~: Description: About Hella's abilities

The first thing I want to say is that Yipeng is not because I am lazy, absolutely not! Instead, I am adhering to the pursuit of excellence, ignoring the past, and checking the information to improve the settings.


■Modified the setting of Hela's ability in the previous article.

When I saw what the reader said in this chapter, I went to check the information again.

The MCUwiki (Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki) website shows that Hela's ability should be "matter reorganization", not self-healing or death. The original words are "Hela can manifest various physical structures from thin air, from weapons to the ground. structure, even her own armor" (machine flip).

Super self-healing should be the ability that comes with the power of Asgard.

As for the resurrection of skeleton soldiers and Fenris, it is the ability of eternal fire, which has nothing to do with Hela, which is also explained by MCUwiki.

Therefore, Chapter 237 "Hella in a Skirt" was revised, and Hela's ability was changed from "self-healing" to "rebuild".

Of course, modifications are only visible through genuine channels. I hope everyone can support the genuine version and fight against piracy.

■About the origin of Hela's title of "Goddess of Death".

The reason why Hela is called the "Goddess of Death", I think it should be what Hela said to Skorch about an hour after the movie "Thor 3": Hela served as Odin's executioner when he was young, in charge of punishment and execution. prisoner.

In addition, in the comics, the goddess of death that Thanos is obsessed with is not Hela.

Hela's "Goddess of Death" is just a title, the one that Thanos is obsessed with is the real **** of death in the universe, the materialization of the concept of "death".

Most of the abstract gods in the comics, as well as the giants of the same level, will not appear in this book. At present, the only one who is sure to appear is the famous Planet Devourer, the invincible and invincible Uncle Tun.

■Finally, let's talk about the book friends of this book. It seems that many readers don't know it yet.

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