Chapter 235: 【Golden Palace】

Cagliostro's trouble this time is not small. If the repair progress of the sanctuary is slower and the magic circle is not activated in time, the earth will become part of the dark dimension.

At that time, most of the creatures will be extinct, and the survivors will fall into darkness forever and become Domamm's followers and servants.

As the center of the Nine Realms, once the Earth falls into the dark dimension, the entire Nine Realms will be affected, and the aftermath will be far-reaching.

Although in the end, under the combined efforts of Rowe and Agamotto, Dormammu's invasion failed and a clone was killed, but there is no doubt that the Lord of the Dark Dimension must have hated the earth.

For the next two thousand years, the earth will live in the shadow of Dormammu.

Until Doctor Strange takes over as the Supreme Mage in the future, Dormammu will be forced to give up the earth due to the lustful power of the conditional forces.

Rowe and Agamato returned to the room, the latter looked at the ancient magic books scattered everywhere, with a solemn expression, and picked up the dark creature remnant from the ground after a while.

"I was careless." He looked at the corpse of the dark creature in his hand and sighed, "This thing has weak energy, I thought it would not cause any problems, but I didn't expect to invite a Lord of Darkness."

"Rovi, help me destroy it." Agomoto handed Rovi the remains of the dark creature.

Rowe nodded, taking the remnant and holding it in his hand.

I saw holy light and flames surge, instantly burning the remains of the dark creatures to ashes, and drifting away with the wind.

"Dormammu will definitely keep staring at the earth in the future. I have to improve the magic circle to prevent the re-invasion of the dark dimension." Agamotto said, and then sighed again and turned away.

Rowe also returned to his room, and opened the Sanctuary to check.

Although it was only Dormammu's clone that was killed, it was the master of the dark dimension after all, and a clone was also no small matter, so it was no surprise that the Sanctuary gave a spell reward.

[Salvation is completed, you can exchange for the spell: Beacon of Holy Light]

Holy Light Beacon... Counting this, Rowe has obtained four spells on the fourth floor, and there are three remaining, Holy Light Consecration, Light of Dawn, and Wrath of Vengeance.

Beacon of Light is a special healing spell that, when applied to the target, shares the healing spell cast by the Paladin on any target.

For example, if Rowe adds the Beacon of Light to Skorch, and then releases a healing spell on Ander, not only Ander will be healed, but Skorch will also share part of the healing effect.

The therapeutic effect of sharing is mainly related to the number of people being treated. So the Beacon of Light doesn't mean much without mass healing spells.

And when the number of people being healed is large enough, the healing effect of the Beacon of Light will be close to infinity, so that the target gains a recovery ability almost equivalent to immortality.

Of course, this is only theoretical. To have this effect, the number of people treated is probably astronomical.

Rowe then focused on reading the spellbooks of the two spells Holy Light Beacon and Charity Aura.

Several months passed.

Originally, Rowe had planned to return to Asgard for a long time, but the Dormammu incident made Agamoto very worried, and finally decided to strengthen the Supreme Sanctuary while improving the magic circle.

Luo Wei stayed for another period of time, and together with Xiaoshi Root, helped Agomoto strengthen the Supreme Sanctuary-Xiao Shi Root was responsible for strengthening the building, and he was in charge of Pan Xiao Shi Root, with a clear division of labor.

He was not ready to leave until this day.

When they parted, Agamato took out a small wooden box and handed it to Luo Wei: "This is the "bright stone" in my collection, it should be the best material for Kongsi's statue... Thank you, Luo Wei, and Kong Si, whether it is the battle of the apocalypse, or the establishment of the Supreme Sanctuary, etc., thanks to your help. "

Agamotto's human body has only one hundred and eighty years in his life, one-fifth of the Protoss. When they first met, he and Luo Wei were both young people. Now Luo Wei has not changed at all, but he has a beard and is middle-aged.

Luo Wei returned to Asgard this time, and it is estimated that he will not come to Earth in a short time. The next time we meet, I don’t know if it is the white-haired Agamato or the buried Agama, so this time it is inevitable that there will be some goodbyes. meaning.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Kongsi's voice came from the statue: "Agomoto, do you really plan to spend your life like this? As a supreme mage, I believe you can find a way to prolong your life. Even if there is any difficulty, we are willing to help you. "

"Let's go with the flow." Agamoto smiled, "From the perspective of time, sleeping, eating, chatting... these simple and boring things are the main body of life. I live thousands of years less than you, no Are you doing thousands of years of trivial things less than you?"

Coons was silent.

"Goodbye, Agamato."

Rowe finally said goodbye, and Agamotto opened the portal for them.

The portal of Agamotto naturally cannot reach Asgard. This is mainly to avoid the occurrence of previous teleportation accidents.

The earth is now being stared at by Dormammu. If Heimdaller overturned again while driving the Rainbow Bridge, shaking the Supreme Sanctuary and causing damage to the magic circle, Dormammu would probably make a comeback immediately.

Rowe, Skorch, and Little Stone Root passed through the portal and reached an uninhabited wilderness, and Rowe crushed the Orb of All-Seeing.

"Heimdall, send us back."

"Okay." Heimdall's voice came.

Immediately, a rainbow beam of light descended from the sky, covering everyone in a flash.

With a flash in front of everyone, they returned to the Rainbow Bridge teleportation hall in Asgard. Heimdall was holding the sword of guardianship and standing beside them.

"Heimdall, I haven't seen you for a few months, I've made great progress."

"..." Heimdall smiled awkwardly and politely.

After leaving the teleportation hall, everyone was stunned, stopped in unison, and looked up at the heights ahead.


When they left Asgard many places were still in ruins after the civil war, and by this time they had been restored.

But what really surprised them was the palace, which was still in the process of being rebuilt.

I saw that in the center of Asgard, a building a few hundred meters high, similar to a pyramid, has completed the lower part. Its whole body is golden, and it looks brilliant under the sunlight. The palace does not know where to go.

"Is this the new palace?" Diops couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Rowe said, "As far as I know, the new palace is named "Golden Palace". "

Although the Golden Palace is currently only half-built, people can't help but speed up the pace due to its attraction.

Not long after they left, Luo Wei and the others saw an unexpected scene.

"Clap!" A crisp voice sounded, which was the sound of a whip.