Chapter 227: 【Absolute Loyalty】

A room in the Third Sanctuary.

"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

The door opened for a moment, and the owl looked at the person knocking on the door, and couldn't help but stunned: "So... Solansen?"

It was Soransen who knocked on his door. He was not familiar with Soransen, and it took him a while to remember his name: "It's so late, do you have anything to do with me?"

Soransen smiled: "Come inside and tell me, I have something good to show you."

The owl did not suspect him, so he let Soransen enter the house, not wanting Solansen to come in, he closed the door with his backhand.


With the sound of the door, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became strange.

The owl was very vigilant: "What are you going to do?"

The corners of Soransen's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to release a gray mist.

The gray fog poured onto the owl's face, and his expression changed greatly, and then he returned to normal in a blink of an eye, and even became extremely submissive: "What is this..."

"It doesn't matter. From now on, I'm your master, right?" Soransen said.

Owl nodded: "That's right."

"Tell me, where are the other aliens? As far as I know, the aliens who stay in this place are the most powerful and sober ones?" Soransen said.

"Yes. Come with me, master, and I will take you to them," said the owl.

The two then left the room and walked along the aisle in the sanctuary.

Walking on the road, the owl said nervously: "I never thought that there is such a sacred and wonderful thing in the world-to be your servant. I think everyone in this world should enjoy this honor."

"That's what I meant." Soransen said.

They turned a corner, but Rowe suddenly appeared in front of them.

Rowe leaned against the wall and looked at them: "It's so late, where are you going?"

Soransen: "Uh, we..."

Rowe looked at him lightly.

He had left a lot of holy light in Soransen's body at the beginning. Soransen came out and walked around in the middle of the night, and he naturally felt it.

And when the owl also appeared in front of him, he already had a general guess in his heart.

Luo Wei stepped forward a few steps, and then suddenly grabbed the hilt of the sword at his waist.


The sword of Rivendell was half-sheathed, and the cold light shone in all directions.

The owl stood in front of Soransen without hesitation, with a posture of defending to the death, which made Rowe smile instead.

"Sure enough, it's you, Hive." Rowe looked at Soransen behind the owl.

Owl and Soransen have never seen each other several times. Obviously, the owl at this time has been controlled by Soransen, no, it should be controlled by the hive.

Luo Wei had fallen into a misunderstanding before. When he thought that the hive was the source of the Hydra, he subconsciously believed that the hive should be full of evil, so he was puzzled when the pointer of the Holy Light did not respond.

Now that I think about it, the hive has just been created at this time, and there is only the blood of the enemy Kree people, and the innocent people have not been killed, so naturally it cannot cause the reaction of the holy deed.


Seeing that his identity was exposed, Honeycomb didn't talk nonsense. He opened his mouth and spewed out a gray mist that poured onto Rowe's face.

As soon as the gray fog came, Rowe only felt his head dizzy, and his eyes flashed gold stars.

Immediately, a fine pain spread rapidly from the head to the whole body, as if countless ants had drilled into his body and gnawed.


From what he knew about the hive, this gray fog should be composed of extremely tiny parasites.

He hurriedly lit up his whole body, the flame divine power was activated, his body temperature soared to three or four thousand degrees, and the ground under his feet showed a molten state.

Under the super-high temperature of the flame power, the parasites that invaded Rowe's body quickly disappeared, and the pain and dizziness also dissipated.

Luo Wei shook his head and looked at the hive coldly.

"Stop him!"

Hive ordered the owl, turning and running at the same time.

Although the owl knew that he was not Rowe's opponent, but under the control of the hive, he still rushed forward without any intention of backing down.

Rowe squeezed the owl's neck and then pointed to it with another hand.

Holy Shock!

The hive, who was rushing away, opened his eyes in horror, and when his footsteps stopped abruptly, golden light surged all over his body.


The holy light in his body was detonated, and the whole person was blown up to the point where there were no bones left, and the whole body was destroyed.

Luo Wei took a few steps forward, his brows furrowed.

There are only corpses that have been blown to ashes by the sacred shock. If this is an ordinary person, it is naturally impossible to die anymore... But can the hive really be killed like this?

Agomoto hurried over: "What happened?"

Rowe explained the situation in general.

"Hive!" Agamato said in surprise.

"As far as I know, the hive can manipulate Inhumans and parasitize corpses... Soransen was dead when he appeared in front of us yesterday, and the hive was occupying his body," Rowe said.

"Then did you just kill the hive?"

"I don't know." Rowe shook his head and frowned.

The owl was still pinched by him, struggling and trying to attack him all the time.

Rowe thought about it and put a cleansing technique on him, but it didn't work.

Infuse some holy light and then release the cleansing technique, but still can't get the owl out of control, which can't help but make it difficult for him.

The hive also seems to be manipulating aliens by throwing parasites, and the divine flame can burn the parasite to death, but the parasite is in the owl's body, and the divine flame is always bad and burns in its body.

"Agomoto, why don't you try it? See if you can dispel the control the hive exerted on the owl." Rowe had to say.

"It's useless." The owl said, "I have absolute loyalty to the master!"

"Absolute loyalty?"

"Yes, why you are loyal to yourself, why am I loyal to the master." The owl said, "You will not betray yourself, and I will not betray the master."

Rowe: "The hive controls you."

Owl: "Even if it is, so what?"

Rowe and Agamotto looked at each other, both surprised and shocked.

Such a thorough control method is really beyond their imagination It is not so much that the owl has been confused, it is more that the core of reason has been replaced.

The core of the rationality of normal people is to protect their own interests; at this time, the rationality followed by owls is to maintain the hive as the core.

He is still sober, rational, and still a rational person, but all his considerations are based on the interests of the hive, and he maintains the hive as firmly as a normal person maintains himself.

"I'll give it a try..." Agamotto said confidently.

Immediately he left with the owl.

The next day, Rowe found Agamato and asked, "How is the owl?"

"The control is lifted, but... sigh." Agamotto first yawned, then pointed behind him with a sigh.

Luo Wei looked and saw that the owl was lying on the ground in a daze, his eyes were blank and his face was empty.
