Chapter 230: 【best choice】

Seeing that Luo Wei turned around as if he had eyes on his back, Honeycomb was taken aback and the nine tentacles on his head shook.

Rowe looked at the Holy Light pointer on the holy deed again, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

The last time they fought, the hive had not yet been infected with sin. Although it was blasted to ashes by the Holy Light, it still managed to revive its soul and parasitized other bodies.

Now the hive is sinful, and I don't know if I can escape from the power of the Holy Light.

The strength of the beehive itself is not strong, and his parasites are useless in front of the flame power. Naturally, he did not dare to confront Luo Wei head-on. He immediately stepped back and greeted the aliens: "Stop him!"

The aliens nearby moved in response, and hundreds of people killed Rowe.

The flame of divine power spread from the hilt to the tip of the sword, and in an instant, the sword of Rivendell ignited a blazing flame, extremely hot.

Luo Weiwei's sword dashed in the alien team for a while, the screams of the enemy were incessant, and the smell of burnt flesh soon filled the air.

Hive was commanding the team of Hydra, and more than a dozen Inhumans with similar appearances and mostly ice-blue skins came from nearby and surrounded Luo Wei.

They all took a deep breath, and a long cold air spewed out of their mouths, rushing towards Rowe from all directions.

Under the combined force of more than a dozen Inhumans with the ability to freeze, the temperature in the vicinity dropped sharply, and the ground was covered with ice in an instant, like a polar scene.

The flames attached to the sword of Rivendell suddenly converged.

Luo Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he simply retracted the flame.

After the flame was withdrawn, the Sword of Rivendell was immediately covered with a layer of ice. He inserted the sword on the ground at will, and then took out the Ice Shaper's longbow from the Sanctuary space.

Due to the power of more than a dozen Frost Immortals, there is a strong icy power gathered here, which is just right for the ice shaper's longbow to wield.

The bowstring was fully stretched, the cold air condensed, and an ice arrow was instantly formed.

"call out!"

The ice arrow shot through the head of an alien.


Luo Wei pulled the bow one after another, and the ice arrows shot in succession, one after another was shot and killed on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Frost Immortals were all buried in the arrows. Rowe swung the sword of Rivendell again, rushed towards the other Inhumans of Hydra, and continued to approach the hive.

The figure of the hive has been submerged among the many aliens, but it cannot escape the eye of the holy deed, and the pointer of the holy light still points to the position of the hive.

The sword of Rivendell, burning with the flame of divine power, swept across and cut off the two aliens in front of him, but was avoided by an alien without eyes.

Luo Wei didn't care, and immediately cut the second sword at the eyeless alien.

However, although this alien has no eyes, he seems to have some special perception skills, and he is also extremely sensitive. This sword was avoided by him again.

At the same time, the Eyeless Inhuman stabbed his long sword with his backhand, directly stabbing Rowe's face very close to his eyes. The material of this sword is not ordinary, and it successfully drew a wound on Luo Wei's face.

Rowe was taken aback. The heart said that if the sword was stabbed in the eye, maybe one of his eyes would be blind.

How could this alien be able to evade his attacks continuously and stab such a tricky sword?

Luo Wei became vigilant, and when he played against the Eyeless Inhuman again, he became very cautious in his moves, while testing the opponent's ability.

The two sides have come and gone, and more than a dozen rounds have passed.

In more than a dozen rounds, Rowe's attacks all failed, but the Eyeless Inhumans could play extremely tricky attacks every time, making him hard to guard against.

Luo Wei felt as if he was facing a master fighting master ten ranks higher than him... If it weren't for the huge physical gap between the two sides, he would have definitely been killed by this eyeless alien.

Does such a master fighter exist? Maybe there is.

But the problem is that every specific movement of the Eyeless Inhumans is quite rough, not like the level of a fighting master at all.

And even if it is a master of fighting, it is enough to dodge melee attacks. As a result, the eyeless aliens can even dodge the sword of justice perfectly. What kind of fairy fighting skills is this?

After thinking about it, Luo Wei only came up with one possibility: the other party has a similar ability to predict the future.

There are various indications that the Eyeless Inhumans seem to be able to predict the future, but the time scale of the prediction is very short, only about one second. After a second, the future will be invisible to the Eyeless.

Of course, the specific ability may be different from what he guessed. But what is certain is that eyeless aliens can always find the best choice to deal with the current scene, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

It was the first time that Luo Wei had seen such a miraculous ability.

one second...

If the Eyeless Inhumans' prediction scale were longer, I'm afraid it would be really troublesome, but for a second, it would not be difficult to deal with.

Rowe thought for a while, then simply took out a Holy Light bomb made of Terrigan crystal, weighed it in his hand, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

There is a best choice for everything, but the best choice is not necessarily the perfect choice.

Sometimes, the difference between the best choice and the worst choice is only the difference in the way of death...

The Eyeless Inhuman froze, as if he realized something, turned his head and ran, rushing desperately.

Rowe threw the Holy Light bomb at will.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as the Holy Light Bomb was thrown, the Eyeless Inhumans chose the best escape route.

However, in just one second, no matter how fast he ran, it was only a distance of ten or twenty meters, and he was still within the explosion range of the Holy Light Bomb.


The Terrigan crystal full of holy light exploded like a blooming sun, drowning the eyeless aliens who were running away.

The golden light dissipated, and the broken corpse of the Eyeless Inhuman fell silently to the ground.

Looking at this corpse, Rowe suddenly thought that maybe the prophecy like Ragnarok is the same as the Holy Light bomb he just threw... Even if it can be predicted to a certain extent, it can't change anything?

Now is not the time to think about this, he hurriedly retracted his mind after a jolt, hacked to death the foreigner rushing over with his backhand, and continued to fight.

There is a war going on outside the Supreme Sanctuary, and it is not peaceful inside.

The number of Hydras is more than ten times that of the Sanctuary side It is inevitable that aliens will bypass from the side and try to destroy the Sanctuary itself. The mages stationed in the Sanctuary are trying their best to resist, and sometimes they are quite embarrassed.


Hearing a loud bang, the Supreme Sanctuary was smashed into a corner by an alien.

"There are aliens behind the sanctuary!"

"Cagliostro, you stay here!"

In a certain room inside the sanctuary, a team of mages rushed to the location where they were attacked, and there was only an eleven or twelve-year-old boy left, who was the apprentice of Agamotto, Caliostro.

Seeing that the elders had all left, Cagliostro hesitated for a while, then he couldn't hold back his thoughts and began to move around in the room.

There are various instruments on display in the room, which can be described as dazzling.

Cagliostro looked left and right, then came to a wooden stand, and hugged a closed tripod-shaped container from above...