Chapter 243: 【Eddie】


Seeing himself in the mirror, Luo Wei couldn't help shaking his body.

After merging with the Lightcast Symbiote, his appearance has changed dramatically, but it is very different from the classic Venom look.

If he were asked to describe his current appearance in the most concise way, it would undoubtedly be only one word, and that would be...


The pale golden skin with a texture close to that of a tights, and a pair of big bright eyes like light bulbs made Luo Wei look in the mirror and the image of Ultraman popped into his mind.

He turned the angle and took a closer look, only to feel that the more he looked, the more he looked like Ultraman.

Isn't this look a bit exaggerated... Although the Paladin is known as the best actor in World of Warcraft, he still doesn't like this kind of dress.

But in any case, Ultraman is at least much better-looking than the classic shape of Venom, at least it doesn't look scary, there is no wet long tongue and big fangs thrown around.

"Symbiote, do you have a name?" Rowe asked.

"Venom." The symbiote's voice came.

It is indeed venom.

But the name is full of villainous temperament, and Rowe said immediately: "From today onwards, you should be called Eddie."

"Why?" Venom was obviously a little unhappy about being forced to change his name.

"do you have any opinion?"


After a while, Rowe let the symbiote leave and put it back in the bottle.

Then he took out the peculiarly shaped silver pistol that Cartel had used before, and groped for a while in his hand.

He removed the magazine and found that it contained a purple cobblestone, which was probably the one that provided the silver pistol with astonishing power.

Isn't this the energy used by the Kerry escape boat?

Rowe quickly realized that the purple cobblestone in his hand was actually the same thing as the power stone of the Kerry escape boat.

After he went to the escape boat for personal comparison and verification, he confirmed this even more.

Put the purple cobblestone into the power supply slot of the ship, and the remaining power display on the ship's screen immediately changes from "22%" to "41%".

Then Rowe drove the spacecraft and flew at a low altitude on the moon for a while, and finally landed in a small valley.

This spaceship is what he is going to use to explore the sun anyway, there is no need to bring it back to Asgard, just stay on the moon.

"Aren't you going to take this spaceship?" Kongs' voice came from the statue.

"Yeah, I'll come back in a while," Rowe said.

"In that case, you leave me here, I can better absorb the energy of the moon here." Kongs said, "But don't forget to come back, I don't want to stay in this kind of place that doesn't even have bugs. place."

"Okay." Rowe nodded and agreed, leaving Kongsi in the spaceship.

Then he filled the spaceship with holy light as a mark, and left a demon statue, just in case. After all, Kongsi is a talking statue now, and he has no fighting power. If the Kree people come to the door, there is a demon statue. , also easy to deal with.

After doing this, Rowe turned back to the Thunder Boat, and the next day after everyone rested, the Thunder Boat set sail and returned to Asgard.

a few days later.

Rowe was pouring holy light into the Terrigan crystal, and the crystal bottle hanging from his waist suddenly shook, and the symbiote Eddie rammed around restlessly inside.

He opened the bottle, and Eddie hurriedly followed his hand to seep in.

With luck, Luo Wei's flame power drove it out and frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

Most of the behavior of the symbiote must be done through symbiosis, and the symbiote without a host can't even speak.

Eddie leaned on Rowe's fingers carefully, and a weak voice came: "I'm hungry..."

Luo Wei got up to find some food and put it in front of it: "Eat it, the specialty of Asgard."

"I can't eat...Leaving the environment of the home planet, the symbiote can only eat and replenish energy through the host's body," Eddie said.

But it immediately said: "Or you can give me some of that light, and I can sustain life with that energy now."

Rowe thought for a while, then held Eddie in his hand, Eddie automatically shrank into a ball, and then Rowe's hand shone with light, and the holy light surged.

As the Holy Light poured in, the symbiote Eddie's body seemed to become more rounded and smoother.

"Is it enough?"

Eddie said cautiously, "If you can... a little more."

"Holy light is not cheap food, be content with you." Rowe said, stopping the infusion of holy light.

"Okay, but after three days, you'd better give me some more holy light, then I should be hungry again." After Eddie said, he took the initiative to roll back to the crystal bottle and stay in it honestly.

Luo Wei frowned for a while, thinking that there was another thing that burned the Holy Light.

Every day, he mainly consumes the Holy Light on the Terrigan crystal in order to make a new statue for Kongsi as soon as possible, followed by the flame gloves, the power of the holy flame gloves, which he is looking forward to very much.

Luo Wei used very little Holy Light on his body - the physique of the Protoss was already very strong and perfect, and the progress of the Holy Light's transformation was slow. If you want to instill the Holy Light affinity physique, it will definitely take a hundred years of work. Not in a hurry.

Now there is another symbiote to consume holy light. Fortunately, this thing has very little demand for holy light, and the frequency is also very low. Once every three days, a little bit of abuse, once every five days should be no problem...

It was just nightfall today.



Luo Wei shouted, and Xiao Shilut, who was eating his first supper, ran over, holding a half-eaten stone in his hand.

Rowe covered Xiaoshirut's mouth and nose, and said, "Test it and see how long you can hold it."

a few hours later.

Koishi Root blinked, looking a little puzzled.

"I said... your nose is probably just an ornament, right?" Rowe retracted his hand and couldn't help but say something.

"Buzz Koishi Root scratched his head for unknown reasons.

Rowe tested his ability to hold his breath, of course, to initially judge whether he had the ability to survive in space.

Judging from the test results, Koishi Root can survive at least briefly in space.

"Come on, follow me out." Rowe touched Xiao Shilut's forehead, and took him out the door first, and soon came to the slit of the small island with the space passage.

Looking at the space tetrahedron suspended in mid-air, Koishirut opened his eyes wide, his face full of curiosity.

Rowe carried him and flew to one side of the tetrahedron, then passed through the tetrahedron as if through water, and then reached his destination, the moon.

When he got there, he quickly observed Koishi Root's reaction.

However, Koishi Root seemed to be more adaptable to the space environment than he was, and he didn't notice the changes in the environment at all, and his face was calm.
