Chapter 234: 【Himalayas】

The connection between the two worlds was cut off, and Dormammu happened to be located between the two worlds, so it was also cut off by the magic circle.


Just hearing a scream, the image of Dormammu left in this world turned into a faint purple light, flying around in midair, like a headless fly that kept hitting the wall.

At this time, Agamato arrived here, and he stretched out his hand to release the magic thread, bound the purple light, and wrapped it into a ball layer by layer.

As soon as the magic thread tightened, it seemed to burst the ball.

Immediately afterwards, however, the rays of light erupted, and the purple light suddenly broke away from the magic thread and turned into a human shape, which looked exactly the same as Dormammu's body.

"Damn bug!" This Dormammu's clone was frightened and furious, and the left and right hands were puffed up at the same time, and a large purple light spur quickly formed, and part of it shot out at the same time as it was formed.

Luo Wei's holy light shield swung horizontally, blocking the incoming light thorns, only to see the golden and purple lights intertwined, the light thorns exploded, and the holy light shield cracked all over.

Seeing this, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This Dormammu clone, which was forcibly cut out by the magic circle, is weaker than just now. He and Agamotto teamed up enough to take it down.

What's more, this is the Supreme Sanctuary, and there are many helping hands.

At the time of this fight, a team of mages rushed over.

Agamotto waved and threw out a magic whip, entangling Cagliostro to his side.

"I'll settle the account with you later!" He glared at Cagliostro, and then handed it over to the mage behind him, "You can't help much, protect the sanctuary and the magic circle, and leave it to me here. Just with Rowe."

"Yes." The mages left.

In the room, only Dormammu's avatar was left, as well as Rowe and Agamato.

Rowe's long sword swung, and the sword of judgment flew out of the sword and went straight to Dormammu.

Dormammu didn't see any movement either. The light thorns suspended by his side instantly condensed into an energy barrier. The Sword of Judgment slammed into it, bursting open, and golden light bloomed.


Agamotto's attack followed, and several golden-red lightning struck the energy barrier in front of Dormammu.

After taking two hits in a row, the energy barrier became weaker. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Weiwei's sword rushed forward, and the holy light shone on Rivendell's sword.

Sword of Justice!

He roared, and the sword of Rivendell savagely penetrated the energy barrier.

The blade of the sword pointed directly at Dormammu, and Dormammu's body was blurred for a while, looking like the wings of a flying insect, and when he stopped, he just avoided the sword of Rivendell by just passing by.

Blind light!

As a seventh-level item evaluated by the Holy Deed, the Sword of Rivendell can already be very good at affinity with holy light energy, and the blind light blooms directly from the sword.


Dormammu was caught off guard, and was irradiated by the strong holy light, he couldn't help exclaiming, and quickly backed away, there was a faint smoke on his body, which looked like a burn.

However, his vision was not affected, or he didn't need vision to perceive the outside world at all.

As Dormammu retreated sharply, Agamotto's magic whip flew towards him and hit him on the chest, leaving a scorch mark, and the whip's tail swirled around, as if to entangle it.

When Dormammu saw this, his figure became blurred again, and he got rid of the magic whip.

However, Rowe's next strike came immediately, and he quickly turned around to deal with it, saying angrily: "Stupid mortal, even if you can kill me, my body will crush you all!"

"You seem to have planned to crush us. In this case, we can earn a little bit of money by killing your clone." Rowe said, and at the same time, the sword of Rivendell struck fiercely.

Dormammu's figure was blurred, but his hand was still rubbed by the sword of Rivendell.

"Boom!" Immediately, the holy light erupted, and a group of disciplinary brilliance directly destroyed one of his arms.

"Damn, what kind of power is this..." Dormammu said bitterly, his arms recovered, but his body shrank a little.

The sword of Rivendell struck again, his expression changed, and he hurriedly dodged, only to be hit by Agamotto's magic whip again, and he was almost entangled.

The strength of Dormammu's avatar is obviously far less than that of its main body. Rowe and Agamato teamed up and quickly defeated him, and he was embarrassed.

In particular, the power of the Holy Light made Dormammu very afraid.

Seeing that he was not the opponent of the two of them, after a cloudy look on his face, he finally snorted coldly, as if he had made up his mind.

Immediately, I saw the purple light on Dormammu's body, turning into a purple light ball from the human form again, and then lasing out, going straight to Luo Wei - he seems to want to get rid of the hidden danger of Luo Wei, so as to avoid future mishaps. Scenes like bullying the poor.

Rowe's heart skipped a beat, but the shield of light blocked it, but was easily penetrated by the ball of light.

Seeing that the ball of light was about to hit his face, he had no choice but to summon Shengqi.

Holy Shield!

The rune holy light instantly enveloped the whole body.

Dormammu's incarnation of the purple light ball slammed into the holy shield, unable to get an inch in, instead it knocked the light ball away.

"What!" Dormammu was shocked.

Luo Wei immediately stretched out his hand to hold the ball of light, and poured holy light into it with both hands.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Dormammu screamed in pain, the ball of light changed into gold and purple intertwined form, flickering endlessly, exuding the aura of destruction, it looked extremely unstable.

"Throw it away!" Agamoto's expression changed greatly, and he turned his hands to open a small portal.

Luo Wei naturally knew what was going to happen next, raised his hand and threw the ball of light into the portal like a basketball.

Agomoto turned his hands again, and the portal closed immediately. At the last moment of closing, a dazzling and hot white light faintly appeared, burning a chair to ashes.


A few minutes later, an earth-shattering loud noise reached the ears of Rowe and Agamotto, and the ground trembled.

When the two came out of the sanctuary, they saw a splendid mushroom cloud rising from the mountains in the distance to the west, stretching for thousands of meters, straight up to the sky, terrifying like this.


Surprised, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"What exactly is that?" The other mages were also shocked and asked.

"Dormammu, it looks like he's pretty good now." Cagliostro looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance and said.

"Humph!" Agamotto's face sank in an instant, and he put his hand on Cagliostro's forehead, and flashed a few runes between his fingers.

Before Cagliostro could react, Agamoto cast another spell to open a portal and threw him in.

"Your mana has been sealed by me, so please repent there."

"No, teacher!" Cagliostro exclaimed, and was thrown into the cold snow. "What is this place?"


As soon as the voice fell, the portal closed.

Do you want to eat watermelon?

Regarding Cagliostro, the movie mentions a book "The Book of Cagliostro" - the book that Doctor Strange restored with the Time Stone, and the method of summoning Dormammu is recorded on it. There's this guy in the comics too, but it's an 18th-century wizard. The latest chapter of the Paladins of Asgard is here: