Chapter 231: [Killing the Hive] 3 more

The shape of this tripod-shaped container is clumsy, and the bronze material is covered with rust. It seems to be an antique with some history.

There is a lid on it, which seems to seal something amazing... For a child who is overly curious like Cagliostro, this thing is obviously very tempting.

He rubbed his hands and tried to open the lid.

However, as soon as he exerted force, golden light patterns appeared on the tripod, like a net, tying the tripod body and tripod lid together.

No matter how hard Cagliostro tried, he couldn't lift the lid of the tripod.

He quickly put Kanae back in place with a frustrated look on his face, and turned to his next target.

It's just that the entire Supreme Sanctuary, who does not know his name of Cagliostro's cheap hand, is guarded against him from top to bottom.

Therefore, although there were many instruments in the room, he searched for a long time but found nothing.

Just when Cagliostro was about to give up and stay honest, his eyes narrowed, as if he noticed something, and took a few steps to a wooden cabinet.

The wooden cabinet is used to place the incense burner, and there is no magic weapon, but there is a small wooden box on it, which is randomly placed next to the incense burner.

Cagliostro opened the wooden box and saw that the box contained an impressively black piece of meat.

This piece of meat is the remains of a dark creature found at the Kerry base some time ago. Because the energy is weak and touching it has no effect, Agamoto didn't pay much attention to it, and put it into the wooden box.

Staring at the piece of meat for a moment, Cagliostro was lost in thought...


Hive's hiding ability is actually quite good. His form can be freely switched between "Hydra" and human. In human form, it is difficult to distinguish him from ordinary people.

In particular, the hive has a sea of ​​tens of thousands of people to cover it.

Originally, Luo Wei couldn't find the hive from the crowd, but now the hive has been stained with sin and is not tolerated by the Holy Light.

Due to the existence of the Holy Light pointer, no matter how the hive hides, Rowe can always find his location and keep approaching.

This made the hive a little bit collapsed, and frantically dispatched aliens to stop Rowe.

The aliens are not afraid of death and have various abilities, which indeed caused a lot of trouble to Luo Wei.

But after all, they were seriously defective products abandoned by the Kree people, and they did not have an overly powerful existence. After some rushing and killing, and the assistance of Agamato and others, Rowe finally approached the hive.

Hive shouted in some horror: "Stop him, stop him for me!"

Three female aliens covered in scales that looked like snakes appeared in front of Luo Wei, and their bodies glowed with colorful light, like the luster of snake scales.

After the three snake girls appeared, they sang in unison. The song was strange and ethereal, as if it had drifted in from the window in the middle of the night, making people eager to go out and see the owner of the song in their pajamas.

The surrounding human beings, especially the male human beings, all looked at the snake girl with blurred eyes.

Luo Wei was also affected. As the singing sounded, the three originally ugly and inhuman snake girls gradually became beautiful in his eyes, showing temptation.

However, since he counter-killed Tian Qi in the soul space, his soul has grown a lot, and his resistance to this kind of spiritual attack has increased significantly.

Therefore, although he was also affected, he was far from the point of unconsciousness. He shook his head and rushed forward, and the sword of Rivendell burst into flames.


The Snake Woman made a sharp and piercing sound, which shocked Rowe's ears, but did not stop the sharp edge of the sword of Rivendell.

The flames flashed, and a snake girl's corpse was divided into two points.

One of the three snake girls was missing, Luo Wei's pressure dropped sharply, and he moved faster. He quickly killed the remaining two, and then went straight to the hive.

The hive was shocked and angry, and hurriedly waved both hands, and a large number of parasites rushed out, turning into an overwhelming gray fog and spreading towards Luo Wei.

The flames around Rowe turned into a fiery meteor, passing through the long gray fog composed of parasites, clenching the sword of Rivendell in both hands, and slashing with the sword.

Sword of Justice!


The sin of the hive inspired the power of punishment of the Holy Light, and the sword of sanction cut it off at the same time and burst out suddenly, opening a golden circle of light, almost completely destroying the body of the hive.

Rowe looked down, and the pointer of the Holy Light was still turning.

Still not dead.

He was about to catch up, when his mind moved, pretending not to see it, and standing still.

After a while, the hive found a new parasitic object, and a dead body stood up again.

Hive looked at Rowe who had his back turned to him, deep fear and even fear flashed in his eyes, while staring at Rowe, he stepped back carefully.

Unexpectedly, he just took a few steps back when Luo Wei suddenly turned to face him.

"Surprise?" Rowe rushed over, and the sword of Rivendell was released.

"You!" Hive's eyes widened in horror.

"Boom!" Immediately, he was hit by the Sword of Judgment, and his body vanished again.

This time, the hive seemed to realize something, no longer parasitic the corpse, and fled away directly with the body.

The magic floating cloak stirred behind Luo Wei, and the flames spurted under his feet, chasing after the instructions of the Holy Light pointer.

The main body parasite of the hive was originally invisible, but under the pointer of the Holy Light, there was nothing to hide. No matter where he fled, Luo Wei could follow him closely.

At the same time, he swung the sword of Rivendell repeatedly, and the holy light flashed.

The holy light around him is surging, which is undoubtedly a terrifying scene like purgatory in the eyes of the hive itself.

So he quickly chose to surrender.

"Stop, stop, don't kill me..." A faint voice came from somewhere, "Don't kill me for what you want me to do..."

Luo Wei stopped swinging his sword, thought about it and said, "Do you know why I can detect your body?"


"Originally, I couldn't do this, just like when you parasitized on Soransen, I destroyed your body but let your body swagger away." Luo Wei said slowly.

"But I have the ability to distinguish evil. During this time, when you led the Hydra to break through the Mayan Empire, you must have killed a lot of innocent people. They were also your compatriots."

"They are not my compatriots, the Inhumans are. I was not captured by the Kree, but given to the Kree by them!" Hive argued reluctantly.

"Then you are indeed unfortunate," Rowe said. "However, this does not exonerate you."

After all, he held the sword of Rivendell high, and the holy light was released.

Sword of Justice!



Finally, along with a faint scream that seemed to have nothing to do with it, somewhere swept by the sword of sanction, a burst of disciplinary brilliance suddenly exploded.

Immediately, the Holy Light pointer dissipated, showing the end of sin.