Chapter 218: 【Hella Awakens】

Everyone was stunned.

Immediately, Scala looked down in astonishment, and saw that a green light suddenly flashed from his sleeve: "This is..."

A group of green light spurted out from his sleeve, which was a dazzling emerald, exuding a wonderful brilliance, like a dream.

Time gem!

Rowe was taken aback, thinking how did the time gem get to Scala at this time, could it be that Odin didn't want it?

Scala subconsciously wanted to grab the Time Stone, but the Time Stone's trajectory escaped his hand naturally and perfectly, heading straight for Agamato.

Kuhl also has five fingers.

As one of the top powerhouses in this universe, his power successfully affected the Time Gem, causing its trajectory to stagnate for a while, but Agamato got up synchronously and took the initiative to fly towards the Time Gem.

Then Kuer tried to attract the time gem, but the time gem was unmoved, as if he had pressed the pause button, and it remained frozen in place.

Seeing that Agamotto was about to grab the Time Gem, Kuer immediately raised his hand and released a dim light, killing Agamotto.

Just as the dim light was about to reach the critical moment, Agamoto grasped the Time Gem, and then his whole body was drowned by the green brilliance of the Time Gem.

Kuer's blow could have killed Agamotto in seconds, but as the time gem radiated, the dim light he emitted instantly solidified and stopped moving forward.

The Statue of Agamotto circumvented a stationary statue, easily dodging the dim light, and then charged towards Kool with the Time Stone in his hand.

"How can you use the time gem!" Kool exclaimed in anger.

At the same time, his hands shone brightly, and thousands of dim lights flew out, like a salvo of bows and arrows, mighty.

Agomoto didn't say a word, and when he turned his five fingers, a huge round shield composed of the brilliance of time gems was instantly formed. Thousands of dim lights hit the shield of time, and they stopped moving forward and solidified in place.

Kuhl used all his methods, and all kinds of attacks rushed out like a hurricane.

However, in front of the Time Stone, none of his attacks took effect, and all were imprisoned by the power of time.

Agamotto came to Kur in a short while.

Kool looked terrified, and he couldn't help but say when he stepped back: "Impossible, Odin is not so proficient in mastering the time gem, you are just a mortal..."

Agamotto didn't say much, his eyes were still hazy, as if he was sleepwalking, and his palm fluttered straight to Kool...

Kuer's whole body was full of dim light, and he opened a shield with both hands, trying to block him, but still to no avail.

"You lied to me, fate!" he finally growled angrily, giving up resistance.

"No." Agamotto said suddenly.

Kool frowned, and was about to say something when Agamoto's palm pressed against his chest, and the huge power of time poured out like a torrent.

Immediately, Kuhl maintained this frowning posture, solidified motionless, like a statue, or amber, an amber wrapped by the power of time.

After completing the imprisonment of Kuer, Agomoto shuddered and looked around as if he had just woken up from a big dream, and then he looked down at his hand as if recalling something.

An emerald lay quietly in his hand, but without the earth-shattering brilliance just now, it looked like an ordinary emerald.

"Time..." Agamotto muttered to himself.

Everyone also reacted and rushed forward.

A soldier couldn't help but say: "How did you do it, Kuer is a third-order divine power, it's unbelievable."

"This gem seems to belong to His Majesty Odin's glove"

"It's not like, it's the Time Stone, one of the Infinity Stones," Scala said.

He looked at Agamato: "As far as I know, only His Majesty Odin can manipulate the time gem one or two... I didn't expect you to be able to use the time gem, and use it so skillfully, as if it were yours part."

"No." Agamotto shook his head, holding the Time Stone and said slowly, "It's not that it becomes part of me, but I become part of it."

The sea above suddenly surged, and then Odin actually appeared in front of everyone on the eight-legged Pegasus Sleipnis.

"Your Majesty." Except for Agamato, the earthling, everyone saluted.

Odin came here in a hurry. Seeing that Kool was frozen in place, he couldn't help but say, "What's going on?"

Scala recounted the situation.

Odin looked at Agamotto in surprise: "You can use the Time Stone to show me."

Agamotto hesitated, then tried to use the Time Stone again.

The time gem lit up with green light, but the earth-shattering gesture just now disappeared, exuding a weak power of time.

"Is it only to this extent, then how did you imprison Kur?" Odin said again.

"I don't know either. I was not conscious when I was fighting with Kool, it was like a dream." Agamotto shook his head and said, "After waking up, I can only mobilize the time gem to this extent."

Odin was silent and came to Kur.

Kool was firmly imprisoned by the power of time, maintaining a frowning expression.

Odin raised his hand to touch the power of time on Kur, the power of time surged in his hand, but the power of time was unmoved.

He suddenly looked surprised: "Could it be..."

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

Odin turned around and looked at Agamato: "I sealed Kool on the earth, which is considered to be a burden to the people of the earth. In this case, I will give this time gem to you. I hope you can keep it well and don't abuse it. ."

"Time is not the domain of mortals, I know that," Agamotto said.

"It's not something that God can interfere with." Odin said, "Agomoto, maybe you are the real owner of the Time Stone."

He looked at Scala and the others: "Continue to seal Kool, I don't think there will be another accident this time."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said Scala.

Luo Wei said at this time: "Your Majesty, we accidentally destroyed Agamato's temple when we came. I have promised to help it rebuild, and I hope to return to Asgard after the reconstruction is completed."

"Okay." Odin obviously knew that it was because of the Rainbow Bridge, "As a gatekeeper, Heimdall still needs to exercise, you should pay more attention when you ride the Rainbow Bridge in the future Everyone nodded.

After finishing his instructions, Odin flicked the reins of the eight-legged horse and disappeared.

After returning to Asgard, Odin patted the Eight-legged Pegasus and said with a smile, "It's alright, you go back first."

"Neigh—" The eight-legged Pegasus neighed and disappeared.

Odin was walking on the road alone, with his hands behind his back, his brows slightly wrinkled, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, a heroic warrior suddenly ran over and shouted, "Your Majesty!"

Odin turned his head: "what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, Princess Hela is awake!"

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