Chapter 237: 【Hella in a skirt】

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "Oh, I'll go right away."

Afterwards, the Heroic Spirit Warrior left, and he returned to the room and changed into formal clothes.

Before leaving, Luo Wei touched the head of Xiaoshirut, and then pointed to the statue of Kongsi on the table: "Don't eat Kongsi."

"Buzzing." Little Stone Root nodded obediently.

Cons: "..."

The Golden Palace has not been completed yet. Odin and Hela temporarily live in a courtyard near the Golden Palace. Although this courtyard is not as good as the palace, its layout is quite complicated and can also be regarded as a palace.

When they got to the front of the hall, the guard had obviously been notified and let Luo Wei go in, and said, "The princess is in the back garden."

"Thank you."

Luo Wei walked along a small winding path and came to the back garden after a while, and a scene of grass and trees appeared in front of him.


Before I saw Hela, I only heard a wolf howl, and then a majestic black wolf leaped from not far away. Its eyes were bright, and its body exuded a temperament that was completely different from ordinary wolves. The temperament of the wolf king.

This wolf is naturally Fenris.

Fenris approached and smelled Luo Wei, and his eyes showed similar memories. Obviously, he felt that Luo Wei was acquainted.

Luo Wei reached out and touched it, it took a step back slightly, but did not resist much, but gradually adapted, and finally lay on the lawn and let Luo Wei stroke its hair.

It's just that, as a natural alien and with the soul imprint of Lubers, Fenris' hair feels very bad, and it feels like a steel needle.

In fact, if measured by the steel on Earth, Fenris' hair is definitely much harder than steel.

So Rowe didn't want to touch it again after a few touches.

When he was choosing between Fenris and Shiroot, the thing that made him most inclined to Fenris was the fluffy hand. As a result, Fenris grew a little bit, and his hand felt so rough, not as slippery as Shirut. forehead.

Luo Wei looked up when he retracted his hand, and then he couldn't help but lose his mind.

I saw not far ahead, a figure in a dark green dress was walking from the garden path, and the green grass on both sides swept across the skirt, as if it was integrated with it.

"Your Highness, you..." Luo Wei didn't know what to say for a while.

Hela smiled: "Didn't you ask me if I was wearing a skirt before? How is it, does it look good?"

"Uh... it looks good." Rowe touched his nose to put his hand away, "Your Highness, you should be wearing this all the time."

Hela always shows people in uniform. In everyone's mind, she is the image of a warrior, diluting the color of women.

In many cases, the beauty under her uniform can even make people feel aggressive. This aggressive beauty is incompatible with the attributes of the skirt - it seems so.

However, it is not.

Probably the aesthetic senses will not offset each other, but can be integrated and supplemented with each other, at least in Hela. The skirt did not make Hela lose her unique temperament, but gave her another charm.

Suddenly seeing Hela in a skirt, the sense of contrast brought about by this change made Luo Wei feel as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Hela pinched the skirt and turned around: "But I don't like this. It's too troublesome to wear a skirt. This is the only skirt I have, and my mother made it for me."

Speaking of her mother, her expression couldn't help but drop a little.

Luo Wei turned the subject and asked, "Your Highness, I heard that you have awakened your divine power? I don't know what divine power it is?"

"Self-healing." Hela said.

Rowe nodded. According to the performance in the movie, Hela's divine power is indeed self-healing, and it is very powerful. Even if the abdomen suffers a penetrating injury, it can recover instantly.

The two chatted for a long time in the garden. Rowe introduced the history and customs of the earth to Hela, and Hela told some anecdotes about the gods of Asgard, such as Tyre's shaving skills, Bren Hilde's early love story...

"Are you going to the moon?"

Luo Wei nodded: "Yes, it is estimated that His Majesty will officially order me to take people to the moon to clear the Kree people soon."

"This should be the first time you've led the army alone," Hela said.

Rowe: "No way, it's just a Kree base."

Hela: "Father should let you lead more than 100 people to the moon... I asked Heimdall, the Cree people are not weak on the moon, and there seem to be some special existences in their base. You have to be careful. ."


The day after meeting Hela, Hela first returned to her uniform and set out on an expedition with Mjolnir and Fenris Wolf.

The Golden Palace is still under construction, but Odin’s journey of conquest has already begun. As pointed out by the Asgardian gods, one planet after another has become a vassal of Asgard, and one race after another has fallen to the Asa gods. Under the body.

Loewy, like Hela, became a general in Odin's conquest.

Half a month later, he received a summons to visit Odin.

"Your Majesty." Luo Wei saluted.

Odin nodded and stood up, saying, "The Kree are still entrenched on the moon and claim that the moon has been their territory since ancient times - we need to convince them with the truth."

"I've given them a chance, but they don't cherish it. So when you go this time, no matter what they say, don't accept surrender and completely wipe out the Kree base, understand?"

In the end, Odin patted Rowe on the shoulder: "I will arrange for you ten teams of 120 people and a ship that runs thunder. I believe you will not disappoint me."

A boat of thunder?

Rowe couldn't help but be moved.

The Thunder Boat is Asgard's special warship to deal with the space environment When he collected the corpses of the gods before, he sat in the Thunder Boat once, but he didn't expect to be able to command one now, um, it can be rowing.

On the second day after accepting the arrangement, Rowe brought a document signed by Odin to the Sea of ​​Marmora, where the Thunder Boat was docked.

The Thunder Boat still looks so unremarkable, like an ancient wooden boat on Earth.

If the human beings of the future generations see it, they will never believe that this is a spaceship capable of navigating in space.

There is already a team of people on the ship. They are the shipping team. They are mainly responsible for driving and managing the Thunder Boat. They are not considered combat personnel. Nor did they call Rowe "commander", but "captain".

The remaining nine teams of fighters arrived soon, and some old acquaintances such as Skorch, Ander, and Diops were naturally among them.

After a total of more than 120 people on the ship arrived, the shipping team conducted a departure inspection of the Thunder Boat. Finally, the captain came to Luo Wei: "Captain, the Thunder Boat can be set off at any time."

Luo Wei nodded and looked at the starry sky in the distance: "Target the moon, let's go."