Chapter 253: 【Snow Demon】

Luo Wei was very surprised by the use of the US-style shield in his previous life. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he naturally wants to find out.

Brunnock laughed and didn't answer.

"I have a special flying shield skill, it's a secret," he said, moving the shield lightly on his fingertips, like a basketball.

Brunnock then changed the conversation: "However, if you can teach me Holy Light Magic, I will teach you the flying shield skills, how about it?"

Luo Wei patted him on the shoulder: "Forget it, it's a boring process."

He actually wanted to train a few apprentices of the Paladins, but without the help of the Holy Deed, ordinary people would not be able to master Holy Light magic.

If other people want to learn Holy Light magic, they must either have a noble character and are willing to sacrifice for justice, or they can only transform their physique and acquire the physical characteristics of Holy Light affinity.

Brunnock doesn't look like a person of lofty character. If he wants to be a Paladin, there is only one way to go.

Luo Wei's own physique transformation has only just started, how can he help others, especially the Protoss, it will definitely take a hundred years to transform his physique.

In the battle just past, the Asgard side undoubtedly won a big victory, not only killing many enemies, but also capturing the commander of the other side.

Therefore, in the next period of time, the camp was not attacked by the enemy again, but instead took the initiative to attack frequently.

On this day, after Luo Wei came back from the battle, he came to a certain place in the camp. There were some huge skeletons and remnants piled up here, which were divided from the corpse of the polar ice beast.

In the freezing environment of Jotunheim, a corpse can be placed casually for thousands of years, and naturally there is no such thing as decay.

The ice extreme beast is full of treasures, and its flesh and blood are also the best ingredients. It's not because of its delicious taste. In fact, the meat of powerful creatures such as ice extreme beasts and giant dragons cannot be delicious in any way.

Such creatures can become excellent ingredients only because of the abundant energy contained in their flesh and blood. Using them to supplement their physical strength is much stronger than other foods.

In addition, there has always been a saying in the Nine Realms that long-term consumption of this type of food can change the body. The reason why giant dragons are so rare is that a **** discovered this hundreds of millions of years ago.

But today people naturally have no way of verifying it, let alone the giant dragon that roams the universe, the Jotunheim Ice Beast, which is also a fairly rare creature, and no one has the opportunity to eat it for a long time.

"Chop this piece of meat." Luo Wei stretched out his hand and pointed to a piece of ice polar beast meat that was nearly one meter long, wide and high.

"Okay, Commander." The butcher immediately took out a two-meter long knife and began to cut. After a while, he cut the huge piece of meat into many small pieces the size of slabs, and then wrapped it up.

Rowe meat was put into the Sanctuary space.

These meats are naturally his food for Venom. During the battle, letting the venom free up to eat something can quickly restore some physical strength and holy light, and the effect is considerable.

In case of a hard fight, this preparation will surely play a big role.

A few days passed.

Luo Wei came to the command post of the camp. Some members of the command group, including Hela, were already present, and the commander's meeting started shortly after.

The meeting was not long, and several topics ended quickly.

In the end, Hela said: "...We received a letter yesterday, which was secretly sent by the nearby Snow Demon tribe."

"Snow Demon!" Some people were surprised.

Although the Frost Giant is the absolute master of Jotunheim, but Jotunheim is so big, there is not only one intelligent race, otherwise the "Light Spear Tribe Past" fabricated by Rowe would not be believed.

The Snow Demon is one of Jotunheim's intelligent beings, and is known to the outside world as a servant of the Frost Giant.

Hela continued: "Not long ago, the Frost Giant kidnapped the daughter of the Snow Demon clan's patriarch, and finally killed her. This made the Snow Demon Tribe angry with the Frost Giant and finally decided to secretly join us."

"The content of the letter is that the snow demon wants to invite me to discuss the alliance."

As soon as the words fell, Hoddle, one of the members of the command group, said: "I'm worried that this is a trap."

"But it's true that the frost giant killed the snow monster." Another person said, "It was Laufey's eldest son, Byrest, who was punished by Fabti for this. You should listen to this matter. Say it."

"My daughter was tortured and killed. I don't think it should be a feud."

"Then their invitation is too insincere." Someone said, "Since they asked us to form an alliance, they should come to us. Why did they let His Highness Hela go to their place? Are we worse than the snow demon's strength? Are they an ally?"

Luo Wei said at this time: "I don't think they don't want to come. The snow monsters are much more fragile than the frost giants, and the sun mirror in our camp may kill them directly. If we turn off the sun mirror, it will greatly increase the attack. risks of."

He spent a day in the ice-shaping tribe, and he also learned a lot about Jotunheim, and he knew about the snow demon race.

Snow Demon is the name of Asgard, and they call themselves Snow Elf.

The name Snow Elf sounds like a relatively beautiful image. In fact, this is indeed the case. Snow elves may be the most intelligent race in the Nine Realms. Regardless of men and women, most of them are soft and beautiful.

Therefore, the frost giants recruited a large number of snow demons as their attendants. Said to be a servant, but the real work does not need to think about it.

However, the snow demon is very fragile, and the tragedy of "accidentally playing to death" occurs from time to time. Laufey's eldest son, Byrest, is known for his tyrannical personality, so it's perfectly normal for this to happen.

Hoddle said: "Even so, UU Reading should not set the place of negotiation with their tribe. I think it should choose a location that can avoid the sun's mirrored heat, but not far from the camp."

"I think so too." Several people agreed.

"So we now need a messenger to send them a message to relocate the talks," Hela said.

"It would be nice if Heimd was here," said one person, which was also the voice of everyone.

Heimd mastered the power of speed and was naturally the best choice to be a messenger. In case of any danger, no one could catch up with oil on the soles of his feet. When others are messengers, they must take great risks.

Everyone said a few words to each other, and Hoddle said: "I think Rowe can be a messenger."

Luo Wei didn't participate in meetings very much, and he didn't speak much. Hearing that, he was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Hoddle looked at him blindly: "In my opinion, your life-saving ability may be stronger than Heimd."