Chapter 239: 【Symbiote Warrior】

In addition to airships and infantry, the Kree armed forces that Rowe and others need to face also include various guns and artillery directly erected on the base.

Large and small gun barrels and gun barrels protruded from all parts of the base, aiming at the Protoss warriors and continuing to bombard them.

Faced with the bombardment of hundreds of airships, a large number of Kerry soldiers, and guns at the base, although more than 80 Protoss warriors had the upper hand, they were unable to reach the base for a long time.

The battle was stalemate for a while.

Sword of Judgment!

The sword of Rivendell shone brightly, and a sword of judgment spurted out, penetrating a Kree flying ship.


With the light of the fire, the Cree's airship force was reduced by another member.

There are still airships flying out of the base, but compared to the scene of bees and insects flying at the beginning of the battle, the Cree airship force is obviously weak, and there are probably not many left.

However, Luo Wei's mana was running out. He not only had to fight, but also maintained the treatment of the aura of benevolence. The mana was consumed very quickly.

In addition, although the aura of benevolence has a large range, the average healing effect is relatively weak. If a warrior is in a critical situation, this healing effect will hardly play an important role.

So far, two soldiers have been killed and several others have been seriously injured. The Kerry base's own weapon system is still in good condition. If you continue to fight, even if you can break through the Kerry base, I am afraid that you will have to pay a small price.

"Prepare to retreat!" Rowe ordered, the holy light on his body was shining, and the striking brilliance made all the soldiers react immediately and organize the retreat.

The most troublesome step in the retreat process was to collect the corpses. Naturally, they had to bring the corpses of the two fallen soldiers. If the two corpses were picked up by the Kree, they would inevitably be dissected and studied.

Bringing two corpses, the main force retreated in an orderly manner, and Rowe, Skorch, and others broke the back.

After a while, the large army retreated successfully. Luo Wei glanced back, and then took out the ice-shaper longbow and a dozen arrows that had been filled with holy light from the Sanctuary space.

He bent bows and arrows, and more than a dozen Holy Light Frost Arrows shot out.

"Boom boom boom!"

The arrow exploded, and a large number of Kree were killed.

After another wave of Frost Arrows of Holy Light, Luo Wei and the others also chose to retreat and returned to the Thunder Boat to rest.

The Protoss paid the price of two deaths, while the armed forces of the Kerry base were almost wiped out, with thousands of casualties, which can be described as tragic.

After the battle, inside the Kerry base, an emergency meeting was held quickly.

"Commander, what should we do now?"

The commander of the Kerry base was a bearded middle-aged man, and he exhaled: "I think I should report the situation to Hala first."

"Contact Hala immediately." Hala is the capital of the Kree Empire.


Soon, an older Kree man appeared on the screen in the conference room. He was dressed in Chinese clothes and had a deep expression. At first glance, he looked like a high-ranking Kree bureaucrat.

The base commander quickly explained the base situation to him, and finally said: "...Sir, the current situation of the moon base is very critical, please Hala must send support, otherwise we may be breached tomorrow!"

However, the Kerry bureaucrat on the screen said: "Kerry is fighting against the Shandar coalition. The war is equally urgent. In a short time, Hala cannot provide you with reinforcements."

"But..." the base commander was about to say.

The Kerry bureaucrat interrupted him, with a hint of anger in his voice: "Your two scientific research projects have not only failed to achieve results, but also lost soldiers. The earth base was even destroyed by a group of humans, and it was a complete failure. My face, Kerry The face of the empire has been thrown away by you!"

"Didn't you claim that both the "Hive" and "Symbiote Warrior" plans can bring unparalleled combat power to the empire, why can't even the base be defended now? "

The base commander was dumbfounded for a while and then said, "They are hundreds of Protoss warriors, and the base's garrison is really hard to resist... Since there are no reinforcements, sir, can you allow us to abandon the moon?"

"As long as you're willing to bear the consequences." The Kerry bureaucrat didn't say more, and ended the conversation directly.

The atmosphere in the conference room was quiet for a while.

"Commander, are we going to abandon the moon?"

The base commander held his forehead and didn't speak for a while. After a while, he suddenly raised his head: "It seems that we can only try the symbiote."

"But we haven't found a way to control the symbiote. If we rashly let it symbiotic with our warriors..."

The commander raised his hand and said, "This is our only way. The power of the symbiote is obvious to all. Even if we want to give up the moon, get rid of the Asgardians, and retreat smoothly, we must have the power of the symbiote warriors."

At this time, a tall man suddenly stood up: "Commander, let me be the first host of the symbiote."

"Cartel, are you sure? This may have some unintended consequences." The commander looked at him.

"As a soldier of the Kree Empire, it is my duty to do so," Carter said.

Everyone looked at each other, and the base commander finally said: "Cartel is a powerful fighter. He has undergone rigorous training and two body modifications. I believe he will not let us down."


Luo Wei's troops rested for a day in the Thunder Boat. The wounded had recovered, and the people who stayed behind and went on the expedition were rearranged. Luo Wei once again took seven combat teams and more than 80 Protoss warriors to the Kerry base.

"Not surprisingly, today is when we break the Kree moon base."

Everyone arrived at the Kerry base. After the last battle, the Kree's defensive strength was greatly weakened, and the patrol range was reduced several times, showing a state of shrinking.


Rowe gave an order, and more than 80 Protoss warriors launched a charge, killing the Kerry base.

The first group of Kree soldiers were easily killed by the Protoss warriors, but the other Kree soldiers returned to the base directly, leaving only the airship and the base defense system to fight against the Protoss troops.

Rowe struck Dale's Sword Judgement Sword and destroyed a Kree flying ship.


He took time to look down, and then he couldn't help frowning.

I saw that the Kerry base suddenly opened a door, and a Kerry warrior dressed in purple armor, with a shape similar to the later black panther uniform, walked out of the door.

The purple armor covers almost his whole body, only the eyes are transparent, and the eyes of the Kree warriors in the armor and part of the blue skin can be seen.

"Cartel, you are the first symbiote warrior of the Kree Empire... Show your strength to the enemy." The voice of the commander of the Kree base sounded from the communication device of his helmet.

Cartel nodded, and then a black mucus suddenly poured out, covering his whole body, as if merging with it.

Of course, looking from the outside of the armor, you can only see that the vicinity of his eyes suddenly turned black, and his skin was faintly wriggling...
