Chapter 220: 【Inhuman robber】


The sword of Rivendell was unsheathed, and with a flash of cold light, the two strangely-shaped creatures were beheaded in unison.

They were stunned for a while at first, until their heads fell to the ground, and they were horrified to discover that they had actually been dead.

"Inhumans..." Agamoto said.

The Cree people wantonly arrest human beings for experiments on Earth, and the experimental products are Inhumans.

The goal of the Kree people is to create a group of powers to form a legion of powers to complete their ambitions. Unfortunately, the technology is always flawed, and the aliens created are ugly, and most of them have physical and psychological Serious flaws.

Of course, they would not properly dispose of these defective products, so some aliens were dissected, and some were released like mice.

The Inhumans who have been "released" can no longer live like normal humans, and can only be reduced to robbers or even beasts, causing disaster.

The strange-shaped creature that appeared in front of Rowe and the others was an alien robber.

In addition to the two in front of him, there are more alien robbers raging in the village sheltered by the Supreme Sanctuary, burning, killing and looting, and the villagers are mourning.

The mages of the Third Sanctuary are fighting against it, but they are at a disadvantage due to lack of manpower.

Luo Wei and Agamato said nothing, when the magic floating cloak was stirred, they quickly flew to the battlefield and joined the battle with the Inhumans.

Aliens all have supernatural abilities, but their strengths are generally not very good, and their flesh and blood are naturally hard to beat the two of them.

Rowe held the sharp sword of Rivendell, and his whole body was ablaze with raging fire, like a fiery meteorite arcing through the air.

Agamotto wielded a magic whip in his hand, like a sharp blade, and easily killed these chaotic aliens.

To Rowe's surprise, Cagliostro, a magic apprentice, at such a young age, also showed good combat prowess in battle, and it was more than enough to confront an alien head-on.

After a while, most of the alien robbers who came were killed, a few escaped, and a few were captured.

"Where did you come from?" A mage stepped forward and asked the captive.

"Roar-roar!" One of the aliens with a tiger's head roared non-stop, with sharp fangs protruding from his mouth, his face was ferocious and tyrannical, and he seemed to have lost the mind of a human being, no different from a beast.

The mage frowned and looked at another alien captive next to him.

"Bah!" The alien spit out a large mouthful of phlegm. The young mage was caught off guard and was spit on his lips, trembling with anger.

"Hahahaha, is it delicious?" The alien laughed nervously, and was then chopped off with a knife.

Of the several alien captives, none of them could communicate with people normally, and most of them were mentally retarded, either intellectually similar to that of beasts, or psychologically distorted and full of aggression.

Only an alien with clear and calm eyes, apparently still maintaining a normal mind, but apart from his eyes, his other facial features are gone, he has no ears and no speech, obviously he can't say anything.

"Supreme Mage, these alien robbers are always a big problem. I think we should take the initiative to clean up them, at least let the alien robbers disappear in this area of ​​​​the Sanctuary." A mage suggested.

"It's not just today, there have been villagers attacked by Inhumans before, but it's not a large-scale attack like today... Since we want to protect the village, Inhumans must be eliminated."

"I think so too." All the mages agreed.

Agamoto nodded: "Indeed, we should clean up the nearby alien robbers."

"Once the villagers are settled, organize them immediately."

A few days later, Agamotto set off from the Third Sanctuary with dozens of mages, and headed to a nearby hill where alien robbers are frequently active, and Luo Wei and several others followed.

When they arrived at the local area, they discovered that the alien robbers had already set up a cottage here. Although the layout and construction were very simple, in terms of scale, there were definitely thousands of aliens living in it.

Around this hill, a group of eagles circled in the sky, but they did not fall.

The crowd went along a mountain road.


At this moment, a boulder rolled from the top of the mountain road, with the ground shaking more and more violently, hitting Luo Wei and others who were going up the mountain.

Skorch let out a loud roar, and the huge figure took two steps forward and put his hands together.


The boulder knocked him back, leaving two deep footprints on the ground, and then one person and one stone slowly stopped.

Skorch's hands bulged with blue veins, and when he turned the angle and pushed hard, the boulder fell from the edge of the mountain road, and it fell to the foot of the mountain and was torn apart.

The crowd continued to go up the mountain, but they didn't go very far. The group of eagles that had been hovering in the sky suddenly squeaked and charged forward.

There are hundreds of these eagles, rushing towards the crowd at high speed, and the scene looks quite terrifying.

When they flew closer, everyone could see it clearly. The eagle's beak was still covered with a layer of copper skin. If it was poked on the body, it would definitely be sour.

Seeing this, the mages spread their hands together, and together they opened a huge portal above, and the other side of the portal leads directly to the water.

Hundreds of eagles flew by, caught off guard and plunged into the water.

Immediately, the portal closed, and the group of eagles disappeared without a trace.

In Agomoto's team, there were dozens of mages, as well as four Protoss warriors such as Luo Wei. They were definitely the strongest combat power on the earth at this time, so they went all the way without any obstacles and reached the cottage smoothly.

In the cottage, hundreds of alien robbers of different shapes are ready to meet the enemy From time to time, a roar like a beast can be heard.

"Kill!" an alien shouted.

At the same time, many Inhuman robbers rushed towards Agamato's team.

Agamato also immediately shot, and the two sides fought together.

Most of the Inhumans are weak and stronger than ordinary people, but they are not the opponents of mages, let alone the opponents of Agamato and Protoss warriors.

Therefore, even though the Inhumans have more than ten times the number, they are still losing ground.

Rowe looked down, and the pointer of the Holy Light emerged from the Sanctuary and was turning repeatedly.

He wielded the sword of Rivendell, dashing for a while in the alien camp. The red lines on the sword flashed from time to time, but it was the enchanting effect of revenge feedback.

Due to the existence of revenge feedback, every time he completes a revenge, that is, every time he kills a villain, he can obtain a little energy and restore his injuries and mana.

To deal with these alien robbers, Luo Wei had no consumption at all. Coupled with the effect of revenge feedback, he almost always maintained his best condition.

In a short time, the alien robber, who was loosely disciplined, was killed and collapsed.


At this moment, there was a dense and orderly bird song in the sky, and the sound was so loud that everyone's ears were buzzing.

Looking up, he saw a dark cloud in the sky not far away. Looking closely, the dark cloud was actually composed of various birds.