Chapter 242: [Light symbiote]

Luo Wei also stepped forward, touched the escape boat, and squeezed it a few times.

As Andre said, as Commander Kerry's escape tool, the ship was very solid.

The material of the ordinary Kerry airship, Rowe can squeeze and deform with some strength, but the material of this spaceship, no matter how hard he uses his bare hands, he can't shake it.

He released flames to burn again, and the escape ship remained unchanged until the flame gloves were used, and the material of the ship gradually turned red.

The defensive capabilities of this spaceship are probably comparable to that of Cartel's armor.

The temperature of the flame gloves is definitely far beyond the surface of the sun. It needs flame gloves to burn, it can be seen that the escape ship has the ability to act on the surface of the sun,

Maybe use it to go to the sun

Luo Wei thought about it and said, "Let the people from the shipping team come and see."

Then the people from the shipping team came over, groping and discussing around the escape boat, and said various words that others could not understand.

Asgard rarely uses purely technological creations, but that doesn't mean Asgardians don't understand science.

In fact, if Asgard is determined to wash its talents and go the technological route, the books plundered from all over the universe are enough to make it a first-class technological power.

There are both subjective and objective reasons why Asgard is not popular with technology. Subjectively, it is of course culture, and most Asgardians despise the "garbage stuff" like science in their hearts.

The objective reason is that due to the existence of the power of Asgard, the natural laws of the entire space island of Asgard are in conflict with the general scientific laws. The sea, the sea water has been flowing into space for many years, but it has not decreased in the slightest...

This has led to the development of science and the promotion of technological creations in Asgard, with less effort.

Nonetheless, Asgardians live five thousand years, it is inevitable that some people will be bored to study technology. There are often one or two such people in the shipping team of every Thunder Boat.

So after some research, the shipping team quickly figured out how to use the Kerry escape boat and demonstrated it to Rowe.

"This is an almost unmanned spaceship that can be manipulated with only a few operations." The captain of the shipping team operated on the screen of the Kerry escape ship, the hull trembled slightly, and then hovered smoothly stand up.

"But there is a problem, this ship doesn't have much energy." He opened a silver cover inside the ship, revealing a row of circular holes inside.

There are four grooves in total, three of which are empty, and only one groove is placed with a purple cobblestone.

"This purple cobblestone is the energy source of the spaceship. It can be seen that the energy reserve of this spaceship is less than a quarter." The captain of the shipping team said slowly, "This ship also has a space jump function, but with its existing energy, it is estimated that it can only jump once."

Lowe asked: "How far can it go without a space jump?"

"Should be able to fly out of the solar system from here."

This distance is quite large. After all, the earth and the moon are located in the inner position of the solar system. The distance from here to the sun is definitely much smaller than that outside the solar system.

Rowe nodded secretly: "The spoils of Kerry base, I want this one."

Rowe undoubtedly contributed the most in the battle, and everyone had no opinion, and they didn't care much about the "garbage stuff" of the Kree.

Returning to the Thunderboat, everyone rested and prepared to return to Asgard tomorrow.

Rowe returned to his room and took out a special crystal bottle containing the symbiote.

The symbiote slammed around in the bottle, and the asphalt-like form was surging.

It's just that the material of the special crystal bottle comes from Asgard, which is extremely strong. No matter how the symbiote struggles, the crystal bottle still remains motionless.

Seeing Rowe, the symbiote immediately shrank into a ball.

Rowe opened the bottle and tried to pour out the symbiote.

However, the symbiote refused to come out no matter what, its body was shriveled, sticking firmly to the wall of the bottle, only shaking occasionally, like a piece of plasticine.

A flame lit up in Rowe's hand immediately, and it burned under the bottle.

The symbiote was terrified, and quickly drilled out along the wall of the bottle, and was pinched by Rowe.

It was also very frightened when it was pinched by Rowe.

Rowe had to use some flame power a little, and under the coercion of the flame, the symbiote had to shrink into a ball again.

Holding the symbiote in his hand, Luo Wei looked at it silently for a while.

Immediately, he couldn't help but think that he didn't know how the symbiote reacted to the Holy Light.


Luo Wei's five fingers flickered brightly, and the holy light poured into the symbiote.

At the beginning, the symbiote seemed to think it was a fire, and shivered with horror, and then found out that it was not a flame, and gradually recovered its calm.


After a while, something surprising happened to Rowe.

With the infusion of holy light, the symbiote gradually changed from black like ink to pale gold, as if it was dyed by holy light.

…lightforged symbiotes

The pale golden symbiote has also changed in texture, becoming more rounded and smooth, just like Shilute's forehead.

Luo Wei couldn't help rubbing it twice, as if he was dishing walnuts.

As soon as he rubbed it, the symbiote turned into a wispy shape, spreading and infiltrating along his arm.

Luo Wei was shocked at first, then thought about it, and did not stop it immediately.

The ability and character of the symbiote vary with the host, and it cannot be regarded as something inherently evil. If it can be used properly, it can be regarded as a weapon.

Anyway, he has the power of flame, and the symbiote can't do anything to himself. See what it will look like after merging with the symbiote.

The symbiote soon merged into him.

A strong sense of fulfillment quickly spread throughout the body, and Luo Wei seemed to feel that his muscles swelled in a large circle, becoming infinitely powerful.

His skin also changed and turned pale golden, but there were some veins or grid-like lines.

It feels good...

At this moment, Luo Wei suddenly felt a daze in front of him, as if something was about to enter his mind.

"Humph!" He snorted coldly, and the divine power of the flame was faintly flowing.

"Ah!" came a scream.

Luo Wei said coldly: "I didn't kill you, but you dared to go so far as to invade my consciousness."

"I am a symbiote, and symbiosis also includes consciousness symbiosis. I thought you wouldn't mind..." The symbiote's somewhat fearful voice came.

"I don't need consciousness symbiosis. If you have this plan, I will burn you to ashes," Rowe said.


The symbiote did not dare to invade Rowe's consciousness again.

Rowe then walked to the mirror and looked at himself at this time.