Chapter 254: 【messenger】

"Holder is right, Rovi can block the meteorite attack of Mutehus. In the event of an accident, no one can deal with it better than him." Someone agreed.

As a paladin, he can resist, fight, and milk, and can wear cloth locks all-around. He is a well-deserved hob meat profession.

Most people have heard of Lovina's rich, diverse and even incredible life-saving methods. For example, the incident that Rowe led a team to resist the meteorite attack, even in the eyes of most Asgardians, is quite magical.

"And, Rowe, I remember you spent a few years alone in Jotunheim before. This experience is undoubtedly a valuable experience for the messenger." Another said.

Hela looked at Rowe: "Your opinion is..."

Luo Wei was silent for a moment, then simply nodded and said, "Since everyone thinks so, let me be the messenger."

He not only agreed outright, but even wanted to stand up, but after thinking about it, he found that there was nothing to stand up for, so he had to give up.

The next day, Luo Wei took Hela's letter and instructions and set off from the camp to the Snow Demon Tribe.

When he was in Jotunheim, he could only rely on one pair of feet to travel, but now he can fly, and the speed is naturally much faster.

And without changing the direction of travel, the magic floating cloak can fly by itself, so Luo Wei can completely sleep while on the road.

It's just that sometimes it hurts to bump into an iceberg...

This made Rowe couldn't help thinking, when will his magic floating cloak have its own consciousness like Doctor Strange's, so as to achieve true automatic flight.

A few days after starting from the camp, the magic floating cloak dragged Luo Wei to fly at a low altitude, the speed was neither fast nor slow, similar to a trot.

While flying, Rowe looked at the map of Jotunheim in his hand.

Jotunheim is full of blue sky and snow, and the recognition is extremely low. Ordinary maps are very troublesome to use.

Therefore, Luo Wei is holding a magic map in his hand at this time. This map can not only see the whole picture of Jotunheim, but also display the three-dimensional terrain of the nearby area. The effect presented is somewhat similar to what Luo Wei saw in his previous life. satellite navigation.

After flying for a while, a turbid area appeared on the map. The turbidity indicated that this area had not yet been explored, that is, the place that the gatekeepers of all dynasties such as Uller and Heimdall could not see.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The All-Seeing Eye can't see it, no doubt because of the existence of a magical barrier, which naturally means that this place is mostly a settlement of frost giants.

Of course, it may also be a natural magic barrier. Heimdall cannot see it at all than the area surrounded by liquid reality gems. However, natural magic barriers are rare, and it is estimated that divine objects such as infinite gems can produce this effect. . New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Rowe increased his speed and circumvented the area vigilantly.

After flying for almost another day, he arrived at his destination, on top of an ice hill, where he could vaguely see the buildings of the Snow Demon tribe.

The biggest feature of the buildings of the Snow Demon Tribe is that they are slender, just like the characteristics of this race.

After a while, Luo Wei's expression changed, he looked closely, and found a few light blue figures flying not far ahead.

When you get closer, you can see the appearance of these people. They are short in stature, and their average height should be only about 1.5 meters. They are not only short, but also slender, giving people a feeling of weakness.

Behind them are two pairs of crystal-like wings that are like cicada wings, giving them the ability to fly, although not very fast.

Naturally, these people are the snow demons... or according to their own words, the snow elves.

The leader was an old snow demon with a beard like snow under his jaw.

Among these snow monsters, the beard is the only sign that Rowe can identify his gender. The other snow demons are all soft and feminine in appearance.

To be on the safe side, Luo Wei directly acquiesced in his heart that they were all men.

If it is regarded as a beauty, if the truth is revealed and it is found that it is a man, wouldn't it be a huge harm to the three views?

"Honorable God Asa, I am Sommer, the patriarch of the Snow Elf tribe." The old man headed by the Snow Demon stopped and said respectfully.

Luo Wei: "Hello, I am the messenger of His Highness Hela, Luo Wei."

Patriarch Sommer nodded, stretched out his hand to invite: "Please come with me."

Luo Wei then entered his settlement with a few snow demons and came to the central hall.

Said to be the main hall, but as the building of the snow demon, it is actually not that big, even quite narrow.

After being seated in the hall, the snow demon brought some special food to Luo Wei, and Patriarch Sommer said, "Lord Luo Wei, since His Highness Hela sent a messenger, he must have agreed to our request."

Rowe: "Asgard is peace-loving. After learning what happened to the noble clan, we are of course willing to help you escape the clutches of the frost giants."

While speaking, he handed out a letter: "This is the reply letter from His Highness Hela."

Patriarch Sommer opened the letter and looked.

Luo Wei continued: "Although emotionally, we trust and are willing to help the snow... the snow elves, but we still have to be prepared We will not let His Highness Hela go to a place far from the camp. discuss."

Patriarch Sommer said: "It's not impossible to negotiate with the Asgard camp, as long as you turn off the sun mirror. Our snow elves are very sensitive to light and heat, and can't withstand the sun's heat at all."

"Closing the sun mirror will greatly increase the risk of attack on the camp." Rowe said, "Once the sun mirror is closed or destroyed, in the environment of Jotunheim, we will be at a great disadvantage against the frost giants. "

Patriarch Sommer was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's because we didn't think about it carefully, I'm sorry. Since that's the case, let's have a negotiation at the location mentioned in the letter."

The two talked a few more words, and Patriarch Sommer asked hesitantly, "After the war, about the ownership of Jotunheim..."

Rowe said with a smile: "This kind of thing is ultimately up to His Majesty Odin to decide. Of course, based on my personal guess, His Majesty Odin probably has no interest in a planet like Jotunheim."

Patriarch Sommer nodded: "Although the snow elves have limited power, we know the Frost Giants very well. We even know the layout of the Castle of Gastepony where Fabti is located... I believe this will be a pleasant cooperation. ."

The conversation between the two was not long, and Luo Wei successfully completed the mission of the messenger.

At the end, Somo, the patriarch of the snow demon, clapped his hand, and two beautiful long-haired snow demons walked in immediately outside the door, their waists twisting.

"This is..." Luo Wei was taken aback.

Sommer smiled and said, "Take the messenger to rest, Luo Wei is the honored guest of the Snow Elf, you must treat him well."