Chapter 226: 【Dark Creatures】

Soransen fell to the ground and died, and then the remaining Kree soldiers of the team were also killed.

"Master!" An alien rushed over in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Hive turned to ask.

The alien gasped and said, "The Kree people started self-destruction, and this base is about to be destroyed!"

Hive's expression changed: "How long is it?"

"Right now, we're running out of time." The messenger looked at the other aliens and hurriedly said, "Quick, use our bodies to protect the master!"

"Defend the master to the death!" All the aliens stood in front of the hive, crowded together, formed a human wall, and shouted as if they were dead.

Although he knew that he had the ability to control aliens, but seeing that these aliens were so loyal to him, Hive couldn't help but lose his mind and was stunned for a while.

Just as he was stunned for a while, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up in front of him, filling everyone's line of sight.

All the aliens activated their own abilities and tried their best to protect the hive behind them.


I just heard an earth-shattering loud noise, accompanied by a dazzling white light comparable to the sun, strong shock waves and heat waves spread from the central area of ​​the Kerry base and rushed to all directions.

The huge Kerry base was razed to the ground in a blink of an eye, and a mushroom cloud propped itself up into the sky, compromising the mountains, and it was terrifying.

After a while, the aftermath of the explosion slowly subsided, leaving only a piece of scorched earth, almost no trace of the existence of the Kerry base...

On the other side, the Third Supreme Sanctuary.

Agomoto and Rowe stood in front of the crowd, the former exhorted with a serious look: "The Earth headquarters of the Kree people is no better than other sub-bases, where the defense force is strong and the security is heavily guarded, even with Soransen's help, most of us still have to It's a tough fight."

"You have to be mentally prepared, understand?"

"Understood." The mages responded, looking somewhat nervous, as were owls and other aliens.

Agamotto nodded, then cast a spell to open a portal.

"I'll stress it again for the last time, this will be a tough battle, you—" he said again with a serious expression as he passed through the portal, but he stopped abruptly in the middle of his words and was stunned on the spot.

"This..." Rowe also passed through the portal, and then he was stunned with Agamotto, and fell into a sluggishness.

At this moment, what appeared in front of them was a huge deep pit.

The bottom of the deep pit shows crystallization under high temperature, and the outside is scorched earth, and the air is filled with the smell of destruction that has not yet dissipated.

The nearby forest has almost disappeared, and only a few remnants of wood remain in the distance, quietly burning with flames...

What about Kerry Base?

Such a big one, what about the base?

"What happened?" Many people couldn't help asking, looking at each other.

Agamotto frowned, and a golden-red magic glow lit up in his hand, forming an arrow that pointed in a certain direction.

He walked over first, followed by everyone, and immediately saw a green-skinned humanoid creature lying on the ground.


The green man who fell to the ground was Soransen.

For some unknown reason, this area has been preserved quite well, with half of the walls not collapsed, and several relatively complete corpses collapsed here.


At this moment, Soransen let out a groan, got up from the ground, and shook his head.

"You're still alive!" Everyone was shocked and helped him up, "What happened here?"

Soransen looked left and right, looked at Luo Wei and others, and was at a loss for a while, then his eyes gradually regained clarity, and said, "The Kree people created a powerful alien, and in the end Kerry blew up the base, and both parties perished."

"Then why is it okay here?" Little Cagliostro took over, looking around.

Soransen said: "When the explosion happened, the powerful Inhuman was right in front of me. He tried to use his power to resist the power of the explosion. Although he failed, I was lucky enough to save my life."

"So the Kree are gone"

Soransen nodded: "I think yes, the explosion destroyed the entire base, and the Kree should be buried in it."

Luo Wei was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Is that extraordinarily powerful alien you're talking about the hive?"

"Yes." Soransen nodded.

"The hive is dead too" Rowe looked at him and asked.

"Of course." Soransen said, and then pointed to a broken corpse next to him, "Look, this is the corpse of the hive."

Luo Wei didn't speak, and stared at him for a long time.

Rowe still knew a little about the Hive's abilities. As the original belief of Hydra, the most powerful Inhuman, Hive has the ability to parasitize corpses, which is extremely difficult to kill.

Now that the entire base has been destroyed, Soransen has survived, which makes Rowe suspect that Soransen is dead, and the beehive that appears here at this time is actually the beehive that occupies the magpie's nest.

However, the hive is the big villain, the source of the hydra. It stands to reason that if Soransen is the hive, the Sanctuary should react.

But from the beginning to the end, the holy deed was extremely calm, and there was no holy light pointer.

Could it be that things are really what Soransen said?


At this moment, little Cagliostro seemed to have discovered something, and ran to somewhere with a face full of curiosity.

"What is this?" He picked up a dark object from the ground.

"You're touching again! Let me put it down!" Agamoto changed his expression, went up to pat Cagliostro's hand, and slapped the unknown object away.

"It's not something dangerous..." Cagliostro said in dissatisfaction. UU Reading

Agamotto snorted, picked up the black object and looked at it, then frowned: "This is... a piece of meat"


Agamotto said slowly: "It should be the flesh of some unknown creature, and that creature should have a certain amount of magical energy - black magic."

"Soransen, do you know what this is?"

Soransen looked at the piece of flesh, and a strange color flashed in his eyes: "This, it seems to be from a dark creature, one of the research materials of the Kree people."

Everyone is not very clear about the "dark creature".

Agamotto thought for a while, took out a wooden box, and sealed the dark creature's flesh, while exhorting, "Cagliostro, don't move this thing, you know?"

Cagliostro nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, teacher."

Afterwards, everyone looked at the surrounding destruction scene in confusion, Agamoto sighed: "In that case, let's go back directly."

People then passed through the portal and returned to the Third Supreme Sanctuary. It should have been a day of fierce battles, and it passed without any surprises...


Rowe was sitting in his room, holding a Terrigan crystal in his hand, pouring holy light into it.

Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he sensed something, and put down the Terrigan crystal in his hand.