Chapter 240: 【Afraid of fire】

From the outside of the armor, the changes in the cartel were very subtle, and most of the Protoss warriors didn't notice it, and even if they did, they didn't know what happened.

At this moment, a Protoss warrior held a long sword and flew out with a stride, heading straight for the cartel, with a sharp sword.

Cartel looked unusually calm. He turned slightly to the side and easily avoided the sword's edge, showing an amazing reaction speed.

At the same time, his right hand pointed like a knife, and he slashed like lightning, hitting the Protoss warrior's wrist with precision.

"Ah!" The Protoss warrior cried out in pain, and the long sword flew out of his hand uncontrollably.

Cartel kept moving, turning around and hitting his temple with his elbow, knocking him out.

Then, he took out a silver spear engraved with golden lines from his waist, pointed it at the Protoss warrior, and pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" A purple light shot out from the muzzle, piercing the Protoss warrior's neck, leaving a burnt wound.

Seeing that the cartel killed a Protoss warrior in two or three times, the Protoss side was shocked, and the Kree people in the base were pleasantly surprised.

"Very good, that's it!" Commander Kerry said excitedly, "Cartel, you are not fighting alone, behind you is the glorious Kerry Empire!"

"Let Asgard taste the power of the symbiote!"

Seeing this, Rowe hurriedly said, "I'll deal with this man! Diops, the rest of the airship is handed over to you!"

After he said that, flames spewed from his feet, and with a slight turn in the air, he got rid of the surrounding airships and galloped towards the cartel.

Cartel brought down another Protoss warrior. The peculiarly shaped silver gun in his hand was about to pull the trigger again, and Rowe swung his sword at the right moment, and the sword of judgment spurted out.


The Sword of Judgment hit the cartel, but it failed to penetrate the armor. It only left a scar that was neither deep nor shallow. It can be seen that the defense of the armor is quite amazing.

Cartel staggered a few steps and regained his footing. He turned his head to look at Rowe, and the muzzle of the silver spear also turned its direction.

Rowe held his left hand empty, and the shield of holy light instantly condensed and blocked in front of him.


The beam of light emitted by the silver gun suddenly bombarded the shield of holy light. I saw a burst of golden and purple rays of light intertwined and bloomed, and cracks appeared on the shield.

The power of this silver gun is really not small. It is stronger than the laser cannon of the airship and the defensive gun of the Kerry base. I don't know what kind of black technology it is.

Rowe quickly flew to Cartel, holding the sword of Rivendell high in his hand and slashing down.

Sword of Justice!

Cartel's armor has two shields, located on the wrists of his left and right hands. He moved quickly and raised his left hand, just blocking the Sword of Justice.


Immediately, the radiance of the Holy Light swayed, and the stun force of the Sword of Justice passed through the battle armor, causing Cartel to shake, and he stepped back a few steps.

At this time, Rowe observed closely, and through the transparent armor near Cartel's eyes, he finally noticed the abnormality of its shape.

This person's skin turned out to be black, as black as ink.

Generally speaking, the skin of Kree people is blue - of course, there are exceptions, after all, there are several kinds of skin colors of human beings on earth, and the Kree, as an interstellar empire, will be somewhat diverse anyway.

It's just that this person's skin is black, and it also has a mucus-like texture, creeping faintly, and it looks very strange.

No wonder this guy is so powerful. It seems that he is not a normal Kree at all. Nine times out of ten, he has transformed people or something... Luo Wei thought to himself.

Although the Sword of Justice hits, the stun effect is not obvious to Cartel.

When Cartel reversed at a high speed, he shook his head and returned to normal, and then he pulled the trigger, and blazing beams of light were launched from the silver gun.

Under the bombardment of the silver gun, the shield of the Holy Light soon could not be supported, cracks were all over it, and it flashed at an extreme speed.

Rowe inserted the sword of Rivendell.

The sword of justice!

The sword of justice pierced out of the moon soil at the foot of the cartel, and the holy light suddenly flashed under its feet.

However, almost at the same time when the sword of justice was stabbed, Cartel reacted. The flames of the armor on his legs surged, dodging the sword of justice while flying into the sky like Iron Man.

Timely dodging, coupled with the sturdy armor covered by the whole body, made this sword of justice not cause substantial damage to it.

Rowe frowned, then flew into the air, and at the same time condensed a new shield of holy light.

Cartel stared at Rowe, and the shield of the armor's left hand turned for a while, turning into two blades, shaped like a sharp battle axe, with a cold light, and then rushed up.

Luo Wei looked awe-inspiring as he approached him with a sword and started a confrontation with him.

So the two were like fighting falcons, circling and wrestling in the sky.

Cartel is not only powerful, but also has an amazing reaction speed, surpassing most of the Protoss, and also overpowering Rowe. Moreover, the armor on his body is very strong, and a sword cannot break it at all.

After only a moment of fighting, Luo Wei felt the difficulty.

Blind light!

Blind light has no effect on the cartel either, whether it is because of the armor or it has this ability.

"Boom!" The sharp blade in Cartel's left hand slashed at the cracked Holy Light shield, and the shield collapsed again.

Luo Wei quickly added a king's blessing to himself, covered with holy light armor, and slashed backhand.

Sword of Justice!

With the blessing of the king's blessing, the power of the sword of sanction greatly increased, and it accurately slashed a damaged position on the cartel armor.


Cartel's armor was immediately penetrated, opening a hole to reveal the black mucus that was squirming inside.

This black slime looks soft, but the texture is very strong. After the sword of Rivendell broke through the armor, the remaining strength was not enough to penetrate it.


Looking at the faintly wriggling black mucus, Luo Wei was startled, as if he had remembered something.


Before, Cartel was covered in armor Only a little bit of his eyes were exposed. He didn't realize anything yet. Now he cut open the armor and saw the black mucus inside, and suddenly realized that this thing seemed to be a common Living body!

The famous Venom is a member of the symbiote.

Venom's ability is strong and strong, especially if it encounters a host who is very strong in itself, after the combination of the two sides, the combat power will skyrocket.

But the symbiote has two fatal weaknesses, one is the fear of sound waves, and the other is the fear of fire.

afraid of fire...

Rowe dodged the next blow, then hovered in the air, looking at the cartel for a while.

Since you are afraid of fire, it is easy to do. Although the opponent's armor is not weak in fire resistance, Luo Wei also has something to enhance firepower.

He immediately retracted the sword and put it back into the sheath, then stretched out his hand to probe from the Sanctuary space, and took out a pair of golden gloves, which were the flame gloves he had obtained in the Asgard Civil War.