Chapter 228: [9-headed snake] Patch

"Owl" Rowe stepped forward and pushed him.

"Don't touch me, leave me alone..." The owl turned his head, his voice weak, as if his body was hollowed out.

"This is" Rowe looked at Agamamoto.

Agomoto said: "I tried for one night and finally removed the parasites left by the hive in the owl's body. However, although the control was lifted, there was a problem with the owl's mood, and it always looked like this."

Rowe said to the owl again: "How do you feel"

Unexpectedly, after being stunned for a while, the owl suddenly hugged her head and cried, and she was crying in a frenzy, as if she was emotionally broken.

Rowe: "..."

"I know I was controlled by the hive last night, but the feeling of being full, bloody, willing to sacrifice for a certain belief is unforgettable. I am free now, but life has suddenly become empty and boring." Owl cried Said, while adding another sentence, "And boring."

Luo Wei suddenly felt that the current state of the owl was somewhat similar to the appearance of an addict after being forced to detox.

In this way, the parasites released by the hive when controlling Inhumans are like some kind of enhanced poison pin.

"Let him adjust for a while and find two people to accompany him," Rowe said.

Let people accompany the owl, both for enlightenment and surveillance. After all, since he felt that the parasites that the beehive gave to Inhumans were like super poisonous pins, he naturally wanted to prevent the possibility of relapse.

In the current state of the owl, if it encounters the beehive again, in all likelihood, the beehive will give him another parasite.

"Agomoto, is it troublesome to remove parasites?"

Agomoto nodded: "It's very troublesome and risky. If it fails, it may even endanger the life of the person being controlled."


In the wilderness, several wolves were eating a human corpse.

These wolves didn't notice at all, and just as they were eating the corpse, a faint gray mist drifted along the grass, and then burrowed into the corpse.

This gray fog is naturally the beehive.

"Uh..." The corpse trembled, and the bitten throat made a weak and muddy sound, while opening its eyes.

"Ow!" Several wolves were startled, and they stepped back and howled.

The corpses parasitized by the hive opened their mouths and sprayed out a gray mist, which quickly covered them.


Under the shroud of gray fog, several wolves that were strong and strong, their bodies quickly withered, and they were squeezed into mummified corpses in a blink of an eye.

After absorbing the freshly squeezed blood mist from a few wolves, the original broken corpse recovered a little. Although there are still some defects, the action is safe.

The hive got up from the ground, and after getting used to it, it walked away.

About an hour later, a small village appeared before him.

"Hey, why did you come back, we thought you were eaten by wolves."

The parasitic corpse of the hive was obviously a villager of this village before his death. The villagers who greeted him immediately said, and one of the young people stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

The hive stopped in place and remained silent for a while, as if hesitating for something.

"What's the matter with you?" the villager asked.

The hive stopped hesitating, and a large amount of gray mist poured out of its body, swallowing all the nearby villagers.


After a scream, with the withering of these living beings, the broken body of the hive was restored to its original shape, and the nine tentacles on its head slowly wriggled.

"Demon—Demon! Help!"

The other villagers were also terrified, and the whole village panicked.

However, how these villagers are the opponents of the hive, after a while, the villagers of the entire village become the rations of the hive, leaving only the mummified corpses everywhere, like purgatory on earth.

Not long after the villagers were swallowed up by him, a group of alien robbers happened to arrive here, probably wanting to plunder the villagers' property, but they saw the mummified corpses of the village.

"What happened here?" The alien robbers were amazed.

The hive appeared in front of them and said with a smile: "My compatriots, you are here just in time."

"Who are you, you are also an alien." An alien robber looked up and down the hive.

It looks so strange, obviously not human, but if it is an alien, he always feels that the hive is very different from ordinary aliens.

Honeycomb didn't answer, just raised his hand and released a large gray fog.

These alien robbers had to resist at first, but as soon as they were enveloped by the gray fog, their expressions changed rapidly, and their faces were full of respect.

The gray fog flew in a circle.

The alien robbers were all controlled by the hive, and they knelt to the ground one after another, and said in a frenzied and devout voice: "Master!"

Hive said: "I, Hive, the natural king of the Inhumans. The Kree have been destroyed by me, and now the world should belong to us - the Inhumans."

"We have experienced enough suffering, and we have enough power... We should be masters, masters of everything, not slaves, slaves to anyone!"

"Go, gather my compatriots for me, and let us build a great alien empire!"

As he spoke, the nine tentacles on the head of the beehive were squirming, like nine poisonous snakes trying to choose someone.

I don't know which fanatical alien first shouted: "Hydra!"

"Long live the Hydra!"


Third Supreme Sanctuary.

Agamotto made a strange gesture with both hands on his chest, and the pendant on his chest opened, and the time gem in it shone brightly.

After a while, he closed the pendant of the Time Stone and frowned.

"What did you see in the Time Stone?" Rowe asked.

"I saw an evil figure appearing on Earth not long after," Agamotto said.

"Is it a beehive?"

Agomoto slowly shook his head: "I don't know, but it shouldn't be. This evil figure seems to be an extremely terrifying transcendental existence, beyond our imagination."

The earth is really troubled Alas... Luo Wei sighed in his heart.

"Supreme Mage." A young Mage came in.

"What's wrong"

The mage said: "We just got the news about the hive... He assembled a large number of Inhumans, or almost all Inhumans, and formed an organization called "Hydra". "


The most famous villain group in later generations, Hydra, finally had its prototype in this era.

"How is the Hydra now?"

The Master said: "Although most of the Inhumans have serious flaws, because the hive can absolutely control them, Hydra has a very strict discipline and is powerful, which is completely different from the Inhumans who were loose and chaotic in the past."

"Hydra drove straight in and directly broke the capital of the Mayan Empire a few days ago. It is said that they are preparing to build an Inhuman Empire."