixture, and it is a full two levels higher than the Hand of Antuthul.

Rowe swung his sword a few times and was overjoyed.

This sword of Rivendell is estimated to last for a long time, on the one hand because of its strong quality, on the other hand, because it is difficult to make a better weapon than this in Asgard.

Next time I want to change weapons, I am afraid that Rowe can only go to Nidavi to ask the dwarves for help.

When he got home, Luo Wei wore the sword around his waist, and after standing in front of the mirror and posing for a few times, he couldn't help feeling the heroic image of the man in the mirror.

Just as he was sighing, he suddenly remembered something. He took out a pair of golden gloves from the Holy Deed space. It was the pair he grabbed from the Eternal God Race Flame Divine Power before. He called it "flame gloves" for the time being.

Rowe had already felt the power of the flame gloves.

With this pair of gloves, the power of the divine flames fired from the hands will be greatly increased. Not only that, this glove is also very strong, and the blade is a routine operation, which can be regarded as a sharp weapon.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious. One is that the flame gloves consume a lot of energy, and the other is that they are not compatible with any energy other than flames.

Therefore, wearing the flame gloves, it will be very difficult to cast the Holy Light spell, and the result will be twice the result with half the effort.

This made Rowe a little confused, wondering if he should wear these gloves.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to consecrate a glove first. After consecration, the glove will naturally be compatible with the Holy Light.

Although the process of sanctification is time-consuming and laborious, it should be acceptable to sanctify one glove. As for whether the other is sanctified, we will talk about it later.

Before leaving the mirror, Luo Wei couldn't help but put on his gloves and snapped his fingers.

"Click." The metal gloves made an unpleasant rubbing sound.


A few days later, Rowe received an order from the heroic warriors to go to the Asgard palace to meet Odin.

"His Majesty."

After arriving at the place, Rowe turned his head and saw that Scala was also there, so he also greeted: "Master Scala."

Scala and Odin have a very close personal relationship. After Odin came to power, the entire Asgard, apart from Odin himself and Hela, would probably have the highest status of Scala, who was also the Prime Minister of Asgard and the royal housekeeper.

"You're here, Rowe." Odin said with a smile.

"I sent you to the atrium to perform a mission earlier, but I didn't expect you to solve Tianqi by the way. I originally planned to wait for the end of the Asgard affair to personally handle Tianqi. You brought me another surprise."

Luo Wei couldn't help but think, it seems that Apocalypse is exhausted, even without him and the Brotherhood of Aegis, Apocalypse will die at the hands of Odin.

"In the battle not long ago, your performance was equally astonishing, Nur and the hand of fire of the Eternal Protoss were killed by you - by the way, you are now in the most famous Asgardian of the Eternal Protoss. One." Odin continued.

Luo Wei was a little surprised. Hearing this, the Eternal Protoss whose gloves were snatched by him seemed to have a high status.

Odin: "Although according to Asgard's regulations, you need to be at least 100 years old to be promoted to the fifth-level military rank, but in view of your excellent performance, I decided to promote you exceptionally."

As he spoke, he took out a letter of appointment: "Rovey Garrison, from now on, you are the fifth-level military commander of Asgard. There is also a bounty of three thousand runes for your military exploits. award."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Rowe said.

"You deserve it." Odin smiled, then added, "One more thing."

"Although Kurt betrayed Asgard, out of mercy, I still don't want to kill him. I plan to seal him in the atrium and let him die there quietly." He said slowly.

"Luo Wei, you have been in the atrium for all these years, and you must know a lot about it. You and Scala will lead the team to the atrium to set up a seal."

Luo Wei replied: "Yes."

Odin encouraged and chatted a few more words, and Luo Wei asked during the period: "Your Majesty, I wonder if His Highness Hela is awake?"

"Not yet." Odin shook his head with a sigh, and then said casually, "I hope she will wake up when you come back."

After leaving the Asgard Palace, Rowe went to organize a team.

Three days later, twelve people in the team were in front of the Rainbow Bridge, most of them were his former teammates, such as Skorch, Ander, Diops. Of course, in addition to them, there is a small stone lute.

"Rovey, your sword is really powerful!" Ander tried the sword of Rivendell and couldn't help but exclaimed when he handed it back.

Rowe smiled, retracted his sword, and was about to say something when he looked up to see Scala leading a team of mages from not far away.

At the front of the mage team, in addition to Scala, there is a long-haired middle-aged man in a green robe. It is Odin's brother, the former Asgard God King Kur.

Ku'er was bound by a layer of chains shaped like lightning, with cloud patterns flowing on it, faintly exuding a strong sense of oppression, very similar to the energy net in Uller's cell.

Rowe already knew that this was actually transformed by Odin's divine power.

"Stand up, it's time for us to go." Luo Wei ordered everyone to stand up, while picking up Little Shilut who was rolling on the ground.

"Master Scala." Everyone greeted.

Scala nodded, then said, "Let's go."

Kool said at this time: "Where is Odin going to banish me?"

"You'll know when you get there." Scala said, walking first, followed by a team of warriors and a team of mages.

Culburn didn't move, but Naihe's divine power chain was being held by Scala. When Scala pulled it, the arc jumped on it, and he had to keep up.

Everyone came to the teleportation hall. Asgard's new Heimdall held the sword of guardianship and asked, "Where is the teleportation?"

Luo Wei took out a map, which was the map of the earth, reached out and pointed to a place above, and said, "This place."
