Chapter 219: 【Eye of Agamotto】

Hearing this, Odin hurriedly returned to the Asgard Palace and came to Hela's room, where he saw Hela was half-sitting on the bed, with her head lowered, her face still a little confused, as if she was still awake.


Only then did Hela look up and replied, "Father."

Odin sat aside and said with a smile: "You finally woke up, haha, it seems that it is because of the gems, but don't worry, I have given up those infinity gems, and I don't plan to touch them again in the future."

Hela supported her forehead, then her face changed, grabbed Odin's hand and asked eagerly, "Where's my mother, how is she?"

The smile on Odin's face faded, and there was silence for a while, and finally he said slowly: "Jord has left us... But Hela, life and death are things that everyone has to experience, the important thing is that after a good life-"

Before he finished speaking, Hela's face quickly paled, and her body couldn't help trembling, faintly exuding an unstable green glow.

Odin was stunned for a moment, and then showed a happy expression: "You have awakened your divine power!"

Hela didn't respond, her face was still pale, and her eyes couldn't help but burst into tears, sliding down silently.

Odin continued: "My daughter, perhaps this is a gift from your mother. Jorde is watching you in Valhalla, and I don't think she wants to see you so sad."

The atmosphere was quiet for a long time, but Hela's emotions still did not calm down. Instead, it became more and more intense. At first, she was silently crying, and gradually there was a bit of sobbing.

Odin couldn't help saying: "Hela, you are my only child, the future queen of Asgard, a king, should learn to control his emotions."

Hela suddenly asked, "Father, do you love your mother?"

"I..." Odin was speechless.

He was speechless for a long time, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

After a long while, Odin only sighed and said, "I won't find you a stepmother... Hela, rest well."

After that, he patted Hela on the shoulder and got up and left.

Looking at the figure of her father leaving, Hela was silent for a long time.


Pacific Ocean.

In the deep sea, Rowe and other Protoss warriors pushed a new stone house to the deeper sea, followed by mages such as Scala.

Due to the accident that happened a few days ago, along the way, everyone looked nervous and cautious, for fear that another giant snake would suddenly appear.

However, the accident did not happen again. Except for a few sea beasts, everyone was calm and reached the bottom of the sea smoothly.

"This is the deepest trench on earth." Luo Wei said, and then he raised his hand to release the illumination technique, illuminating the dark seabed with golden brilliance.

Scala nodded: "Let's embed the stone house into the seabed."

Everyone worked together to clean up and open up a seabed, like inlaid gems, inlaid the integrated stone house into the seabed, making it close to the deepest part of the earth, or to become the deepest place on the earth.

Then the mages stood around the stone house, each holding a staff and looking serious.

Scala took out a blue crystal, the arc on it jumped, and the cloud pattern flowed. When he lifted his hand, the blue crystal flew to the top of the stone roof.


The crystals exploded, turning into a thick, thick thunderous light that penetrated into the stone house from top to bottom, causing the surface of the stone house to emit a thunderous brilliance.

Then the mages waved their staffs together, and a golden chain of light flew out from their hands. After wrapping around the stone house, they slowly merged into it. In the end, the light on the stone house was exhausted, leaving only some mysterious lines, and a symbol of Asgard, Triangle pattern of **** king.

Luo Wei has seen this pattern in many places, such as on the Meow Meow Hammer.

"The seal is set, let's go." Scala said, and took one last look at the stone house before leading the crowd away.

In the stone house, Kuer stood quietly in the center. He still maintained the expression of frowning that day, motionless, and seemed to be fixed on that day forever...

After disembarking, Scala took most of the people back to Asgard, while Rowe took Skorch, Ander, and Diops to stay on Earth to help Agamoto rebuild the London Sanctuary.

At noon that day, Agamotto came out of the portal with his apprentice Cagliostro.

Luo Wei turned his head and saw that there was a pendant on Agomoto's chest. The pendant was shaped like a closed eye, with a slight bulge in the middle, as if an eyeball was wrapped.

The Eye of Agamotto.

Even if he recognized it, this eye-shaped pendant was the supreme sanctuary artifact of later generations, the Eye of Agamotto, and the bulge in the middle was where the Time Gem was.

"The Time Stone?" Rowe asked.

Agamotto nodded.

Rowe: "To what extent can you use the Time Stone now, and can you still use it the same way you imprisoned Kool that day?"

"Of course not. It was not so much that I was manipulating the Time Stone that day, it was the Time Stone that was manipulating me." Agamo said.

"The Time Stone is conscious?" Rowe couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Agomoto picked up the pendant and said, "I can only use it to see the future, that's all."

"What did you see?"

Agamoto shook his head: "I can't say that revealing the secret of time will inevitably lead to huge disasters. But... I found something special about you from the past."

"Me?" Rowe was startled.

Agamoto looked at him: "I went back to our battle with Apocalypse, and found that when you were crushing the Orb of All-Seeing, you suddenly jumped out of the law of time and was dominated by another unknown law-I felt you at that time. The state is very strange, I didn't expect this kind of reversal of the law to happen."

As soon as Rovello thought about it, he remembered that he was imprisoned by the apocalypse, and he was able to crush the Orb of All Sight after opening the Holy Shield technique.

Is it the effect of the Holy Shield technique that Agamotto said to jump out of the law of time?

Agamotto asked, "Apart from crushing the Orb of All-Seeing, what else did you do?"

Luo Wei did not explain, but just prevaricates: "Of course one's life depends on self-struggle, but the historical process is also very important, just like you sealed Kool, maybe I was also favored by destiny at that ~Ago Moto obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't continue to ask.

Suddenly another portal opened, and a young mage came out in a hurry: "Supreme Mage, someone attacked the Third Sanctuary!"

Agamotto frowned, and immediately passed through the portal, and Rowe followed, and came to the third supreme sanctuary.

The Third Sanctuary is the New York of later generations, but at this time, New York is only a semi-civilized place, barely the scope of the Mayan civilization. (The real history is not clear, don't take it seriously)

A few people passed through the portal and bumped into two strangely shaped and ugly humanoid creatures.



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