Chapter 236: 【The Evil of Odin】

Under the splendid Golden Palace, Asgardians waved their whips, driving teams of alien coolies to carry the building materials of the palace, a metal that resembles gold.

"Hurry up!" an Asgardian overseer yelled loudly, whipping the coolie on his body, "Don't linger!"

Luo Wei and the others were stunned, and then stepped forward to ask: "This is... what's going on?"

"Now that there are not enough manpower, and the Golden Palace is to be built again, Your Majesty has conquered a planet and asked the people there to build it for us." The Asgardian overseer with a leather whip said while he whipped again.


He didn't use force, but as a protoss, even such a light whip was enough to make most creatures feel pain.

Fortunately, these coolies are also considered rough-skinned and thick-skinned, otherwise they would be killed a lot.

The scene in front of him was exactly the same as the scene when the trolls enslaved the mortals of Warner, and Luo Wei was a little dumbfounded.

Diops pointed at the building material the coolie was carrying: "What is this, gold?"

"Otherwise, why is it called "Golden Palace"? ' the overseer laughed.

Ander couldn't help but say: "How can gold be used as a building material, it is so soft?"

Overwatch: "Of course it's not pure gold, it's an alloy, and there are some other components."

"...This kind of metal is a special product of a planet. When His Majesty Odin passed by, he thought it was very suitable for building the Golden Palace, so he conquered the planet by the way. Coincidentally, the races above are also very suitable for coolies. "

At this moment, a coolie next to him suddenly burst into emotion, roaring and rushing towards the overseer, shouting: "Plundering our treasure, enslaving our people, Odin and you are all demons! Demons!"

The overseer snorted coldly and pulled the whip out with all his strength.


The long whip that was twitched with all the power of the Protoss directly shattered the coolie's neck, and the corpse was divided into two.

The other coolies widened their eyes angrily, but they dared not speak.

The overseer threw the whip again and said, "The strong eat the weak, this is the eternal truth. Asgard has been very tolerant to you, don't do this stupid and useless resistance again!"

"If you are a little more respectful, you can even live a more decent life than before... You claim to be a thousand-year-old civilization, but who has heard of you in the universe? Now it is different. The name of your race has a prefix that resounds throughout the universe—Ah Servant of Asgard. Who knows the name of Asgard?"

After all, the overseer beckoned to another overseer not far away: "Hey, come and help me wash the floor."

The man was a little reluctant, but he still walked over, raised his hand and released a few water jets to wash away the blood on the ground: "It's done."

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

Rowe asked, "Where is Your Majesty now?"

"You just came back from your mission?" the supervisor asked casually.


The overseer turned around and pointed: "Have you seen that door? Before the construction of the Golden Palace is completed, His Majesty will temporarily summon his subjects there."

Several people nodded and walked over.

After a while, they reached the place and were released by the guards at the door to the hall where Odin was.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, Luo Wei suddenly stopped and stared at his waist with wide eyes.

At this moment, the pointer of holy light suddenly emerged from the holy deed, pointing straight ahead... Looking in the direction of the pointer, at the end is the Asgard king sitting on the throne, Odin!

Odin was judged evil by the Sanctuary!

"Rovi, you are back." Odin smiled.

Luo Wei quickly came back to his senses, as if nothing had happened, and stepped forward to salute: "Your Majesty."

Skorch and several others also saluted and respectfully.

Even if Odin is the villain, Rowe has nothing to do. He still has to bow his head honestly, and he can't go up and **** him.

However, Rowe was still in a complicated mood. When Kul was still the king of gods, Sanqi judged Kul as evil, which was one of the reasons why he refused to join Venerable Sky Hammer.

He also always believed that Odin was more upright than Kool.

As a result, now that Odin has come to power, he has also been marked as evil. For Rowe, this was naturally a slap in the face.

But think about it carefully, Odin has a history of conquering the Nine Realms, and conquering the Nine Realms, how could the blood of innocents be missing in this.

I'm afraid this is just the beginning. With the accumulation of Odin's killing in the future, maybe one day, the Holy Light will react to him as strongly as Dormammu...

"I heard you hit the Kree on Earth?" Odin asked.

"Yes." Luo Wei sorted out his emotions and explained the earth's affairs in general.

Odin smiled: "You have done a good job. Asgard is the master of the Nine Realms. The Kree people don't realize this, and we take the initiative to make them aware of it."

"Has the Kree been cleared from Earth?" he asked again.

Rowe: "Yes, Your Majesty. All the Kree bases on Earth have been destroyed by us. But they still have a base on the moon."

"I know that." Odin said slowly, "So your next mission is to drive away all the Cree people on the moon... No, kill them all."

"The arrogant and ignorant Kree people, it is necessary to make them pay some blood, so that they will understand the attitude they should have towards the Aesir!" Odin said in a more serious tone.

"Go back and rest for a while, and I will arrange tasks for you at that time."

A few days later.

"Kacha Kacha." Xiao Shilut sat on the ground eating stones, and from time to time ran to Rowe's side to take a look.

Luo Wei was lying on the table drawing a drawing. After a while, the drawing was completed. A statue with a bird's head and a human body appeared in the drawing, with an ancient shape and a strong Egyptian style.

Due to the need to transcribe the drawings of the holy deed and to carve the statues of demons, his art skills have improved by leaps and bounds over the years, and the things he has drawn have been decent. UU Reading

"What do you think, Kongsi?" Luo Wei said, holding up the blueprint.

Kongs's voice came from the statue: "Yes, the new statue in the future should follow this."

Luo Wei couldn't help asking: "Why do you have such a soft spot for the image of the bird's head? Not only you, but also other Egyptians and even Apocalypse."

Kongs didn't explain much, just said: "I've already been a human being, and it's good to change my image."

Rowe put away the blueprint and continued to infuse the Terrigan crystal with holy light.

"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

Rowe got up to open the door, and saw a heroic warrior at the door.

"Did His Majesty Odin have an order?" Rowe thought that Odin was going to arrange for him to go to the moon to attack the Kree.

The heroic warrior shook his head: "No, it's Princess Hela who wants to see you, so go over there."