Chapter 225: 【parasitic】

After waking up, Hive struggled hard, trying to get rid of the shackles on his body, but in vain.

"Do you remember this person?"

The Kerry scientist pressed the button and projected the image of a beautiful girl, who looked delicate and lifelike.

Hive seemed to recall the monstrous hatred, and her eyes suddenly turned red: "I'm going to kill you"

"He still has memory and emotions, which is very good. It seems that his mind is still relatively healthy, which is a surprising result." The Kerry scientist smiled.

"This is definitely a milestone!" Other scientists also rejoiced.

"This is enough to show the feasibility of the plan. As long as we further improve it, the power army of the Kree Empire will conquer the entire universe!"

"That's right, our plan is way higher than the symbiote warriors. Now is the time to prove it with facts. I can't wait to see the ugly faces of the old guys in the symbiote research team."

While the scientists were discussing, the hive was always cursing, and the voice was full of hatred: "I must kill you!!"

"Gag his mouth, shut it up and continue to observe." A scientist ordered.


Two Kerry soldiers stepped forward, preparing to put something similar to a mask on the hive.

The hive struggled even more violently, and at this moment, a gray fog suddenly poured out of his mouth and sprayed onto the faces of the two Kree soldiers in an instant.

"Ah!" The two Kree soldiers screamed, and then their bodies quickly withered, and a dark red mist gushed out from their facial features, and was then sucked into their bodies by the hive.

The expressions of the Cree people in the laboratory changed greatly, and the rest of the soldiers rushed up.

Honeycomb was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something, and the gray fog poured out of his mouth again, covering all the Kree soldiers.

"Ah, ah, ah!" The laboratory was filled with the shrill screams of the Cree people.

The Kree who were shrouded in the gray fog seemed to be drained, their bodies withered, and a large area of ​​dark red blood mist overflowed, which was then absorbed by the hive.

After absorbing a lot of blood mist, the state of the hive was obviously different.


He struggled to get up, and the shackles on his body broke.

The Kerry scientists were terrified and wanted to escape the lab. The hive rushed out with a single stride, and the tentacles on its head stood up, which was terrifying.

If you count them, you can find that the tentacles on the head of the beehive are exactly nine, and when they are squirming, they look like nine poisonous snakes.

"Go to hell!" Hive roared, punching a Kree scientist's chest.

Where are these scientists who are the opponents of the hive, they don't even have the consciousness to fight, they will be slaughtered by the hive in a short time, and the corpses are everywhere.

When the Kerry soldiers outside heard the news, several groups of soldiers shot.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dense bullets hit, and the honeycomb was directly beaten into a sieve and fell to the ground, looking like it couldn't die any longer.

But no one noticed that after the hive fell to the ground, an inconspicuous gray mist overflowed from the corpse, floated around for a while, and finally merged into the corpse of a Kree scientist.

A Kerry officer stepped forward. He glanced at the beehive corpse lying on the ground, and then looked at the corpses of a group of scientists, his face suddenly filled with haze.


At this moment, a Kree scientist covered in blood suddenly got up from the ground and let out a confused moan.

"Professor, you are still alive!" Officer Kerry quickly stepped forward to help.

Unexpectedly, this so-called professor, with a fierce look in his eyes, grabbed his neck and sprayed gray mist from his mouth.

"Ah!" The Kerry officer screamed, and immediately, like the Kerry soldiers killed by the hive before, his body withered, and blood mist gushed from his facial features.

The blood mist was absorbed by the "Professor", and the image of the "Professor" also changed rapidly, becoming the appearance of a beehive.

The Kerry soldiers were all at a loss for a while. They looked at the corpse of the hive that had been beaten into a sieve on the ground, and then looked at the new hive in front of them. There was some commotion and panic.

"I'm immortal!" The hive made a muddy voice, and then rushed towards the Kree soldiers.



These Kree soldiers were quickly slaughtered by the hive. Although their bullets smashed the hive into a sieve again in the process, the hive was quickly resurrected by parasitic corpses.

After a while, the aisle was filled with withered Kree corpses. There was only one beehive. The feet stepped on the blood and walked out. The tentacles on the head were like nine snakes squirming.

"Hooho" bursts of beast roars spread into the ears of the hive.

He turned his head to look, and saw the cell used to imprison Inhumans not far away, and there were many Inhumans roaring and restless.

The hive was silent for a moment, then broke open the cell and released the imprisoned alien.


An apparently insane Inhuman rushed up, with huge claws heading straight for the hive.

Hive dodged to avoid, and at the same time put his hand on the alien, a gray fog appeared: "Obey me"

This alien, who was originally like a beast, suddenly showed an extremely respectful look, and fell directly to the ground to show his submission.

Hive showed a smile and turned to look at the other aliens.

Some sane aliens were terrified when they saw this scene, some wanted to resist, some wanted to escape, but did not want to be controlled by the hive.

But no matter how much they struggled, in the end, as long as they were touched by the gray fog released by the hive, they would instantly surrender and honestly become the servants of the hive.

After a while, all the aliens were controlled by the hive.

In the process, another Kerry soldier arrived.

"My compatriots, now is the time for revenge! All the Kree, don't let one go, let them pay their debts with blood!" Hive said.


Under the order of the hive, the aliens attacked one after another, slaying the Kree without fear of death.

With the assistance of a large number of Inhumans, the hive was in full swing, slaughtering the Cree people and destroying the base facilities.

The huge Kerry base was devastated in an instant.

The blood flowed into a river, and the beehive stepped on the blood, heading for a group of desperate Kree people.

Soransen happened to be in it. Looking at the approaching honeycomb, he was sweating coldly on his forehead. He quickly took out a pale golden ball and crushed it hard.


The sound caught the attention of the hive.

Hive looked at Soransen with suspicion in his eyes, obviously not understanding what Soransen had done.

He quickly gave up thinking, made a direct gesture, and said, "Kill him."

"Yes, Master!" An alien standing behind the hive heard the words, raised his hand and shot a bone spur.


This bone spur was sharp and swift, and its power was no less than that of a bullet. It immediately passed through Soransen's neck, bringing a string of blood flowers.