Chapter 216: 【Mariana Trench】

The place Lowe was referring to was London, London's most holy sanctuary to be precise.

Heimdall nodded, his eyes lost focus at the same time, and he asked after a while, "Is there a huge stone building there?"

"Yes, it was built by my friends on Earth," Rowe said.

"Get ready, the Rainbow Bridge is about to open," Heimdall said, clenching the guardian sword.

Everyone stood in place, but the Rainbow Bridge didn't open for a while.

"What's the matter, Heimdall?" Skara asked in confusion.

"..." Heimdall blinked repeatedly and adjusted his sword-holding posture, his expression gradually becoming embarrassed, "I'm not very skilled yet."

Everyone remembered that Heimdall had just been the gatekeeper for a few days. Although Heimdall had the blessing of the All-Seeing Eye, he couldn't be as skilled as Uller anyway, and his All-Seeing Eye wasn't ready. .

"It's okay, not in a hurry," Scala said.

So everyone stayed where they were, watching Heimdall's increasingly embarrassed expression.

After a while, Heimdall said, "There are too many of you, why don't you teleport separately? That would be better."

"This..." Scala stroked his beard.

At this time, Kuer laughed: "Heimdall, I remember that you used to watch your father open the Rainbow Bridge. Didn't Uller tell you what are the characteristics of teleportation within the Nine Realms?"

Heimdall froze for a moment, then as if recalling some trick, he quickly said: "Okay, you are ready."

Everyone was embarrassed for a while, but they didn't realize that it was the prisoner Kool who led them.

Afterwards, the bright rays of light drowned their sight, and they only felt that their bodies were light, and they were placed in the colorful rainbow beams of light.

After a few seconds, the rainbow beam dissipated.


Hearing an earth-shattering loud noise, everyone fell to the ground, looked around, and found that there was actually a huge pit around, scorched everywhere, and the sand crystallized, just like the scene after a nuclear explosion.

It is not difficult to see that this pit was blasted out by the Rainbow Bridge. The rainbow bridge has the power to destroy the planet, and it is this effect if it is not well controlled.

"Cough cough... Heimdall is still too young." Scala coughed twice and couldn't help saying.

Everyone got up and walked out of the pit. However, as soon as they walked out of the huge pit, they were blocked by a group of angry earth mages.

"It's me." Rowe stepped forward quickly.

The leading human mage had an angry look on his face, but when he saw this, he was stunned: "God of barbecue?"

"Uh... yes." Luo Wei often cooks barbecue and uses cumin in a pioneering way, so he is called the **** of barbecue by some people.

"What's going on?" The human mage pointed to the giant pit. "Just now, the land suddenly collapsed, and even the sanctuary collapsed. What happened here?"

Scala said: "I'm sorry everyone, we had an accident when we came from Asgard, but don't worry, we will compensate you for your losses."

The human mage was silent for a while, and said, "You come first and help us rescue the civilians."

Everyone followed, and soon came to the location of the London Sanctuary.

The power of the Rainbow Bridge is no trivial matter. Although it was only accidentally leaked a little, it was still the effect of a landslide. As one of the strongest buildings on earth, the Sanctuary of the Supreme Being was thrown down by the earthquake, and there are gravel everywhere.

The people living in the Supreme Sanctuary are all mages, each with their own means, and naturally there is no serious problem, but the nearby civilians suffered, and their houses collapsed.

Fortunately, the dwellings of this era are basically built of soil and grass, otherwise this wave may not be a small casualty.

Everyone in Asgard worked together with the Sanctuary Mage to rescue the affected people from the collapsed houses, and then carried out treatment, which was a busy day.

At night, Agomoto came over from the portal, and was immediately displeased when he saw this, and came over to ask Rowe, "You destroyed the London Sanctuary just after the Guardian Magic Array was built?"

Luo Wei looked embarrassed and quickly apologized: "I'll help you rebuild one."

Knowing that Heimdall was so unreliable, he would not choose this place. This is really troublesome, and he has to build the sanctuary again.

Agamotto is obviously not good at losing his temper, so he stopped mentioning the matter after a few accusations, and instead asked, "What's the matter with so many people in Asgard all at once?"

"Seal a person." Rowe said.

"This is Earth, how did Asgard come here to seal prisoners?" Agamoto frowned.

"I don't know that, it's the order of the King of God anyway," Rowe said.

Agamotto was silent, rubbing the beard of his chin, as if he was lost in thought, and after a while he said, "Where is the seal?"

"The specific location has not yet been determined, but Lord Scala told me that he plans to set up a seal in the deepest trench." Rowe said.

The deepest trench is, of course, the so-called Mariana Trench. However, he just knew the name and didn't know the exact location of the Mariana Trench. I'm afraid he would have to look for the deepest trench? "Ago Moto was startled, "I know this, it's about 7,000 miles southeast of the Hong Kong Sanctuary. "

"How do you know?" Rowe was surprised.

"A senior of the Brotherhood of Aegis has been to the highest and deepest places on earth, and that's what my teacher told me," Agamotto said.

Rowe was silent for a while, and then asked: "By the way, how is the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield now?"

Agamotto shrugged: "It's still the same, Aristotle and Menehmos, one runs the Aegis in Macedonia, the other runs a school in Athens, and then they both claim to be the orthodox of the Brotherhood."

"However, I heard that Aristotle is planning a project called "History Book" recently, which intends to revise the historical records of the world to eliminate the historical influence of the apocalypse Egypt. "

"If this plan is successful, hundreds of years later, what people know and history and truth will be two completely different things, and the story of the apocalypse will become a broken myth and legend."

A few days later.

In an open space near the Hong Kong Sanctuary, Luo Wei is holding a small stone Root and is spraying a stone house.

The shape of the stone house is very simple, but it is very thick.

Of course, this obviously can't trap Kur, and at that time, Scala and the mages will need to set up sealing magic, and use the power of Odin and the earth to seal Kur on the bottom of the sea.

After the stone house was built, Agamotto and the Sanctuary Mage worked together to open a large portal on the ground, connecting to a vast sea.

The stone house went directly into the sea through the portal.

Rowe and Agama also passed through the portal and were suspended above the sea.

"This is the deepest place in the world."

Mariana Trench... Rowe thought silently in his heart.
