Chapter 248: 【Odin's Punisher】

Luo Wei used the pyramid to absorb a small amount of the power of the sun. In the past few years, the flame power has only improved slightly. In contrast, Kongsi's change has been called a thousand miles, making Luo Wei want to use a whole month's power.

It's a pity that Kongsi's ability to mobilize the power of the moon is a kind of talent, and it is an extremely rare talent. According to himself, he is the only one on earth who has this ability, and others can't learn it if they want to.

"I'm ready to go back to Earth," Kongs said.

"Shall I drive a spaceship to see you?" Luo Wei was startled for a moment, then pointed to the stone hall and asked.

Kongs shook his head: "No, I am stronger than ever before, and I am fully capable of going back from here."

Luo Wei nodded, and after a while: "In that case, let's see you by fate."

"I'll always be on Earth or the Moon, so I think we'll meet again," Koons also said.

Immediately, the moonlight surged on his body, turned into a bright rainbow, and flew out to the blue earth, and disappeared after a while.

The huge moon, with only Luo Wei left, was silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became boring.

Luo Wei stopped in place for a moment, then turned into a long rainbow, and came to a small cave not far away, which was the cave connecting the space passage.

He has made some renovations to this cave over the years, and specially built a thick stone room to hide the space tetrahedron.

After a while in the small cave, Luo Wei reached the end, and an ordinary stone wall appeared in front of him.

The holy light in his hand lit up and placed it on the stone wall. The stone wall immediately trembled slightly and separated to the sides, revealing the stone room behind it.

The slightly flooded space tetrahedron is suspended in the stone chamber.

Rowe closed the stone door, passed through the space tetrahedron, and returned to Asgard.

On the way home, he suddenly saw a group of people rushing in a certain direction, as if they were rushing to join in the fun.

He immediately stepped forward to ask.

Asgard is a small country with few people. Luo Wei has made many military exploits over the years, and now he is quite famous, and a group of people basically know him.

"It's you, Rowe. Haven't you been in Asgard recently?" one asked.

"What are you going to do?" Rowe avoided answering and continued to ask.

"Of course to visit Udu's beheading."

"Udu!" Luo Wei was startled, "Udu blood eyes in Badong country?"

The passerby smiled and said, "That's right, it's him, the **** of beheading in Badong, the blood-eye of Udu. But this **** of beheading is about to be beheaded now."

"His Majesty Odin personally sentenced Udo to death. Today is the day when Udo's head fell. Would you like to go and see it together, Rowe?"

Luo Wei thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Go and have a look."


A few people went to the execution ground together, where there were already many people who were eating melons, and there was a lot of discussion.

In the middle of the execution ground, a sturdy green-skinned man was bound by chains and knelt on the execution platform, with his head lowered and his expression unclear.

"The legendary Udu **** eyes look like this..."

"When will your Majesty come to execute the execution?"

"Udu seems to be no different from ordinary Padang people." The onlookers continued to discuss.

After a while, a team of heroic warriors in golden armor came from the direction of the Golden Palace, and Hela was the one walking in the front.

"Your Highness." Everyone saluted.

Hela nodded and then said: "His Majesty Odin appointed me as the punishment officer, so Udu's death sentence will be executed by me."

Asgard has a tradition that those who sentence others to death should do it themselves. Odin personally sentenced Udo to death, so it should be Odin who executed Udu in the end.

However, there was an exception, namely the penal system. The king can have the punishment officer carry out the execution on his behalf, but the punishment officer's identity must be important enough to represent the king.

As the only heir of Odin at present, Hela's identity is naturally enough.

"Your Majesty." Hela now represented Odin, so everyone saluted and called him that.

It's time for execution.

Hela walked to Udu and asked, "Udu, are you willing to repent?"

Udu suddenly sneered: "Odin is a man of all evils, and sooner or later he will die for the sins he committed!"

The light in Hela's hand surged, and a sharp axe slowly condensed from the air, with a cold light.

"Do you know what fate has told me, Odin's son." Udu continued, speaking faster and faster, his emotions became more and more excited, as if he wanted to finish his words before the head fell. " When Odin's hands are stained with the pure blood of his heirs, all evil will gather—"

He still couldn't finish his sentence.

Hela heard "when Odin's hands are stained with the pure blood of his sons", her face instantly turned pale, anger and fear flashed in her eyes, and then she picked up the axe.

Udu's words stopped abruptly, the corpse was divided into two parts, and a column of blood spurted out from the severed neck.

The death penalty is over.

Several soldiers stepped forward to clean up the execution ground, while Hela left silently without saying a word, the hand holding the axe trembling slightly.

Luo Wei, who was in the crowd, noticed her abnormal mood, and quickly went around the side of the execution ground and came to Hela at the corner of the road.

"What's the matter with you, Your Highness?"

When Hela saw him, the beheading axe that was still dripping with blood disappeared.

What Luo Wei never expected was that Hela suddenly stepped forward, hugged his neck, and buried his head tightly, his body trembling slightly.

Luo Wei was stunned for a while, and then he carefully placed his hand on Hela's back, gently stroking it for comfort, and asked, "What happened, Your Highness, can you tell me? It was Udu who told you. what?"

Hela didn't speak.

Luo Wei continued to comfort him: "It's just a death row prisoner. I know that I can't live, and I can't say anything. Don't take it to heart."

"I think what he said is true..." Hela lowered her head and released Rowe at the same time, looking calmer.

"What did he say?" Rowe asked again.

Hela hesitated for a while, and finally said: "He said... Odin's hands will be stained with the blood of the heirs."

Luo Wei was silent for a while was a little unsure of what to say.

Could it be that Odin and Hela turned against each other?

It does sound like...

"Other than that?" he said after a while.

Hela shook her head: "I didn't hear the second half of his sentence, I only remembered one word."

"What word?"


Luo Wei was at a loss, but he didn't ask any further. He only said: "The prophecy of fate has always been vague and often unexpected. After listening to the first half of the sentence, who knows what will happen. Such an example, history Doesn't it happen often?"

As he said that, he couldn't help but wonder.

What is the second half of Udo's sentence? What does it have to do with "Assembly"?