Chapter 217: 【Orochi Kool】

On the other side, the stone house has been built.

This stone house is fully enclosed, with stone walls up to one meter thick, with no entrance or even a gap.

The two mages opened the portal and directly connected to the inside of the stone house.

Scala looked at Kool on the side and said, "Kool, you are a decent person, go in by yourself."

Kool did not speak, he passed through the portal on his own, walked into the fully enclosed stone house, and then the portal closed, isolating him from the outside world.

It's just that no one saw that when he sat on the ground of the stone house, the corners of his mouth gradually raised a slight arc...

The Protoss warriors lifted the entire stone house, passed through the large portal leading to the sea, and then jumped into the sea with the stone house.

Scala followed with the mage, Rowe and Agamato also followed, and everyone went towards the Mariana Trench, the deepest seabed on the earth.

For the Protoss, the underwater environment does not bring obstacles to survival, but Agamotto is a human body, but it needs to open a mana shield on its body to support the seawater before diving into the deep sea.

Even so, with the deepening of the depth of the sea, Agamotto's face still became a little uncomfortable, and it looked like the expression that he didn't dare to fart when he had abdominal pain.

Luo Wei couldn't help saying: "Why are you coming here?"

Agamoto was silent for a while: "Do you remember what I told you about the dream I often had?"

"What?" Rowe frowned slightly.

"A cloud of green light flew into my hand, and the scene seems to be here, in the deep sea." Agamoto said while looking around.

Rowe didn't speak.

Agamotto, the green light, is naturally reminiscent of the Time Gem, after all, the Time Gem in later generations is also known as the "Eye of Agamotto".

But as far as Rowe knows, the Time Stone should be in Odin's hands now, right? How could it fly to Agamotto?

Just when he thought so, the nearby sea water suddenly surged, as if something huge was running towards this side.

"Be careful!"

Scala reminded.


Immediately, a sea beast swam from the side, with a hideous appearance, with a big mouth of a blood tank, and went straight to the crowd.

Rowe pulled out the sword of Rivendell from his waist, and the holy light on the sword was released.

Holy Light Strikes!

The Sword of Rivendell slashed vertically, easily severing the huge head of the sea beast.

Then after the death of the sea beast, the strong undercurrent around it did not stop because of this, but became more and more violent, and the more and more powerful water flowed continuously from the north.

This water flow is so powerful that even the stone house is pushed, and everyone's trajectory is shifted. Scala hurriedly vibrated the staff, and the light on it shone brightly, and the water flow stabilized a lot.

"what happened"

"What happened, how can there be such a powerful undercurrent?" people exclaimed.

The light in the deep sea is very dim, and people naturally cannot see the changes in the distance.

Luo Wei immediately opened his five fingers, lighting up the Holy Light Illumination Technique, and the golden brilliance widened the sight of everyone.

"What is that!" A mage suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the dark place to the north.

The others turned their heads one after another, and soon noticed that there was a huge black shadow running towards here from the north, with an extremely terrifying figure.

The size of the sea beast was quite astonishing, it was about the same size as a whale or even bigger, but compared to this shadow, the body of the sea beast floating beside the crowd looked like a bug.

As for the human body, it is even smaller, like an ant.

The surrounding deep-sea creatures seemed to be facing natural disasters, and they fled in panic. Huge sharks, whales and even sea beasts were no different from small fish and shrimp at this time, as if they were struggling under the wheel of death.

The sea beast that was just killed by Luo Wei seems to be only an insignificant member of this escape team.

A terrifying being is approaching here...

With the rapid shortening of the distance between the two sides, the figure of the shadow is also getting bigger and bigger, and Luo Wei and others have been shrouded by its figure before they can see its face clearly.

Then, a giant snake head like a hill appeared in front of everyone.

The whole body of the giant snake is cyan, and one scale is the size of a sea beast.

"This—" Rowe and Agama changed their expressions.

This giant snake turned out to be the mountain-destroying snake they encountered in Zitong!

After Wuding opened the mountain, the snake disappeared. The Supreme Sanctuary also investigated it for a period of time, but there was no news at all. Unexpectedly, it suddenly appeared in front of them today.

"Agomoto, in your dream, have you lived your life today?" Luo Wei swallowed and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either..." Agamotto said.

"Roar!" The giant snake stared at everyone, attacked quickly, opened its mouth, and the shaking snake letter was longer than everyone connected.

Scala looked solemn, the brilliance on the staff shone, and the surrounding sea water surged, trying to block the giant snake, but to no avail.

"Roar—" The giant snake still attacked, with a clearer target, but it was a stone house pushed by several soldiers.

Compared to its size, the distance between the two sides is already close at hand.

Everyone fled when they saw it.

However, two warriors were still unable to escape, and together with the stone house, they were swallowed by the giant snake.

After swallowing the stone house, the giant snake's movements stopped abruptly, and stood motionless in place, as if it had been paused and turned into a mountain in the deep sea.

The crowd was stunned.

"What should I do, Lord Scala, the stone house where Kuer was imprisoned was swallowed by this big snake!" a mage said in horror.

Scala also looked ugly, and finally took out an orb: "You can only contact Your Majesty."

"Crack." After saying that, he crushed the orb.

However, at the same time, a terrifying energy fluctuation spread out from the giant snake, the frozen giant snake resumed its activity, and the snake pupil suddenly added spirituality, as if there was a human mind.

"I am the big snake that devoured the world!" The big snake spit out, it was Kool's voice, and its figure began to change rapidly, UU read www. turned into a human body.

After transforming into a human body, the divine power chain that Odin put on Kool has disappeared, and Kool, who fused with the serpent, exudes a more powerful sense of oppression.

"Heimdall, Kur broke the seal, tell His Majesty Odin!" Scala said hurriedly.

Kool sneered: "It's useless for Odin to come. Odin said that he is destiny, but this is only a fragment of destiny, and I am the ultimate belonging of Asgard!"

"Fate and time are never frank, maybe you are a fragment, Orochi." To everyone's surprise, this sentence turned out to be said by Agamato.

Luo Wei turned his head to look, only to feel that Agamato's temperament suddenly became ethereal, as if he was talking in his sleep.

Before he finished speaking, Agamotto stretched out his hand, as if summoning his pet.

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