Chapter 244: 【Fly to the sun】

Seeing this, Luo Wei was relieved, took Xiaoshi Root, walked out along the passage, and went straight to the spaceship.

"Build a hut here."

Over the years, Xiaoshi Root has accumulated a lot of experience in building buildings, and he no longer needs Luo Wei's full guidance, and a small stone house will spew out in a short while.

Luo Wei went inside the spacecraft: "Kongs, how have you been on the moon these days?"

"What can I do?" Kongsi's voice came from the statue. "Why did you bring Shilut here and build a house. Are you planning to live on the moon in the future?"

"Maybe." Rowe said casually, "By the way, what do you think is a better name for this spaceship."

""Waterdrop", this spacecraft looks like a water droplet. ' said Coons.

"Yes, that's what I thought too." Rowe laughed, familiarizing himself with the operation of the spaceship again, and driving it around a little.

"You're going to Earth?" Koons asked.

"Go to the sun."

"The sun!" Kong Si was shocked. "Although you have the power of fire, it may be dangerous to go to the sun. If you intend to obtain the power of the sun, the pyramid can completely help you."

"You can build the pyramid directly on the moon, where there is no atmospheric obstruction, and it can better absorb the power of the sun."

Luo Wei nodded: "I know, but I always have to go to the sun to take a look, maybe I can absorb energy directly on it... But don't worry, even if the pyramid is useless to me, I will keep my promise and make one for you. New statue."

Coons was silent.

After a while, Luo Wei asked, "What exactly is the composition of the solar metal used in the pyramid?"

"Mainly aluminum, gold and iron, as well as more than a dozen other common substances, the sun metal is a very complex alloy, not only has a lot of components, but also has strict requirements on the proportions. A little more or less is not enough." Kongs said .

Luo Wei couldn't help but be surprised.

But he did not expect that the sun metal used by the gods to build the pyramid of rebirth is actually composed of a pile of ordinary substances without any special ingredients.

In addition to the value of gold, other components of the sun's metals, such as the earth's copper, iron and aluminum, are simply garbage no one wants to the Asgardians.

It was just such a pile of **** that, with a complex, delicate mix of ingredients, actually made up an excellent metal that was useful even in Asgard.

"Apocalypse has the ability to manipulate matter particles, so it can easily make solar metal." Kongs continued, "I have special smelting skills and can also make solar metal, but the efficiency is much lower than that of Apocalypse's material manipulation. "

"However, in the smelting process, if you have the help of your flame power, the efficiency will definitely be greatly improved."

Rowe nodded. After he was familiar with the operation of the Droplet, he landed back to the ground, and Xiaoshirut had already built the hut by this time.

He went over to look and was surprised to find that the quality of this hut was much higher than before, more solid and dense.

At first, Luo Wei thought it was Koshirod who had learned some skill, and even rewarded him with a few gems.

It wasn't until Little Stone Root finished eating the gem that Rowe suddenly realized that it was due to the environment - there was no air on the moon, so there were no air bubbles, and the stone would naturally become denser when it solidified.

After sending Koishi Root home, Rowe was back on the Droplet.

"Are you going to the sun?" Koons asked.

"That's right."

After speaking, Luo Wei started the Shuidui, the spacecraft trembled slightly, and then smoothly lifted into the sky, came to the sky of the moon, adjusted its direction slightly, and went straight to the sun, the hot star that has burned for countless years hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

As Commander Kerry's escape ship, the Droplet has a small space and can only squeeze four people at most, but it is very flexible, and the steering and acceleration are extremely fast.

A few minutes later, the speed of the spacecraft reached nearly 100 kilometers per second, becoming the fastest object in the solar system, and it continued to accelerate.

The Kree designed the spaceship to be quite intelligent, almost equivalent to unmanned driving. In addition to some operations at the beginning, Rowe just lay in the driver's seat and waited, watching the sun gradually enlarge in his line of sight.

In the end, it took only three days for the Shuidi to travel a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers. It came to the surface of the sun, adjusted its speed, and revolved around the sun.

Just like Luo Wei's original experiment, the water droplet completely withstood the temperature of the sun's surface without any abnormality.

At this moment, Rowe was lying on the seat, and the sun's brilliance passed through the transparent porthole, turning into a fiery white-yellow color in his eyes, like a sea of ​​flames.

Although the Droplet cut off the raging heat on the surface of the sun, this monstrous scene of fire still frightened the symbiote Eddie, making it madly rambling in the crystal bottle and restless.

Rowe left it in the spacecraft, fed it some more holy light, and then got out of the spacecraft to a low altitude close to the surface of the sun.

It is only less than 100 kilometers away from the surface of the sun. Compared with the amazing size of the sun, it is almost close to it.

Although it is not the real surface of the sun, the temperature here is still extremely hot, making Rowe feel a little hot, and he can't help but recall the feeling of summer that he has not experienced for a long time.

But fortunately, although it was a little hot, it was similar to the limit of his flame power, and it was still within the tolerance range.

Luo Wei immediately stirred the magic floating cloak behind him, and the flames spurted under his feet, adjusting the direction and speed, and falling straight towards the surface of the sun.

With the rapid decline, the surrounding temperature also rose, gradually making Luo Wei feel a little roasted.

But along with this roasting feeling, there was another subtle feeling, as if something was slowly seeping inward from his skin into his flesh.

The flame power in the body also became extremely active, and Luo Wei even burst into flames uncontrollably, as if merging with the flames of the sun...

The power of the sun!

Rowe clearly felt that the fiery power of the sun was infiltrating himself.

It's just that this penetration is slow. He thought for a while, then continued to descend.

The sun is a blob of hot gas with no strict surface, just a rough outline. Rowe soon crossed this outline, that is, into the interior of the sun.

Reaching out to see the five fingers is generally described as dim, but it turns out that the light is the same.

After entering the interior of the sun, due to the extreme light, Luo Wei could no longer see anything - including himself.

He put his fingers in front of his eyes to be able to see a few points, and if he moved further away, he would be overwhelmed by the endless rays of light.