Chapter 232: 【Halo of benevolence】

The light pointer dissipated, showing the end of sin.

Rowe looked around.

As soon as the hive died, although the Hydra remained loyal and firmly carried out the orders of the hive before attacking the Supreme Sanctuary, it gradually lost its discipline, and the formation was scattered, fighting each other and becoming aliens who were wandering everywhere. Common robbers.

In a blink of an eye, they were in a tailspin.

Rowe took out the last few Holy Light bombs and threw them into the enemy group.

"Boom boom boom!" With a few loud noises, the formation of Hydra was further chaotic, and there was even an internal stampede incident, which completely reduced to a mob.

Despite the breakdown of discipline, they remained absolutely loyal, willing to die rather than back down, full of martyr-like fanaticism.

The slogan of "Long Live the Hydra" resounded on the battlefield, and one alien after another rushed to the Supreme Sanctuary with the attitude of perishing together.

Such a scene is shocking.

Luo Wei couldn't help thinking that today, fortunately, the hive was eliminated. If he continued to develop, with the fanatical loyalty of these aliens, the consequences would be disastrous.

He rushed into the Hydra team, wielding the sword of Rivendell, like a meat grinder, slaughtering these aliens.

"Ah!" A scream came, but it was Aristotle who was shot through the chest by a bone spur and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Luo Wei flew forward, and after quickly cleaning up the surrounding Inhumans, he treated Aristotle.

Aristotle escaped the danger, panting and looking at the battlefield in front of him: "It seems... Hydra is going to fight to the last person."

After Luo Wei was silent for a while, he returned to the battle and cut into milk horses, focusing on treatment, supplemented by output, and reducing his own losses as much as possible.

But being a nurse is definitely tiring, especially since he doesn't have a group healing spell yet, and he needs to run around repeatedly on the battlefield to save people.

Sometimes when he was halfway through, the teammate he wanted to save was killed by the enemy, which made him very annoyed, so he could only take it back as punishment temporarily and kill the enemy in the past.

The battle continued for about half an hour, and almost all of the Ten Thousand Yiren of Hydra died in the battle and went with their leader.

There were only a few dozen aliens left, because they were not seriously injured and not very deformed in appearance. They were close to ordinary people. The Supreme Sanctuary did not choose to kill them when cleaning up the battlefield, but captured them.

So far, the first war in the history of New York concerning the safety of the world ended with the victory of the righteous side...

When the battle was over, Rowe cleaned up the blood on his body, returned to his room to rest, and opened the Sanctuary to check.

[After the salvation of the world is completed, you can exchange for spells: Beacon of Holy Light, Aura of Charity (choose one of them)]

Honeycomb is undoubtedly a world-class dangerous person, but probably because of its weak body strength, the reward given by the holy deed is not high, two healing spells.

Rowe read the descriptions of the two spells again.

Beacon of Light is a special healing spell that needs to be used in conjunction with mass healing spells. If there is no mass healing spell, it is meaningless to learn this.

Charity Aura is a group healing spell, so he did not hesitate to choose Charity Aura.

Aura of Charity is the first group healing spell of the Sanctuary. It has three characteristics: large range, low consumption, and weak effect. These characteristics are not unexpected. After all, it is a spell with "halo" in its name.

Luo Wei then began to learn the aura of benevolence.

A few days later.

In a certain room of the Third Supreme Sanctuary, an alien was bound with five flowers. Agamotto opened his right hand, and five tiny magic threads gushed out from his fingertips, entering the alien's mouth, nostrils, and ears respectively. middle.

Agamotto looked nervous, his five fingers swayed slightly, and the magic thread shone from time to time.


A full hour later, along with the howls of the aliens, a magic thread burrowed out of his ear.

The front end of the magic thread was twisted into a ball, shining brightly, as if it was entangled with something.

After the screams ended, Yiren's eyes became empty, as if he had lost the meaning of life all at once, staring blankly ahead, speechless.

"The last parasite, successful." Agamotto exhaled, moved his fingers lightly, and stirred the magic silk thread, strangling the parasites wrapped around it.

After several days of Agomoto's efforts, all the parasites in the captives of the Inhumans were removed, and they were freed from the control of the hive.

However, during this process, there were also a few Inhumans who made mistakes in the removal and died on the spot.

"What are you going to do with these aliens?" Rowe asked.

"Let's put them under house arrest in the Holy Sanctuary first and see if they can return to normal," Agamoto said. "At the same time, I will also try to eliminate the deformities on their bodies and make them as normal human beings as possible."

Rowe nodded.

Almost all of the aliens have been killed in the war not long ago, the remaining aliens, the entire earth is estimated to add up to one or two hundred, and most of them are controlled in the Supreme Sanctuary, and the problem of aliens is over.

A mage took away the Inhumans who had just removed the parasites and sent them to a spacious room guarded by a few Inhumans who had gotten rid of the parasites.

However, these aliens all have the same expression, paralyzed on the ground without love, indifferent to everything in the outside world.

There is even one who has forgotten his own physiological needs and excretes on the spot, like a vegetative person. The mage in charge of guarding this place has an ugly face.

Several aliens were paralyzed, and I don't know how long it took until late at night, someone said: "Do you think...the hive is dead?"

The other aliens were silent for a long time before someone replied: "There shouldn't be any, Hydra is immortal."

"Oh, that feeling is really nostalgic." An alien sighed.

The guarding mage snorted: "I miss you, do you know what Hydra has done?"

"Of course we know, we were even one of them... Mage, have you heard of a plant called 'Poppy'" said an alienPoppy"

"Poppy damages the body, it is a chronic poison, everyone knows the consequences of smoking it, but everyone who has smoked it will miss that feeling."

The mage was silent.

"Hydra..." The aliens murmured the name for a moment, and gradually fell asleep.


People were busy with the restoration of the Holy Sanctuary, but fortunately, the presence of Little Stone Root made the work effortless.

It didn't take long for the sanctuary to be basically repaired, and only a few mages and craftsmen remained, doing the final work.

At this moment, in a certain room, Cagliostro had dark circles under his eyes, and was reading several ancient books of magic that were bigger than his face, full of immersion.

A wooden box was placed beside his hand, and a piece of black meat was quietly placed in the middle.